Kenneth A. Dodge
Publications of Kenneth A. Dodge :chronological alphabetical combined by type bibtex listing:
mental health
- Pettit, GS; Erath, SA; Lansford, JE; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Dimensions of social capital and life adjustment in the transition to early adulthood., International journal of behavioral development, vol. 35 no. 6 (November, 2011), pp. 482-489, ISSN 0165-0254 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, mental health]
- Appleyard, K; Berlin, LJ; Rosanbalm, KD; Dodge, KA, Preventing early child maltreatment: implications from a longitudinal study of maternal abuse history, substance use problems, and offspring victimization., Prev Sci, vol. 12 no. 2 (June, 2011), pp. 139-149 [21240556], [doi] [abs] [child maltreatment, substance abuse, violence prevention, child development, early childhood, mental health, parenting, violence]
- Lansford, JE; Criss, MM; Laird, RD; Shaw, DS; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA, Reciprocal relations between parents' physical discipline and children's externalizing behavior during middle childhood and adolescence., Development and psychopathology, vol. 23 no. 1 (February, 2011), pp. 225-238 [21262050], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, child maltreatment, mental health, parenting, problem behaviors, violence prevention]
- Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, The effects of the fast track preventive intervention on the development of conduct disorder across childhood., Child development, vol. 82 no. 1 (January, 2011), pp. 331-345, ISSN 0009-3920 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs] [child development, early childhood, mental health, problem behaviors, program evaluation, violence prevention]
- Deater Deckard, K; Lansford, JE; Malone, PS; Alampay, LP; Sorbring, E; Bacchini, D; Bombi, AS; Bornstein, MH; Chang, L; Di Giunta, L; Dodge, KA; Oburu, P; Pastorelli, C; Skinner, AT; Tapanya, S; Tirado, LMU; Zelli, A; Al Hassan, SM, The association between parental warmth and control in thirteen cultural groups, Journal of Family Psychology, vol. 25 no. 5 (2011), pp. 791-794, ISSN 0893-3200 [doi] [abs] [child development, mental health, early childhood, family structure, parenting, cross-cultural comparisons]
- Donahue, KL; D'Onofrio, BM; Bates, JE; Lansford, JE; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS, Early exposure to parents' relationship instability: implications for sexual behavior and depression in adolescence., The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, vol. 47 no. 6 (December, 2010), pp. 547-554, ISSN 1054-139X [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, domestic violence, family structure, mental health, parenting, problem behaviors]
- Yu, T; Pettit, GS; Lansford, JE; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, The Interactive Effects of Marital Conflict and Divorce on Parent-Adult Children's Relationships., Journal of marriage and the family, vol. 72 no. 2 (April, 2010), pp. 282-292, ISSN 0022-2445 [doi] [abs] [family structure, mental health, parenting, single parents]
- Pettit, GS; Lansford, JE; Malone, PS; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Domain specificity in relationship history, social-information processing, and violent behavior in early adulthood., Journal of personality and social psychology, vol. 98 no. 2 (February, 2010), pp. 190-200, ISSN 0022-3514 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, crime and delinquency, juvenile justice, mental health, problem behaviors, violence, violence prevention]
- Dodge, K.A., Book review: The Handbook of Clinical Child Neuropsychology, 3rd edition, edited by Edited by Cecil R. Reynolds and Elaine Fletcher-Janzen, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, vol. 72 no. 5 (2011), pp. 726 [child development, early childhood, gene-environment interaction, mental health, problem behaviors]
- Lanza; T, S; Rhoades; L, B; Nix; L, R; Greenberg; T, M; Group, TCPPR, Modeling the interplay of multilevel risk factors for future academic and behavior problems: A person-centered approach, Development and Psychopathology, vol. 22 (2010), pp. 313-335 [doi] [adolescence, child development, mental health, problem behaviors]
- McMahon; J, R; Witkiewitz; K; Kotler; S, J; Group, TCPPR, Predictive validity of callous-unemotional traits measured in early adolescence with respect to multiple antisocial outcomes, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, vol. 119 no. 4 (2010), pp. 752-763, American Psychological Association (APA) [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, crime and delinquency, gene-environment interaction, mental health, problem behaviors, substance abuse, violence]
- Erath, SA; Keiley, MK; Pettit, GS; Lansford, JE; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Behavioral predictors of mental health service utilization in childhood through adolescence., Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP, vol. 30 no. 6 (December, 2009), pp. 481-488, ISSN 0196-206X [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, mental health, problem behaviors]
- Fontaine, RG; Yang, C; Burks, VS; Dodge, KA; Price, JM; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, Loneliness as a partial mediator of the relation between low social preference in childhood and anxious/depressed symptoms in adolescence., Development and psychopathology, vol. 21 no. 2 (January, 2009), pp. 479-491, ISSN 0954-5794 [doi] [abs] [child development, adolescence, mental health]
- Kenny, DA; West, TV; Cillessen, AHN; Coie, JD; Dodge, KA; Hubbard, JA; Schwartz, D, Accuracy in judgments of aggressiveness., Personality & social psychology bulletin, vol. 33 no. 9 (September, 2007), pp. 1225-1236, ISSN 0146-1672 [17575243], [doi] [abs] [mental health]
- K.A. Dodge, Review of book: Dynamic assessment in practice: Clinical and educational applications, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, vol. 6 no. 2 (2007), pp. 313-315 [adolescence, child development, mental health, program evaluation]
- Dishion, T.J., Dodge, K.A., & Lansford, J.E., Findings and recommendations: A blueprint to minimize deviant peer influence in youth interventions and programs, in Deviant peer influences in programs for youth: Problems and solutions, edited by K.A. Dodge, T.J. Dishion, & J.E. Lansford (2006), pp. 366-394, Guilford Press [adolescence, mental health, peer influence]
- Dodge, K.A., & Sherrill, M.R., Deviant peer group effects in youth mental health interventions, in Deviant peer influences in programs for youth: Problems and solutions, edited by K.A. Dodge, T.J. Dishion, & J.E. Lansford (2006), pp. 97-121, Guilford Press [adolescence, mental health, peer influence]
- Ingoldsby; M, E; Kohl; O, G; McMahon; J, R; Lengua; L; Dodge, TCPPRGKA; member, Conduct problems, depressive symptomatology and their co-occurring presentation in childhood as predictors of adjustment in early adolescence, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, vol. 34 no. 5 (2006), pp. 603-621, ISSN 0091-0627 [doi] [abs] [child development, mental health, problem behaviors]
- Tolan, PH; Dodge, KA, Children's mental health as a primary care and concern: a system for comprehensive support and service., The American psychologist, vol. 60 no. 6 (September, 2005), pp. 601-614, ISSN 0003-066X [doi] [abs] [child development, mental health]
- Vitale, JE; Newman, JP; Bates, JE; Goodnight, J; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS, Deficient behavioral inhibition and anomalous selective attention in a community sample of adolescents with psychopathic traits and low-anxiety traits., Journal of abnormal child psychology, vol. 33 no. 4 (August, 2005), pp. 461-470, ISSN 0091-0627 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, mental health]
- Berlin, LJ; Dodge, KA, Relations among relationships. Invited commentary on "Child abuse and neglect and adult intimate relationships: A prospective study", Child Abuse and Neglect, vol. 28 (2004), pp. 1127-1132 [doi] [child abuse, mental health]
- McCarty; C; McMahon; J, R; Dodge, TCPPRGKA; member, Domains of risk in the developmental continuity of fire setting, Behavior Therapy, vol. 36 (2004), pp. 185-195 [doi] [child development, mental health, violence]
- Jones; D; Dodge; A, K; Foster; M, E; Nix; R; Group, TCPPR, Early Identification of Children at Risk for Costly Mental Health Service Use, Prevention Science, vol. 3 no. 4 (2002), pp. 247-256, ISSN 1389-4986 [doi] [abs] [early childhood, mental health]
- Reiter-Lavery, B., Rabiner, D., & Dodge, K.A., The State of Durham's Children 2000, Report to the Durham, North Carolina, Youth Coordinating Board (2000) [mental health]