Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics
Pratt School of Engineering
Duke University

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Publications [#66488] of Nan M. Jokerst

Papers Published

  1. Augustine, G. and Jokerst, N.M. and Rohatgi, A., Single-crystal thin film InP: fabrication and absorption measurements, Appl. Phys. Lett. (USA), vol. 61 no. 12 (21), pp. 1429 - 31 [1.107560]
    (last updated on 2007/04/16)

    A new process for separating high quality single-crystal InP thin films from the growth substrate is reported. These thin films were used for transmission measurements to determine InP absorption coefficients above the band edge. Photoluminescence measurements performed on these films before and after the fabrication process verified that the high quality of the separated thin film was not affected by the fabrication process. Two n-type InP thin films, one with a doping concentration of 1.4×1017 cm-3 (1 μm thick) and the other with a doping concentration of 3.2×1018 cm-3 (2.5 μm thick), were grown and subsequently separated from the substrate. Using these separated films, the first direct transmission measurements of above band edge absorption coefficients in doped InP films are reported

    III-V semiconductors;indium compounds;light absorption;liquid phase epitaxial growth;luminescence of inorganic solids;optical constants;photoluminescence;semiconductor growth;semiconductor thin films;visible spectra of inorganic solids;

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