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Kang Liu, Professor of Asian and African Languages and Literature

Kang Liu

My research interests: Marxism and aesthetics, globalization, ideologies, cultural politics and media in China

Contact Info:
Office Location:  2204 Erwin Rd Room 210, Box 90414, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: send me a message

Office Hours:

Teaching at DKU Fall 15

Ph.D.University of Wisconsin, Madison1989
M.A.University of Wisconsin, Madison1984
B.A.Nanjing University (China)1982

Research Interests:

My research interests: Marxism and aesthetics, globalization, ideologies, cultural politics and media in China



Curriculum Vitae
Recent Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Kang, L, Chinese Exceptionalism, in The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Language and Culture (March, 2024), pp. 113-125, Routledge [doi]
  2. Liu, K; Wei, D, Americanization of French Theory and the Rise of “Chinese Postism”, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, vol. 28 no. 1 (January, 2024), pp. 20-29 [doi]  [abs]
  3. Liu, K, Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation: Postscript, CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture, vol. 25 no. 3 Special Issue (December, 2023) [doi]
  4. Liu, K, Introduction: China question of western theory, CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture, vol. 22 no. 5 (December, 2020), pp. 1-5 [doi]  [abs]
  5. Liu, K, Introduction: Rethinking critical theory and maoism, CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture, vol. 20 no. 3 (September, 2018) [doi]  [abs]

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