Math @ Duke
Curriculum Vitae
John HarerClick here for a printer-ready version, or
download as a PDF or Word file.-
Box 90320, Durham, NC 27708-0034
- Education
Ph.D. | University of California, Berkeley | 1979 |
BS | Haverford College | 1974 |
B.A. | Haverford College | 1974 |
- Areas of Research
Computational Topology, Computational Biology, Algorithms
- Areas of Interest
- Computational Biology
Computational Topology Dynamics on Networks Algorithms
- Professional Experience / Employment History
- Duke University
- Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2011 - present
- Director, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Program, Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy, 2008 - present
- Director, Center for Computational Science, Engineering and Medicine, 2002 - 2007
- Professor of Computer Science, Computer Science, 2001 - present
- Secondary Appointment
- Vice-Provost for Acdemic Affairs, July 01, 1999 - December 31, 2004
- Department Chair, Mathematics, July 01, 1994 - June 30, 1999
- Professor of Mathematics, Mathematics, 1993 - present
- Washington and Lee University
- Professor, Mathematics Chair, Rupert Distinguished Professor, Mathematics, 1991 - 1992
- University of Michigan
- Professor, Mathematics, 1989 - 1991
- Associate Professor, Mathematics, 1985 - 1989
- University of Maryland
- Assistant Professor, Mathematics, 1983 - 1985
- Columbia University
- Ritt Assistant Professor, Mathematics, 1979 - 1983
- Visiting Positions
- Visitor, Institute Curie, July 01, 2007 - June 30, 2008
- Professor, Scuola Normale Superiore, 1997 - 1998
- Professor, Duke University, 1992 - 1993
- Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
Henry Russell Award, University of Michigan, July, 1988
Faculty Recognition Award, University of Michigan, July, 1987
Fellowship, Sloane Foundation, July, 1987
Postdoctoral Fellowship, NSF, July, 1983
- Recent Grant Support
- Geometric and Topological Methods for Multi-Modal Data Analysis and Fusion, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, FA9550-18-1-0266, 2018/06-2023/06.
- Geometric and Topological Methods for Multi-Modal Data Analysis and Fusion, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, FA9550-18-1-0266, 2018/06-2023/06.
- Professional Service
- A&S Council
- Conflict of Interest Committee, 2013 - present
- Review Committee for Dean of Engineering, 2011 - 2012
- CBB Admissions Committee, 2008 - 2012
- CBB Advisory Comittee, 2008 - 2012
- Computational Biology and Bioinformatics PhD Program, 2008 - 2012
- Modeling Biological Systems Undergraduate Certificate, 2008 - 2011
- Thesis Committee - Jacob Frelinger - CBB, December 2010
- Thesis Committee - Ying Zheng- CS, December 2010
- Thesis Committee - Andreas Pfenning - CBB, December 2010
- Center for Systems Biology, December 2010
- Center for Systems Biology Steering Committee, December 2008
- Nescent Director Search Committee, October 2008
- Associate Director, Center for Systems Biology Steering Committee, 2006 - 2007
- University Committee
- Review Committee for Brittany Fasy, October 2008
- Computational Biology Section Proposal, December 2007
- AP&T, September 1, 2005 - June 30, 2007
- Departmental Computing Support, September, 2005 - May, 2006
- Chair, Strategic Planning for Research Computing, August, 2005 - May, 2006
- Chair, Task Force for Computation and Data Analysis in the Social Sciences, January 01, 2005 - July 01, 2005
- B&B Chair Search Committee, 1999 - July 01, 2005
- Research Committee, September, 2005 - May, 2005
- Academic Space Committee, 2003 - December 31, 2004
- Global Change Steering Committee, 2000 - December 31, 2004
- Member, Academic Priorities Committee, 1999 - December 31, 2004
- Provost's Inner Staff, 1999 - December 31, 2004
- Duke Forest Advisory Committee, 1999 - December 31, 2004
- Project Advisory Committee for French Science Center, 2003 - 2004
- Materials Science Governance Committee, 2000 - 2004
- Review Committee for Dean of Pratt School of Engineering, 2002 - 2003
- IGSP Director Search, 1999 - 2003
- IGSP Leadership Committee, July 01, 1999 - July 01, 2003
- Search Committee for Dean of the Nicholas School of the Environment, 2000 - 2001
- Chair, CBCB Director Search Committee, 2000 - 2001
- Strategic Planning Oversight Committee, 1999 - 2001
- Chair, Science and Engineering Working Group, 1999 - 2001
- Dept Committee
- Nolan Promotion Committee, 2014 - present
- Appointments Committee, 1993 - present
- Chair, Layton Full Professor Promotion, December 2014
- Committee to write basic linear algebra exam, 2011 - 2012
- Chair, A. Layton Tenure Committee, December 2011
- Paul Magwene Tenure Committee, December 2011
- Applied ARP, 2010-2011
- Applied ARP, 2009-2010
- Maggioni Promotion Committee, December 2009
- Renewal for Mauro Maggioni, October 2008
- Mathematical Biology Search Commitee, 2004 - 2005
- Papers Refereed
- Refereed numerous papers, 1993 - present
- Department Review, Mathematics, University of Montana Bozeman, December 2014
- Chief Organizer, Workshop for Data Analytics and Cyber Security, October, 2014
- Chairman : Board of Trustees, London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Chairman : Board of Trustees, London Institute for Mathematical Sciences. 2013, 2013 - 2014
- Consultant to RESCON, Ltd., Consultant to RESCON, Ltd.. December 22, 2013, December 2013
- Program Review Committee - MBI, Program Review Committee - MBI. December 22, 2013, December 2013
- Organizer : Workshops of the Mathematics of Cyber for NSF, Organizer : Workshops of the Mathematics of Cyber for NSF. 2013, 2013
- Member of 3 person organizing committee : Workshop on Topological Data Analysis - IMA, Member of 3 person organizing committee : Workshop on Topological Data Analysis - IMA. October, 2016, October, 2013
- Panel Member : NSF Review Panel - CDS&E program, Panel Member : NSF Review Panel - CDS&E program. December 18, 2012, December 2012
- Consultant to ARGON ST, Consultant to ARGON ST. 2011 - 2012, 2011 - 2012
- Consultant to Grassroots Technology, Consultant to Grassroots Technology. 2009 - 2011, 2009 - 2011
- NSF Reviews And Panels
- Participant, NSF Workshop in Mathematics and Robotics, 2000
- Math Community Services
- Review Committee for all Tulane PhD science programs, Review Committee for all Tulane PhD science programs. March, 2013, 1 March 2013
- Review Committee for all Tulane PhD science programs, December 22, 2013
- Univ Services
- Committee for Vice Provost for Research, 10 December 2013
- SAMSI Scienctific Advisory Committee, 2004 - 2010
- Director, Center for Computational Science, Engineering and Medicine, 2001 - 2007
- Search Committee for A&S IT director, December 2005
- Board Member, NISS Board of Trustees, 2002 - 2005
- Reviewer for Research Day, March 30, 2005
- Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs, Provost's Office:, July 01, 1999 - February 28, 2005
- TUCASI, July 1, 1999 - January 01, 2005
- Member, SAMSII Board of Govenors, 2003 - December 31, 2004
- Chief Staff, Academic Affairs Committee - Duke Board of Trustees, July 01, 1999 - December 31, 2004
- Chair, DFELL Advisory Committee, 1999 - 2004
- Reviewer for Research Day, March, 2004
- Search Committee for Neural Analysis Faculty - BME, 2002
- Search Committee for Vice-Provost for Research, 2001
- Chair, Committee on Academic Practices and Policies, North Carolina School of Science and Math Board of Trustees, 1999 - 2001
- Strategic Planning Process Coordinator, 1999 - 2001
- Selected Recent Invited Talks
- Topological Data Analysis, NCState, November 24, 2014
- Topological Data Analysis, ICERM (Brown University), October 23, 2014
- Topological Data Analysis and Machine Learning for Behavioral Description, Air Force Research Lab - Rome NY, August 12, 2014
- Topological Data Analysis, CCR Princeton, May 8, 2014
- Topological Data Analysis, Valley Tech Systems, May 5, 2014
- Topological Data Analysis, APL - JHU, April 17, 2014
- Inferring Control from Topology & Data, AFOSR Annual Review, DC, December 17, 2013
- Topological Data Analysis, Raytheon Corporation, Woburn Mass, July, 2013
- Finding Gene Regulatory Networks and Their Parameters from Time Series Gene Expression Data, Duke - National University of Singapore, June 11, 2013
- Learning Tracks and Group Behavior, Melbourne University - Defence Sciences Institute, June, 2013
- Persistent Homology of Time-Delay Embeddings, Melbourne University - Defence Sciences Institute, June, 2013
- Topological Data Analysis, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, June, 2013
- Topological Data Analysis, Melbourne University - Defence Sciences Institute, June, 2013
- Topological Data Analysis, Duke University - LAS Leadership Visit, May 31, 2013
- DARPA BIochronicity: Biochronicity: Time, evolution, networks, and function, Arlington, Va., May, 2013
- Topology for Tracking, APL, March 15, 2013
- Obstruction Theory and Quantum Information, Oxford University, March, 2013
- Topology and Security, London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, March, 2013
- Topological Data Analysis, Haverford College, February, 2013
- Topological Data Analysis,, UNCG, February, 2013
- Inferring Control from Topology & Data, AFOSR Annual Review, DC, December 21, 2012
- Building Regulatory Networks for Periodic Procceses, Duke Systems Biology Seminar, November, 2012
- Building Regulatory Networks _x000B_for Periodic Procceses, Duke Systems Biology Seminar, 1 November 2012
- Frechet means for persistence diagrams and vineyads, BIRS, October, 2012
- Mathematical Ideas in the Life Sciences Modeling Cellular Clocks, DIMACS (Rutgers), September, 2012
- Topological Data Analysis, Applied Communication Sciences, September, 2012
- Building Gene Regulatory Networks for Periodic Processes, Duke CBB, August, 2012
- DARPA Biochronicity: Toward Building a Unified Biological Clock and Understanding its Response to External Factors, Seattle, August, 2012
- DARPA BIochronicity: Biochronicity: Time, evolution, networks, and function, Duke University, May 08, 2012
- DARPA Biochronicity Kick-Off: Biochronicity: Time, evolution, networks, and function, San Diego, February, 2012
- DARPA Biochronicity: Algorithms and methods of discovering periodicity in biological datasets, San Diego, February, 2012
- Time Series, Time Varying Data, Geometry and Topology, Incline Village, Nevada, February, 2012
- Topological & Geometric Structure in Noisy Data, Incline Village, Nevada, February, 2012
- Inferring Control from Topology & Data, AFOSR Annual Review, November 29, 2011
- Structure in Noisy Data, Siam Conference NCState University, October 7, 2011
- Structure in Data, Duke RTG Seminar, September 8, 2011
- Modeling Gene Networks, DARPA Fun Bio Final Review, August 29, 2011
- Networks That Self-Heal: Slime Molds in Action, Duke RTG Seminar, May 19, 2011
- Structure in Data, Johns Hopkins Advanced Physics Laboratory, May 17, 2011
- Statistics on Persistence Diagrams, Ohio State Computatiional Geometry Seminar, April 09, 2011
- Structure in Data, Ohio State Colloquium, April 8, 2011
- Structure in Data, Virginia Tech Colloquium, April 1, 2011
- Community Network - Biological Inspiration, Princeton University, 17 December 2010
- Community Network -_x000B_Biological Inspiration, Princeton University, 17 December 2010
- Computational Topology Methods for Dimension Reduction, Duke Univesity, 17 December 2010
- Computational Topology _x000B_Methods for _x000B_Dimension Reduction, Duke Univesity, 17 December 2010
- Control of the Yeast Cell Cycle, Dana Point California, 17 December 2010
- FunBio - Biologically Inspiration for Networks, Princeton University, 17 December 2010
- FunBio_x000B_- Biologically Inspiration_x000B_for Networks, Princeton University, 17 December 2010
- Inferring Control from Topology and Data, AFOSR annual program review, Arlington, VA, November 29, 2010
- Self-Healing Networks, London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, June, 2010
- Network Node FunBio, DARPA FunBio Annual Review -Dana Point California, January, 2010
- Persistent Local Homology for Root Shape, Duke University Workshop on Plant Root Architecture, October 01, 2009
- Dynamics of Biological Models of Gene Regulator y Networks, Curie Institute, Paris, August 10, 2009
- Finding Cycles in Boolean Networks, London Institute of Mathematical Sciences, June 11, 2009
- Plant Root Architecture, Georgia Tech, May 27, 2009
- Dynamics on Biological Networks, Duke FunBio DARPA Meeting, April 3, 2009
- Persistence, Point Clouds and Local Homology, George Washington University, March 23, 2009
- Gene Regulatory Network Clocks., Duke University Systems Biology Seminar, March 18, 2009
- Persistence, Point Clouds and Local Homology, Rutgers - IAS Workshop, March 04, 2009
- Persistent Homology and Applications, Dept of Mathematics, UNCG, November 10, 2008
- How do Biological Networks Keep Time, CBB Retreat, Sept, 2008
- Persistence, Point Clouds and Local Homology, Ecole Normale Superior, March, 2008
- Persistent Intersection Homology, INRIA - Sophia Antipolis, June, 2008
- Persistent Homology for root shape description, DARPA TDA meeting - San Diego, December, 2007
- Topology and Biology, DARPA FunBio meeting - San Diego, December, 2007
- Topological Persistence, Rutgers University, November, 2006
- Persistence for Image Analysis, MSRI, October, 2006
- Extended Persistence with Applications, MSRI, September, 2006
- Discovering Stratified Structures in Datasets, DARPA meeting - Santa Barbara, May, 2006
- Discovering stratified structure using local homology, DARPA meeting, Duke University, December 15, 2005
- Using flattening for surface comparison, NIST site review, Geomagic, RTP, November 29, 2005
- Extended Persistence and Intersection Homology, DARPA meeting, San Raphael, California, October 30, 2005
- 2004 IMA New Directions Short Course in Computational Topology, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, July 6-16, 2004 [available here]
- Extreme elevation on a 2-manifold, ACM Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, SCG 2004, 15 December 2004 [htm]
- Time-varying Contour Trees for Continuous Space-Time Data, ACM Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, SCG 2004, 15 December 2004 [htm]
- HPRM: A Hierarchical PRM, International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2003 [available here]
- Loops in Reeb Graphs of 2-Manifolds, 19th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2003 [html]
- Morse Complexes for Piecewise Linear 3-Manifolds, 19th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2003
- Workshop on Computaional Topology, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, Oct 21-25, 2002 [available here]
- Combinatorial Morse Theory and Persistence, with Applications to Distinguishing Noise from Feature, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, Feb, 2001 [html]
- Conference on Algebraic Topological Methods in Computer Science, Stanford University, 2001 [html]
- Minimal Trap Design, ICRA 2001 , Seoul, 2001
- Doctoral Theses Directed
- Anne Collins, Configuration Spaces in Robotic Manipulation and Motion Planning, (2002)
- Chris Odden, (1997)
- Joel Foisy, (1996)
- Publications (listed separately)
Last modified: 2025/03/11 |
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Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320