Kenneth A. Dodge
Publications of Kenneth A. Dodge :recent first alphabetical combined by type bibtex listing:
- Steinberg, MD; Dodge, KA, Attributional bias in aggressive adolescent boys and girls, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, vol. 1 (1983), pp. 312-321 [adolescence, problem behaviors]
- Dodge, K.A., & Murphy, R.R., The assessment of social competence in adolescence, in Adolescent behavior disorders: Current perspectives. Advances in child behavioral analysis and therapy, 4, edited by P. Karoly & J.J. Steffen (1984), pp. 61-96, Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Company [adolescence, problem behaviors]
- Dodge, KA; Price, JM; Bachorowski, JA; Newman, JP, Hostile attributional biases in severely aggressive adolescents., Journal of abnormal psychology, vol. 99 no. 4 (November, 1990), pp. 385-392, ISSN 0021-843X [doi] [abs] [adolescence, problem behaviors]
- Dodge, KA; Lochman, JE; Harnish, JD; Bates, JE; Pettit, GS, Reactive and proactive aggression in school children and psychiatrically impaired chronically assaultive youth., Journal of abnormal psychology, vol. 106 no. 1 (February, 1997), pp. 37-51, ISSN 0021-843X [9103716], [doi] [abs] [cognitive neuroscience, adolescence]
- Laird, RD; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, The social ecology of school-age child care, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, vol. 19 no. 3 (1998), pp. 329-348 [available here] [abs] [adolescence, preschool, early childhood]
- Schwartz, D; McFadyen-Ketchum, SA; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, Peer group victimization as a predictor of children's behavior problems at home and in school., Development and psychopathology, vol. 10 no. 1 (January, 1998), pp. 87-99 [doi] [abs] [peer influence, problem behaviors, adolescence]
- Pettit, GS; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA; Meece, DW, The impact of after-school peer contact on early adolescent externalizing problems is moderated by parental monitoring, perceived neighborhood safety, and prior adjustment., Child development, vol. 70 no. 3 (May, 1999), pp. 768-778, ISSN 0009-3920 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, peer influence, problem behaviors, parenting]
- Laird, RD; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Best Friendships, Group Relationships, and Antisocial Behavior in Early Adolescence., The Journal of early adolescence, vol. 19 no. 4 (November, 1999), pp. 413-437, ISSN 0272-4316 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, antisocial behavior, peer influence]
- Laird, RD; Jordan, KY; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, Peer rejection in childhood, involvement with antisocial peers in early adolescence, and the development of externalizing behavior problems., Development and psychopathology, vol. 13 no. 2 (January, 2001), pp. 337-354 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, peer influence, antisocial behavior, problem behaviors]
- Pettit, GS; Laird, RD; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE; Criss, MM, Antecedents and behavior-problem outcomes of parental monitoring and psychological control in early adolescence., Child development, vol. 72 no. 2 (March, 2001), pp. 583-598 [available here], [doi] [abs] [child development, adolescence, parenting]
- Colwell, MJ; Pettit, GS; Meece, D; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA, Cumulative Risk and Continuity in Nonparental Care from Infancy to Early Adolescence., Merrill-Palmer quarterly (Wayne State University. Press), vol. 47 no. 2 (April, 2001), pp. 207-234 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, parenting, child maltreatment]
- Kaplow; B, J; Curran; J, P; Dodge; A, K; Group, TCPPR, Child, Parent, and Peer Predictors of Early-Onset Substance Use: A Multi-Site Longitudinal Study, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, vol. 30 no. 3 (2002), pp. 199-216, ISSN 0091-0627 [12041707], [doi] [abs] [child development, adolescence, peer influence, problem behaviors, cross-cultural comparisons]
- Dodge, K.A., Investing in the Prevention of Youth Violence, International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development Newsletter (2002) (special section on Aggression and Violence Among Children and Adolescents.) [adolescence, bullying, child development, violence prevention]
- Lansford, J.E., Dodge, K.A., Pettit, G.S., Bates, J.E., Crozier, J., & Kaplow, J., A 12-Year Prospective Study of the Long-Term Effects of Early Child Physical Maltreatment and Psychological Behavioral, and Academic Problems in Adolescence, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, vol. 156 (2002), pp. 824-830 [early childhood, child maltreatment, adolescence, problem behaviors]
- Fontaine, RG; Burks, VS; Dodge, KA, Response decision processes and externalizing behavior problems in adolescents., Development and psychopathology, vol. 14 no. 1 (January, 2002), pp. 107-122, ISSN 0954-5794 [11893088], [doi] [abs] [child development, problem behaviors, adolescence]
- Bierman, KL; Coie, JD; Dodge, KA; Greenberg, MT; Lochman, JE; McMahon, RJ; Pinderhughes, EE, Evaluation of the first 3 years of the Fast Track prevention trial with children at high risk for adolescent conduct problems., Journal of abnormal child psychology, vol. 30 no. 1 (February, 2002), pp. 19-35, ISSN 0091-0627 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, problem behaviors, program evaluation]
- Bates, J.E., Alexander, D., Oberlander, S., Dodge, K.A., and Petit, G.S., Antecedents of Sexual Activity at Ages 16 and 17 in a Community Sample Followed from Age 5, in Sexual Development, edited by J. Bancroft (2003), pp. 206-237, Bloomington: Indiana University Press [adolescence, child development]
- Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS, A biopsychosocial model of the development of chronic conduct problems in adolescence., Developmental psychology, vol. 39 no. 2 (March, 2003), pp. 349-371, ISSN 0012-1649 [12661890], [doi] [abs] [gene-environment interaction, adolescence, problem behaviors]
- Broidy, LM; Nagin, DS; Tremblay, RE; Bates, JE; Brame, B; Dodge, KA; Fergusson, D; Horwood, JL; Loeber, R; Laird, R; Lynam, DR; Moffitt, TE; Pettit, GS; Vitaro, F, Developmental trajectories of childhood disruptive behaviors and adolescent delinquency: a six-site, cross-national study., Developmental psychology, vol. 39 no. 2 (March, 2003), pp. 222-245 [doi] [abs] [child development, adolescence, crime and delinquency, demographics]
- Lansford, JE; Criss, MM; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Friendship Quality, Peer Group Affiliation, and Peer Antisocial Behavior as Moderators of the Link Between Negative Parenting and Adolescent Externalizing Behavior., Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence, vol. 13 no. 2 (May, 2003), pp. 161-184, ISSN 1050-8392 [20209019], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, peer influence, parenting, problem behaviors]
- Laird, RD; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA, Parents' monitoring-relevant knowledge and adolescents' delinquent behavior: evidence of correlated developmental changes and reciprocal influences., Child development, vol. 74 no. 3 (May, 2003), pp. 752-768 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, parenting, crime and delinquency]
- Laird, RD; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Change in parents' monitoring knowledge: Links with parenting, relationship quality, adolescent beliefs, and antisocial behavior, Social Development, vol. 12 no. 3 (August, 2003), pp. 401-419, WILEY [doi] [abs] [adolescence, parenting, problem behaviors]
- Meyer; L, A; Allison; W, K; Reese; E, L; Gay; N, F; Dodge, TMVPPKA; member, Choosing to be violence free in middle school: The student component of the GREAT Schools and Families Universal Program., American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 26 (2004), pp. 20-28 [available here] [adolescence, education, violence prevention]
- Hill, NE; Lansford, J; Castellino, DR; Nowlin, P; Dodge, KA; Bates, J; Petit, G, Parent-academic involvement as related to school behavior, achievement and aspirations: Demographic variations across adolescence, Child Development, vol. 75 no. 4 (2004), pp. 1491-1509, ISSN 0009-3920 [15369527], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, demographics, parenting, education]
- Lansford, JE; Deater-Deckard, K; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE; Pettit, GS, Ethnic differences in the link between physical discipline and later adolescent externalizing behaviors., Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, vol. 45 no. 4 (May, 2004), pp. 801-812, ISSN 0021-9630 [15056311], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, cross-cultural comparisons, child maltreatment]
- Raine, A; Dodge, KA; Loeber, R; Gatzke Kopp, L; Lynam, D; Reynolds, C; Stouthamer Loeber, M; Liu, J, The Reactive-Proactive Aggression (RPQ) Questionnaire: Differential correlates of reactive and proactive aggression in adolescent boys, Aggressive Behavior, vol. 32 no. 2 (2005), pp. 159-171, WILEY, ISSN 0096-140X [doi] [abs] [child development, adolescence, problem behaviors]
- Gifford Smith, M; Dodge, KA; Dishion, TJ; McCord, J, Peer influence in children and adolescents: Crossing the bridge between developmental and intervention science, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, vol. 33 no. 3 (2005), pp. 255-265, ISSN 0091-0627 [15957555], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, peer influence]
- Laird, RD; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Peer relationship antecedents of delinquent behavior in late adolescence: Is there evidence of demographic group differences in developmental processes?, Development and Psychopathology, vol. 17 no. 1 (2005), pp. 1-18 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, demographics, peer influence, problem behaviors]
- Dishion, TJ; Dodge, KA, Peer contagion in interventions for children and adolescents: moving towards an understanding of the ecology and dynamics of change., Journal of abnormal child psychology, vol. 33 no. 3 (June, 2005), pp. 395-400 [doi] [abs] [child development, adolescence, peer influence]
- Vitale, JE; Newman, JP; Bates, JE; Goodnight, J; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS, Deficient behavioral inhibition and anomalous selective attention in a community sample of adolescents with psychopathic traits and low-anxiety traits., Journal of abnormal child psychology, vol. 33 no. 4 (August, 2005), pp. 461-470, ISSN 0091-0627 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, mental health]
- Dishion, T.J., & Dodge, K.A., Deviant peer contagion in interventions and programs: An ecological framework for understanding influence mechanisms, in Deviant peer influences in programs for youth: Problems and solutions, edited by K.A. Dodge, T.J. Dishion, & J.E. Lansford (2006), pp. 14-43, Guilford Press [adolescence, peer influence]
- Dishion, T.J., Dodge, K.A., & Lansford, J.E., Findings and recommendations: A blueprint to minimize deviant peer influence in youth interventions and programs, in Deviant peer influences in programs for youth: Problems and solutions, edited by K.A. Dodge, T.J. Dishion, & J.E. Lansford (2006), pp. 366-394, Guilford Press [adolescence, mental health, peer influence]
- Dodge, K.A., & Sherrill, M.R., Deviant peer group effects in youth mental health interventions, in Deviant peer influences in programs for youth: Problems and solutions, edited by K.A. Dodge, T.J. Dishion, & J.E. Lansford (2006), pp. 97-121, Guilford Press [adolescence, mental health, peer influence]
- Dodge, K.A., Coie, J.D., & Lynam, D., Aggression and antisocial behavior in youth, in Handbook of Child Psychology, Vol. 3: Social, Emotional, and Personality Development, 6th edition, edited by W. Damon (Series Ed.), & N. Eisenberg (Vol. Ed.) (2006), pp. 719-788, Wiley [adolescence, problem behaviors]
- Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (K.A. Dodge, member), The Fast Track Project: Toward the prevention of severe conduct problems in school-aged youth., in Strengthening families: different evidence-based approaches to support child mental health., edited by N. Heinrichs, K. Hahlweg, & M. Dopfner (2006), pp. 439-477, Psychotherapie Verlag [adolescence, problem behaviors, substance abuse]
- Pettit, GS; Bates, JE; Holtzworth-Munroe, A; Marshall, AD; Harach, LD; Cleary, DJ; Dodge, KA, Aggression and insecurity in late adolescent romantic relationships: Antecedents and developmental pathways, in Developmental Contexts in Middle Childhood: Bridges to Adolescence and Adulthood, edited by A.C. Huston & M.N. Ripke, vol. 9780521845571 (January, 2006), pp. 41-61, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780521845571 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, violence]
- Dodge, KA; Malone, PS; Lansford, JE; Miller-Johnson, S; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, Toward a dynamic developmental model of the role of parents and peers in early onset substance use, in Families count: Effects on child and adolescent development, edited by A. Clarke-Stewart and J. Dunn (January, 2006), pp. 104-132, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780521847537 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, parenting, substance abuse]
- Henry; B, D; Miller-Johnson; S; Simon; R, T; Schoeny; E, M; Dodge, TM-SVPPKA; member, Validity of teacher ratings in selecting influential aggressive adolescents for a targeted preventive intervention, Prevention Science, vol. 7 no. 1 (January, 2006), pp. 31-41 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, bullying, education, problem behaviors, violence prevention]
- Goodnight, JA; Bates, JE; Newman, JP; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS, The interactive influences of friend deviance and reward dominance on the development of externalizing behavior during middle adolescence., Journal of abnormal child psychology, vol. 34 no. 5 (October, 2006), pp. 573-583, ISSN 0091-0627 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, peer influence]
- Hillemeier; M; Foster; M, E; Heinrichs; B; Heier; Dodge, TCPPRGKA; member, Racial differences in the measurement of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder behaviors, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, vol. 28 (2007), pp. 353-361 [doi] [cross-cultural comparisons, problem behaviors, ADHD, adolescence, early childhood]
- Dodge, KA; Sherrill, MR, The Interaction of Nature and Nurture in Antisocial Behavior, in CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF VIOLENT BEHAVIOR AND AGGRESSION, edited by D. Flannery, A. Vazonsyi, & I. Waldman (2007), pp. 215-242, Cambridge University Press, New York [child development, adolescence, problem behaviors]
- K.A. Dodge, Review of book: Dynamic assessment in practice: Clinical and educational applications, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, vol. 6 no. 2 (2007), pp. 313-315 [adolescence, child development, mental health, program evaluation]
- Pettit, GS; Keiley, MK; Laird, RD; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA, Predicting the developmental course of mother-reported monitoring across childhood and adolescence from early proactive parenting, child temperament, and parents' worries., Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), vol. 21 no. 2 (June, 2007), pp. 206-217, ISSN 0893-3200 [doi] [abs] [parenting, adolescence]
- Schofield; T, HL; Bierman; L, K; Heinrichs; B; Nix; L, R; Dodge, TCPPRGKA; member, Predicting early sexual activity with behavior problems exhibited at school entry and in preadolescence, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, vol. 36 no. 8 (2008), pp. 1175-1188 [doi] [abs] [early childhood, adolescence, problem behaviors]
- Jones; D; Foster; M, E; member, TCPPRGKAD, Service use patterns for adolescents with ADHD and comorbid conduct disorder, Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, vol. 36 no. 4 (2008), pp. 436-449 (in press.) [doi] [abs] [adolescence, ADHD, problem behaviors]
- Slough, NM; McMahon, RJ; Bierman, KL; Coie, JD; Dodge, KA; Foster, EM; Greenberg, MT; Lochman, JE; Pinderhughes, EE, Preventing Serious Conduct Problems in School-Age Youths: The Fast Track Program., Cognitive and behavioral practice, vol. 15 no. 1 (February, 2008), pp. 3-17, ISSN 1077-7229 [19890487], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, problem behaviors]
- Fontaine, RG; Yang, C; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE; Pettit, GS, Testing an individual systems model of response evaluation and decision (RED) and antisocial behavior across adolescence., Child development, vol. 79 no. 2 (March, 2008), pp. 462-475, ISSN 0009-3920 [18366434], [doi] [abs] [systems model, response evaluation and decision, antisocial behavior, adolescence]
- Laird, RD; Criss, MM; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Parents' monitoring knowledge attenuates the link between antisocial friends and adolescent delinquent behavior., Journal of abnormal child psychology, vol. 36 no. 3 (April, 2008), pp. 299-310, ISSN 0091-0627 [doi] [abs] [parenting, peer influence, adolescence]
- Crozier, JC; Dodge, KA; Fontaine, RG; Lansford, JE; Bates, JE; Pettit, GS; Levenson, RW, Social information processing and cardiac predictors of adolescent antisocial behavior., Journal of abnormal psychology, vol. 117 no. 2 (May, 2008), pp. 253-267, ISSN 0021-843X [18489202], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, problem behaviors]
- Fite, JE; Goodnight, JA; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS, Adolescent aggression and social cognition in the context of personality: impulsivity as a moderator of predictions from social information processing., Aggressive behavior, vol. 34 no. 5 (September, 2008), pp. 511-520, ISSN 0096-140X [doi] [abs] [adolescence, violence]
- Dodge, KA, Framing public policy and prevention of chronic violence in American youths., The American psychologist, vol. 63 no. 7 (October, 2008), pp. 573-590, ISSN 0003-066X [18855489], [doi] [abs] [public policy, adolescence, early childhood]
- Dodge, KA; Greenberg, MT; Malone, PS; Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, Testing an idealized dynamic cascade model of the development of serious violence in adolescence., Child development, vol. 79 no. 6 (November, 2008), pp. 1907-1927 [19037957], [doi] [abs] [violence, adolescence]
- Miller-Johnson; S; Gorman-Smith; D; Sullivan; T; Orpinas; P; Dodge, TM-SVPPKA; member, Parent and peer predictors of physical dating violence perpetration in early adolescence: Tests of moderation and gender differences, Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, vol. 38 no. 4 (2009), pp. 535-550 [doi] [adolescence, parenting, peer influence, violence prevention]
- Fontaine, RG; Yang, C; Dodge, KA; Pettis, GS; Bates, JE, Development of response evaluation and decision (RED) and antisocial behavior in childhood and adolescence, Developmental Psychology, vol. 45 no. 2 (2009), pp. 447-459, ISSN 0012-1649 [doi] [abs] [child development, adolescence, problem behaviors]
- Dodge, TMVPPKA; member, The ecological effects of universal and selective violence prevention programs for middle school students: A randomized trial, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, vol. 77 no. 3 (2009), pp. 526.-542., ISSN 0022-006X [doi] [abs] [violence prevention, adolescence]
- Jones, D., Foster, E.M., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, Service use patterns for adolescents with ADHD and comorbid conduct disorder, Journal of Behavioral Health Service and Research, vol. 36 no. 4 (2009), pp. 436-449 [doi] [ADHD, adolescence, problem behaviors]
- Prinstein, M.J., & Dodge, K.A., Understanding Peer Influence in Children and Adolescents (2008), Guilford Press, New York [child development, adolescence, peer influence, early childhood]
- Lansford, J.E., Dishion, T.J., & Dodge, K.A., Deviant peer clustering and influence within public school settings: Inadvertent negative outcomes from traditional professional practices, in Interventions for achievement and behavior in a three-tier model including response to intervention, edited by Shinn, M.R., Walker, H.M., & Stoner, G. (In press), National Association for School Psychologists Press, Bethesda, MD [adolescence, peer influence, education]
- Fontaine, RG; Yang, C; Burks, VS; Dodge, KA; Price, JM; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, Loneliness as a partial mediator of the relation between low social preference in childhood and anxious/depressed symptoms in adolescence., Development and psychopathology, vol. 21 no. 2 (January, 2009), pp. 479-491, ISSN 0954-5794 [doi] [abs] [child development, adolescence, mental health]
- Erath, SA; Keiley, MK; Pettit, GS; Lansford, JE; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Behavioral predictors of mental health service utilization in childhood through adolescence., Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP, vol. 30 no. 6 (December, 2009), pp. 481-488, ISSN 0196-206X [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, mental health, problem behaviors]
- Lanza; T, S; Rhoades; L, B; Nix; L, R; Greenberg; T, M; Group, TCPPR, Modeling the interplay of multilevel risk factors for future academic and behavior problems: A person-centered approach, Development and Psychopathology, vol. 22 (2010), pp. 313-335 [doi] [adolescence, child development, mental health, problem behaviors]
- Fontaine, RG; Yang, C; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, Development of response evaluation and decision (RED) and antisocial behavior in childhood and adolescence, Developmental Psychology, vol. 38 (2010), pp. 615-626 [doi] [adolescence, child development, early childhood, problem behaviors]
- McMahon; J, R; Witkiewitz; K; Kotler; S, J; Group, TCPPR, Predictive validity of callous-unemotional traits measured in early adolescence with respect to multiple antisocial outcomes, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, vol. 119 no. 4 (2010), pp. 752-763, American Psychological Association (APA) [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, crime and delinquency, gene-environment interaction, mental health, problem behaviors, substance abuse, violence]
- Pettit, GS; Lansford, JE; Malone, PS; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Domain specificity in relationship history, social-information processing, and violent behavior in early adulthood., Journal of personality and social psychology, vol. 98 no. 2 (February, 2010), pp. 190-200, ISSN 0022-3514 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, crime and delinquency, juvenile justice, mental health, problem behaviors, violence, violence prevention]
- Dodge, KA; McCourt, SN, Translating models of antisocial behavioral development into efficacious intervention policy to prevent adolescent violence., Developmental psychobiology, vol. 52 no. 3 (April, 2010), pp. 277-285 [20175096], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, crime and delinquency, juvenile justice, problem behaviors, violence prevention]
- Lansford, JE; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, Does physical abuse in early childhood predict substance use in adolescence and early adulthood?, Child maltreatment, vol. 15 no. 2 (May, 2010), pp. 190-194 [20019026], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child maltreatment, early childhood, problem behaviors, substance abuse]
- Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, Fast Track intervention effects on youth arrests and delinquency., Journal of experimental criminology, vol. 6 no. 2 (June, 2010), pp. 131-157, ISSN 1573-3750 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, crime and delinquency, juvenile justice, problem behaviors, violence, violence prevention]
- Edwards, AC; Dodge, KA; Latendresse, SJ; Lansford, JE; Bates, JE; Pettit, GS; Budde, JP; Goate, AM; Dick, DM, MAOA-uVNTR and early physical discipline interact to influence delinquent behavior., Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, vol. 51 no. 6 (June, 2010), pp. 679-687, ISSN 0021-9630 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, crime and delinquency, early childhood, gene-environment interaction, juvenile justice, problem behaviors]
- Lansford, JE; Malone, PS; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, Developmental cascades of peer rejection, social information processing biases, and aggression during middle childhood., Development and psychopathology, vol. 22 no. 3 (August, 2010), pp. 593-602 [20576181], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, bullying, child development, education, peer influence, problem behaviors]
- Miller, S; Malone, PS; Dodge, KA; Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, Developmental trajectories of boys' and girls' delinquency: sex differences and links to later adolescent outcomes., Journal of abnormal child psychology, vol. 38 no. 7 (October, 2010), pp. 1021-1032, ISSN 0091-0627 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, crime and delinquency, girls aggression, problem behaviors]
- Wu, J; Witkiewitz, K; McMahon, RJ; Dodge, KA; Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, A parallel process growth mixture model of conduct problems and substance use with risky sexual behavior., Drug and alcohol dependence, vol. 111 no. 3 (October, 2010), pp. 207-214, ISSN 0376-8716 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, problem behaviors, substance abuse]
- Donahue, KL; D'Onofrio, BM; Bates, JE; Lansford, JE; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS, Early exposure to parents' relationship instability: implications for sexual behavior and depression in adolescence., The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, vol. 47 no. 6 (December, 2010), pp. 547-554, ISSN 1054-139X [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, domestic violence, family structure, mental health, parenting, problem behaviors]
- Dodge, K.A., Processes in the prevention of crime and delinquency, in Controlling crime: Strategies and tradeoffs (pp.407-418), edited by P. J. Cook, J. Ludwig, & J. McCrary (Eds.) (2011), Chicago: University of Chicago Press [adolescence, juvenile justice, problem behaviors, violence prevention, crime and delinquency]
- Dodge, K.A., Social information processing models of aggressive behavior, in Understanding and reducing aggression, violence, and their consequences (pp. 165-186), edited by M. Mikulncer & P.R. Shaver (Eds.) (2011), Washington, DC: American Psychological Association [child development, early childhood, adolescence, problem behaviors]
- Lansford, JE; Criss, MM; Laird, RD; Shaw, DS; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA, Reciprocal relations between parents' physical discipline and children's externalizing behavior during middle childhood and adolescence., Development and psychopathology, vol. 23 no. 1 (February, 2011), pp. 225-238 [21262050], [doi] [abs] [adolescence, child development, child maltreatment, mental health, parenting, problem behaviors, violence prevention]
- Pettit, GS; Erath, SA; Lansford, JE; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Dimensions of social capital and life adjustment in the transition to early adulthood., International journal of behavioral development, vol. 35 no. 6 (November, 2011), pp. 482-489, ISSN 0165-0254 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, mental health]
- Makin-Byrd, K; Bierman, KL; Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, Individual and family predictors of the perpetration of dating violence and victimization in late adolescence., Journal of youth and adolescence, vol. 42 no. 4 (April, 2013), pp. 536-550 [doi] [abs] [adolescence, family structure, problem behaviors, child development]