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Publications of Brandon A. Kohrt    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. Dyer, AR; Kohrt, BA; Candilis, PJ. Global mental health ethics. May, 2021. 1-402 pp. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Kohrt, BA; Mendenhall, E. Global mental health: Anthropological perspectives. July, 2016. 1-389 pp. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Kohrt, BA; Mendenhall, E; Brown, PJ. Treatment approaches and access to care in low- and high-resource settings. July, 2016. 151-154 pp.
  4. Kohrt, BA; Mendenhall, E. Social and structural origins of mental illness in global context. July, 2016. 51-55 pp.
  5. Kohrt, BA; Mendenhall, E. Task-sharing and alternative caremodels. July, 2016. 255-258 pp.
  6. Kohrt, BA; Mendenhall, E. Introduction: Anthropological perspectives on global mental health. July, 2016. 13-17 pp. [doi]  [abs]

Papers Published

  1. Luitel, NP; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD. "Improving detection and treatment of mental disorders in community settings: development, validation and evaluation of community informant detection tool in Nepal." European Psychiatry  vol. 56 (April, 2019.): S128-S128.
  2. Luitel, NP; Jordans, MJD; Kohrt, BA; Rathod, SD; Baron, EC; Komproe, IH; Patel, V; Lund, C. "Evaluation of a district mental healthcare plan in a low-resource setting in Nepal: outcomes at community, facility and individual levels." European Psychiatry  vol. 56 (April, 2019.): S413-S413.
  3. Bondy, MH; Lin, J; Prather, AA; Shrestha, S; Shrestha, R; Thapa, S; Tamrakar, D; Kohrt, BA; Worthman, CM. "Meeting field constraints on biomarker use: assessment of telomere length in dried blood spots." American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council  vol. 31 no. 2 (March, 2019.): 1 pages.
  4. Luitel, NP; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD. "Improving detection and treatment of mental disorders in community settings: development, validation and evaluation of Community Informant Detection Tool in Nepal." Indian Journal of Psychiatry  vol. 61 no. 9 (January, 2019.): S490-S490.
  5. Worthman, CM; Kohrt, BA; Cole, SW. "Posttraumatic stress and psychological resilience in Nepali child soldiers: an interdisciplinary study in human social genomics." American Journal of Physical Anthropology  vol. 162 (April, 2017.): 415-415.
  6. Worthman, CM; Kohrt, BA; Ressler, KJ; Binder, EB. "Early, maltreatment, adrenal regulation, and adult depression among rural Nepali: gene-environment interactions in life history.." American Journal of Physical Anthropology  (January, 2010.): 247-248.

Published Articles

  1. Tol, WA; Le, PD; Harrison, SL; Galappatti, A; Annan, J; Baingana, FK; Betancourt, TS; Bizouerne, C; Eaton, J; Engels, M; Hijazi, Z; Horn, RR; Jordans, MJD; Kohrt, BA; Koyiet, P; Panter-Brick, C; Pluess, M; Rahman, A; Silove, D; Tomlinson, M; Uribe-Restrepo, JM; Ventevogel, P; Weissbecker, I; Ager, A; van Ommeren, M. "Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings: research priorities for 2021-30.." The Lancet. Global Health  vol. 11 no. 6 (June, 2023.): e969-e975. [doi]  [abs]
  2. O'Connor, RC; Worthman, CM; Abanga, M; Athanassopoulou, N; Boyce, N; Chan, LF; Christensen, H; Das-Munshi, J; Downs, J; Koenen, KC; Moutier, CY; Templeton, P; Batterham, P; Brakspear, K; Frank, RG; Gilbody, S; Gureje, O; Henderson, D; John, A; Kabagambe, W; Khan, M; Kessler, D; Kirtley, OJ; Kline, S; Kohrt, B; Lincoln, AK; Lund, C; Mendenhall, E; Miranda, R; Mondelli, V; Niederkrotenthaler, T; Osborn, D; Pirkis, J; Pisani, AR; Prawira, B; Rachidi, H; Seedat, S; Siskind, D; Vijayakumar, L; Yip, PSF. "Gone Too Soon: priorities for action to prevent premature mortality associated with mental illness and mental distress.." Lancet Psychiatry  vol. 10 no. 6 (June, 2023.): 452-464. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Manfro, PH; Pereira, RB; Rosa, M; Cogo-Moreira, H; Fisher, HL; Kohrt, BA; Mondelli, V; Kieling, C. "Adolescent depression beyond DSM definition: a network analysis.." Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry  vol. 32 no. 5 (May, 2023.): 881-892. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Kaur, A; Kallakuri, S; Mukherjee, A; Wahid, SS; Kohrt, BA; Thornicroft, G; Maulik, PK. "Mental health related stigma, service provision and utilization in Northern India: situational analysis.." International Journal of Mental Health Systems  vol. 17 no. 1 (April, 2023.): 10. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Gómez-Carrillo, A; Kirmayer, LJ; Aggarwal, NK; Bhui, KS; Fung, KP-L; Kohrt, BA; Weiss, MG; Lewis-Fernández, R; Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry Committee on Cultural Psychiatry,. "Integrating neuroscience in psychiatry: a cultural-ecosocial systemic approach.." Lancet Psychiatry  vol. 10 no. 4 (April, 2023.): 296-304. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Simms, L; Ottman, KE; Griffith, JL; Knight, MG; Norris, L; Karakcheyeva, V; Kohrt, BA. "Psychosocial Peer Support to Address Mental Health and Burnout of Health Care Workers Affected by COVID-19: A Qualitative Evaluation.." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  vol. 20 no. 5 (March, 2023.). [doi]  [abs]
  7. Pedersen, GA; Pfeffer, KA; Brown, AD; Carswell, K; Willhoite, A; Schafer, A; Kohrt, BA. "Identifying Core Competencies for Remote Delivery of Psychological Interventions: A Rapid Review.." Psychiatr Serv  vol. 74 no. 3 (March, 2023.): 292-304. [doi]  [abs]
  8. Gronholm, PC; Bakolis, I; Cherian, AV; Davies, K; Evans-Lacko, S; Girma, E; Gurung, D; Hanlon, C; Hanna, F; Henderson, C; Kohrt, BA; Lempp, H; Li, J; Loganathan, S; Maulik, PK; Ma, N; Ouali, U; Romeo, R; Rüsch, N; Semrau, M; Taylor Salisbury, T; Votruba, N; Wahid, SS; Zhang, W; Thornicroft, G. "Toward a multi-level strategy to reduce stigma in global mental health: overview protocol of the Indigo Partnership to develop and test interventions in low- and middle-income countries.." International Journal of Mental Health Systems  vol. 17 no. 1 (February, 2023.): 2. [doi]  [abs]
  9. Wahid, SS; Raza, WA; Mahmud, I; Kohrt, BA. "Climate-related shocks and other stressors associated with depression and anxiety in Bangladesh: a nationally representative panel study.." The Lancet. Planetary Health  vol. 7 no. 2 (February, 2023.): e137-e146. [doi]  [abs]
  10. Carvajal-Velez, L; Harris Requejo, J; Ahs, JW; Idele, P; Adewuya, A; Cappa, C; Guthold, R; Kapungu, C; Kieling, C; Patel, V; Patton, G; Scott, JG; Servili, C; Wasserman, D; Kohrt, BA. "Increasing Data and Understanding of Adolescent Mental Health Worldwide: UNICEF's Measurement of Mental Health Among Adolescents at the Population Level Initiative.." J Adolesc Health  vol. 72 no. 1S (January, 2023.): S12-S14. [doi]
  11. van den Broek, M; Hegazi, L; Ghazal, N; Hamayel, L; Barrett, A; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD. "Accuracy of a Proactive Case Detection Tool for Internalizing and Externalizing Problems Among Children and Adolescents.." J Adolesc Health  vol. 72 no. 1S (January, 2023.): S88-S95. [doi]  [abs]
  12. Pedersen, GA; Lam, C; Hoffmann, M; Zajkowska, Z; Walsh, A; Kieling, C; Mondelli, V; Fisher, HL; Gautam, K; Kohrt, BA. "Psychological and contextual risk factors for first-onset depression among adolescents and young people around the globe: A systematic review and meta-analysis.." Early Interv Psychiatry  vol. 17 no. 1 (January, 2023.): 5-20. [doi]  [abs]
  13. Carvajal-Velez, L; Ottman, K; Ahs, JW; Li, GN; Simmons, J; Chorpita, B; Requejo, JH; Kohrt, BA. "Translation and Adaptation of the Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale: A Qualitative Study in Belize.." J Adolesc Health  vol. 72 no. 1S (January, 2023.): S34-S39. [doi]  [abs]
  14. Marlow, M; Skeen, S; Grieve, CM; Carvajal-Velez, L; Åhs, JW; Kohrt, BA; Requejo, J; Stewart, J; Henry, J; Goldstone, D; Kara, T; Tomlinson, M. "Detecting Depression and Anxiety Among Adolescents in South Africa: Validity of the isiXhosa Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7.." J Adolesc Health  vol. 72 no. 1S (January, 2023.): S52-S60. [doi]  [abs]
  15. Carvajal-Velez, L; Ahs, JW; Lundin, A; van den Broek, M; Simmons, J; Wade, P; Chorpita, B; Requejo, JH; Kohrt, BA. "Validation of the Kriol and Belizean English Adaptation of the Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale for Use With Adolescents in Belize.." J Adolesc Health  vol. 72 no. 1S (January, 2023.): S40-S51. [doi]  [abs]
  16. Tele, AK; Carvajal-Velez, L; Nyongesa, V; Ahs, JW; Mwaniga, S; Kathono, J; Yator, O; Njuguna, S; Kanyanya, I; Amin, N; Kohrt, B; Wambua, GN; Kumar, M. "Validation of the English and Swahili Adaptation of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 for Use Among Adolescents in Kenya.." J Adolesc Health  vol. 72 no. 1S (January, 2023.): S61-S70. [doi]  [abs]
  17. Kohrt, BA; Miller, BF; Patel, V. "Community Initiated Care: A blue-print for the practical realization of contextual behavioral science." Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science  vol. 27 (January, 2023.): 54-60. [doi]  [abs]
  18. Carvajal-Velez, L; Ahs, JW; Requejo, JH; Kieling, C; Lundin, A; Kumar, M; Luitel, NP; Marlow, M; Skeen, S; Tomlinson, M; Kohrt, BA. "Measurement of Mental Health Among Adolescents at the Population Level: A Multicountry Protocol for Adaptation and Validation of Mental Health Measures.." J Adolesc Health  vol. 72 no. 1S (January, 2023.): S27-S33. [doi]  [abs]
  19. Burgess, A; Wahid, SS; Ottman, K; Kieling, C; Mondelli, V; Kohrt, BA; Fisher, HL. "Detection of risk for future depression among adolescents: Stakeholder views of acceptability and feasibility in the United Kingdom.." Early Interv Psychiatry  vol. 16 no. 12 (December, 2022.): 1319-1334. [doi]  [abs]
  20. Ottman, K; Wahid, SS; Flynn, R; Momodu, O; Fisher, HL; Kieling, C; Mondelli, V; Adewuya, A; Kohrt, BA. "Defining culturally compelling mental health interventions: A qualitative study of perspectives on adolescent depression in Lagos, Nigeria." Ssm. Mental Health  vol. 2 (December, 2022.). [doi]  [abs]
  21. Ramaiya, MK; McLean, CL; Pokharel, M; Thapa, K; Schmidt, MA; Berg, M; Simoni, JM; Rao, D; Kohrt, BA. "Feasibility and Acceptability of a School-Based Emotion Regulation Prevention Intervention (READY-Nepal) for Secondary School Students in Post-Earthquake Nepal.." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  vol. 19 no. 21 (November, 2022.). [doi]  [abs]
  22. Caye, A; Marchionatti, LE; Pereira, R; Fisher, HL; Kohrt, BA; Mondelli, V; McGinnis, E; Copeland, WE; Kieling, C. "Identifying adolescents at risk for depression: Assessment of a global prediction model in the Great Smoky Mountains Study.." J Psychiatr Res  vol. 155 (November, 2022.): 146-152. [doi]  [abs]
  23. Thornicroft, G; Sunkel, C; Alikhon Aliev, A; Baker, S; Brohan, E; El Chammay, R; Davies, K; Demissie, M; Duncan, J; Fekadu, W; Gronholm, PC; Guerrero, Z; Gurung, D; Habtamu, K; Hanlon, C; Heim, E; Henderson, C; Hijazi, Z; Hoffman, C; Hosny, N; Huang, F-X; Kline, S; Kohrt, BA; Lempp, H; Li, J; London, E; Ma, N; Mak, WWS; Makhmud, A; Maulik, PK; Milenova, M; Morales Cano, G; Ouali, U; Parry, S; Rangaswamy, T; Rüsch, N; Sabri, T; Sartorius, N; Schulze, M; Stuart, H; Taylor Salisbury, T; Vera San Juan, N; Votruba, N; Winkler, P. "The Lancet Commission on ending stigma and discrimination in mental health.." Lancet  vol. 400 no. 10361 (October, 2022.): 1438-1480. [doi]
  24. Mwenge, MM; Figge, CJ; Metz, K; Kane, JC; Kohrt, BA; Pedersen, GA; Sikazwe, I; Van Wyk, SS; Mulemba, SM; Murray, LK. "Improving inter-rater reliability of the enhancing assessment of common therapeutic factors (ENACT) measure through training of raters.." J Public Health Afr  vol. 13 no. 3 (September, 2022.): 2201. [doi]  [abs]
  25. Kaiser, BN; Gurung, D; Rai, S; Bhardwaj, A; Dhakal, M; Cafaro, CL; Sikkema, KJ; Lund, C; Patel, V; Jordans, MJD; Luitel, NP; Kohrt, BA. "Mechanisms of action for stigma reduction among primary care providers following social contact with service users and aspirational figures in Nepal: an explanatory qualitative design.." International Journal of Mental Health Systems  vol. 16 no. 1 (August, 2022.): 37. [doi]  [abs]
  26. Harel, D; Levis, B; Sun, Y; Fischer, F; Ioannidis, JPA; Cuijpers, P; Patten, SB; Ziegelstein, RC; Markham, S; Benedetti, A; Thombs, BD; DEPRESsion Screening Data DEPRESSD PHQ Collaboration,. "External validation of a shortened screening tool using individual participant data meta-analysis: A case study of the Patient Health Questionnaire-Dep-4.." Methods  vol. 204 (August, 2022.): 300-311. [doi]  [abs]
  27. Gavan, L; Hartog, K; Koppenol-Gonzalez, GV; Gronholm, PC; Feddes, AR; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD; Peters, RMH. "Assessing stigma in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review of scales used with children and adolescents.." Social Science and Medicine  vol. 307 (August, 2022.): 115121. [doi]  [abs]
  28. Tonon, AC; Constantino, DB; Amando, GR; Abreu, AC; Francisco, AP; de Oliveira, MAB; Pilz, LK; Xavier, NB; Rohrsetzer, F; Souza, L; Piccin, J; Caye, A; Petresco, S; Manfro, PH; Pereira, R; Martini, T; Kohrt, BA; Fisher, HL; Mondelli, V; Kieling, C; Hidalgo, MPL. "Sleep disturbances, circadian activity, and nocturnal light exposure characterize high risk for and current depression in adolescence.." Sleep  vol. 45 no. 7 (July, 2022.). [doi]  [abs]
  29. Jordans, MJD; Steen, F; Koppenol-Gonzalez, GV; El Masri, R; Coetzee, AR; Chamate, S; Ghatasheh, M; Pedersen, GA; Itani, M; El Chammay, R; Schafer, A; Kohrt, BA. "Evaluation of competency-driven training for facilitators delivering a psychological intervention for children in Lebanon: a proof-of-concept study.." Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci  vol. 31 (July, 2022.): e48. [doi]  [abs]
  30. Abayneh, S; Lempp, H; Kohrt, BA; Alem, A; Hanlon, C. "Using participatory action research to pilot a model of service user and caregiver involvement in mental health system strengthening in Ethiopian primary healthcare: a case study.." International Journal of Mental Health Systems  vol. 16 no. 1 (July, 2022.): 33. [doi]  [abs]
  31. Abayneh, S; Lempp, H; Rai, S; Girma, E; Getachew, M; Alem, A; Kohrt, BA; Hanlon, C. "Empowerment training to support service user involvement in mental health system strengthening in rural Ethiopia: a mixed-methods pilot study.." Bmc Health Services Research  vol. 22 no. 1 (July, 2022.): 880. [doi]  [abs]
  32. Read, H; Kohrt, BA. "Correction to: The History of Coordinated Specialty Care for Early Intervention in Psychosis in the United States: A Review of Effectiveness, Implementation, and Fidelity.." Community Mental Health Journal  vol. 58 no. 5 (July, 2022.): 847. [doi]
  33. Read, H; Kohrt, BA. "The History of Coordinated Specialty Care for Early Intervention in Psychosis in the United States: A Review of Effectiveness, Implementation, and Fidelity.." Community Mental Health Journal  vol. 58 no. 5 (July, 2022.): 835-846. [doi]  [abs]
  34. Viduani, A; Benetti, S; Petresco, S; Piccin, J; Velazquez, B; Fisher, HL; Mondelli, V; Kohrt, BA; Kieling, C. "The experience of receiving a diagnosis of depression in adolescence: A pilot qualitative study in Brazil.." Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry  vol. 27 no. 3 (July, 2022.): 598-612. [doi]  [abs]
  35. Comiran Tonon, A; Pilz, LK; Amando, GR; Constantino, DB; Boff Borges, R; Caye, A; Rohrsetzer, F; Souza, L; Fisher, HL; Kohrt, BA; Mondelli, V; Kieling, C; Idiart, M; Diez-Noguera, A; Hidalgo, MP. "Handling missing data in rest-activity time series measured by actimetry.." Chronobiol Int  vol. 39 no. 7 (July, 2022.): 964-975. [doi]  [abs]
  36. Mendenhall, E; Kohrt, BA; Logie, CH; Tsai, AC. "Syndemics and clinical science.." Nat Med  vol. 28 no. 7 (July, 2022.): 1359-1362. [doi]  [abs]
  37. Wahid, SS; Ottman, K; Bohara, J; Neupane, V; Fisher, HL; Kieling, C; Mondelli, V; Gautam, K; Kohrt, BA. "Adolescent perspectives on depression as a disease of loneliness: a qualitative study with youth and other stakeholders in urban Nepal.." Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health  vol. 16 no. 1 (June, 2022.): 51. [doi]  [abs]
  38. Girma, E; Ketema, B; Mulatu, T; Kohrt, BA; Wahid, SS; Heim, E; Gronholm, PC; Hanlon, C; Thornicroft, G. "Mental health stigma and discrimination in Ethiopia: evidence synthesis to inform stigma reduction interventions.." International Journal of Mental Health Systems  vol. 16 no. 1 (June, 2022.): 30. [doi]  [abs]
  39. Kohrt, BA; Turner, EL; Gurung, D; Wang, X; Neupane, M; Luitel, NP; Kartha, MR; Poudyal, A; Singh, R; Rai, S; Baral, PP; McCutchan, S; Gronholm, PC; Hanlon, C; Lempp, H; Lund, C; Thornicroft, G; Gautam, K; Jordans, MJD. "Implementation strategy in collaboration with people with lived experience of mental illness to reduce stigma among primary care providers in Nepal (RESHAPE): protocol for a type 3 hybrid implementation effectiveness cluster randomized controlled trial.." Implementation Science : Is  vol. 17 no. 1 (June, 2022.): 39. [doi]  [abs]
  40. Wahid, SS; Sarker, M; Arafat, ASME; Apu, AR; Kohrt, BA. "Tension and Other Idioms of Distress Among Slum Dwelling Young Men: A Qualitative Study of Depression in Urban Bangladesh.." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry  vol. 46 no. 2 (June, 2022.): 531-563. [doi]  [abs]
  41. Kola, L; Kumar, M; Kohrt, BA; Fatodu, T; Olayemi, BA; Adefolarin, AO. "Strengthening public mental health during and after the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.." Lancet  vol. 399 no. 10338 (May, 2022.): 1851-1852. [doi]
  42. Abi Hana, R; Arnous, M; Heim, E; Aeschlimann, A; Koschorke, M; Hamadeh, RS; Thornicroft, G; Kohrt, BA; Sijbrandij, M; Cuijpers, P; El-Chammay, R. "Mental health stigma at primary health care centres in Lebanon: qualitative study.." International Journal of Mental Health Systems  vol. 16 no. 1 (May, 2022.): 23. [doi]  [abs]
  43. Herrman, H; Patel, V; Kieling, C; Berk, M; Buchweitz, C; Cuijpers, P; Furukawa, TA; Kessler, RC; Kohrt, BA; Maj, M; McGorry, P; Reynolds, CF; Weissman, MM; Chibanda, D; Dowrick, C; Howard, LM; Hoven, CW; Knapp, M; Mayberg, HS; Penninx, BWJH; Xiao, S; Trivedi, M; Uher, R; Vijayakumar, L; Wolpert, M. "Time for united action on depression: a Lancet-World Psychiatric Association Commission.." Lancet  vol. 399 no. 10328 (March, 2022.): 957-1022. [doi]
  44. Latham, RM; Kieling, C; Arseneault, L; Kohrt, BA; Moffitt, TE; Rasmussen, LJH; Rocha, TB-M; Mondelli, V; Fisher, HL. "Longitudinal associations between adolescents' individualised risk for depression and inflammation in a UK cohort study.." Brain Behav Immun  vol. 101 (March, 2022.): 78-83. [doi]  [abs]
  45. Logie, CH; Coelho, M; Kohrt, B; Tsai, AC; Mendenhall, E. "Context, COVID-19 and comorbidities: exploring emergent directions in syndemics and HIV research.." Curr Opin Hiv Aids  vol. 17 no. 2 (March, 2022.): 46-54. [doi]  [abs]
  46. Bhardwaj, A; Gurung, D; Rai, S; Kaiser, BN; Cafaro, CL; Sikkema, KJ; Lund, C; Luitel, NP; Kohrt, BA. "Treatment Preferences for Pharmacological versus Psychological Interventions among Primary Care Providers in Nepal: Mixed Methods Analysis of a Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  vol. 19 no. 4 (February, 2022.). [doi]  [abs]
  47. Kohrt, BA; Carruth, L. "Syndemic effects in complex humanitarian emergencies: A framework for understanding political violence and improving multi-morbidity health outcomes.." Social Science and Medicine  vol. 295 (February, 2022.): 113378. [doi]  [abs]
  48. Zajkowska, Z; Gullett, N; Walsh, A; Zonca, V; Pedersen, GA; Souza, L; Kieling, C; Fisher, HL; Kohrt, BA; Mondelli, V. "Cortisol and development of depression in adolescence and young adulthood - a systematic review and meta-analysis.." Psychoneuroendocrinology  vol. 136 (February, 2022.): 105625. [doi]  [abs]
  49. Snodgrass, JG; Brewis, A; Dengah, HJF; Dressler, WW; Kaiser, BN; Kohrt, BA; Mendenhall, E; Sagstetter, S; Weaver, LJ; Zhao, KX. "Ethnographic Methods for Identifying Cultural Concepts of Distress: Developing Reliable and Valid Measures." Field Methods  (January, 2022.). [doi]  [abs]
  50. Gurung, D; Poudyal, A; Wang, YL; Neupane, M; Bhattarai, K; Wahid, SS; Aryal, S; Heim, E; Gronholm, P; Thornicroft, G; Kohrt, B. "Stigma against mental health disorders in Nepal conceptualised with a 'what matters most' framework: a scoping review.." Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences  vol. 31 (January, 2022.): e11. [doi]  [abs]
  51. Velazquez, B; Petresco, S; Pereira, R; Buchweitz, C; Manfro, PH; Caye, A; Fisher, HL; Kohrt, BA; Mondelli, V; Kieling, C. "Physical activity and depressive symptoms among adolescents in a school-based sample.." Braz J Psychiatry  vol. 44 no. 3 ( 2022.): 313-316. [doi]  [abs]
  52. Hagaman, A; Lopez Mercado, D; Poudyal, A; Bemme, D; Boone, C; van Heerden, A; Byanjankar, P; Man Maharjan, S; Thapa, A; Kohrt, BA. ""Now, I have my baby so I don't go anywhere": A mixed method approach to the 'everyday' and young motherhood integrating qualitative interviews and passive digital data from mobile devices.." Plos One  vol. 17 no. 7 ( 2022.): e0269443. [doi]  [abs]
  53. Munthali-Mulemba, S; Figge, CJ; Metz, K; Kane, JC; Skavenski, S; Mwenge, M; Kohrt, BA; Pedersen, GA; Sikazwe, I; Murray, LK. "Experiences and Perceptions of Telephone-delivery of the Common Elements Treatment Approach for Mental Health Needs Among Young People in Zambia During the COVID-19 Pandemic.." Frontiers in Public Health  vol. 10 ( 2022.): 906509. [doi]  [abs]
  54. Alipanga, B; Kohrt, BA. "Competency-based pre-service education for clinical psychology training in low- and middle-income countries: Case study of Makerere University in Uganda.." Frontiers in Psychology  vol. 13 ( 2022.): 924683. [doi]  [abs]
  55. Hassan, E; Bk, P; Magar, J; Luitel, N; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, M; Rose-Clarke, K. "Community perspectives on the implementation of a group psychological intervention for adolescents with depression: A qualitative study in rural Nepal.." Frontiers in Psychiatry  vol. 13 ( 2022.): 949251. [doi]  [abs]
  56. Nyongesa, V; Kathono, J; Mwaniga, S; Yator, O; Madeghe, B; Kanana, S; Amugune, B; Anyango, N; Nyamai, D; Wambua, GN; Chorpita, B; Kohrt, BA; Ahs, JW; Idele, P; Carvajal, L; Kumar, M. "Cultural and contextual adaptation of mental health measures in Kenya: An adolescent-centered transcultural adaptation of measures study.." Plos One  vol. 17 no. 12 ( 2022.): e0277619. [doi]  [abs]
  57. Viduani, A; Benetti, S; Martini, T; Buchweitz, C; Ottman, K; Wahid, SS; Fisher, HL; Mondelli, V; Kohrt, BA; Kieling, C. "Social isolation as a core feature of adolescent depression: a qualitative study in Porto Alegre, Brazil.." Int J Qual Stud Health Well Being  vol. 16 no. 1 (December, 2021.): 1978374. [doi]  [abs]
  58. Gurung, D; Sangraula, M; Subba, P; Poudyal, A; Mishra, S; Kohrt, BA. "Gender inequality in the global mental health research workforce: a research authorship scoping review and qualitative study in Nepal.." Bmj Global Health  vol. 6 no. 12 (December, 2021.). [doi]  [abs]
  59. Mondelli, V; Cattaneo, A; Nikkheslat, N; Souza, L; Walsh, A; Zajkowska, Z; Zonca, V; Marizzoni, M; Fisher, HL; Kohrt, BA; Kieling, C; Di Meglio, P. "Exploring the role of immune pathways in the risk and development of depression in adolescence: Research protocol of the IDEA-FLAME study.." Brain, Behavior, & Immunity Health  vol. 18 (December, 2021.): 100396. [doi]  [abs]
  60. Poudyal, A; Gurung, D; Kohrt, BA. "Evidence-based approaches for promoting gender equity in global mental health research: Study protocol for social network analysis of researchers in Nepal.." Ssm. Mental Health  vol. 1 (December, 2021.): None. [doi]  [abs]
  61. Kola, L; Kohrt, BA; Acharya, B; Mutamba, BB; Kieling, C; Kumar, M; Sunkel, C; Zhang, W; Hanlon, C. "The path to global equity in mental health care in the context of COVID-19.." Lancet  vol. 398 no. 10312 (November, 2021.): 1670-1672. [doi]
  62. Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD; Turner, EL; Rai, S; Gurung, D; Dhakal, M; Bhardwaj, A; Lamichhane, J; Singla, DR; Lund, C; Patel, V; Luitel, NP; Sikkema, KJ. "Collaboration With People With Lived Experience of Mental Illness to Reduce Stigma and Improve Primary Care Services: A Pilot Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial.." Jama Network Open  vol. 4 no. 11 (November, 2021.): e2131475. [doi]  [abs]
  63. Heim, E; Mewes, R; Abi Ramia, J; Glaesmer, H; Hall, B; Harper Shehadeh, M; Ünlü, B; Kananian, S; Kohrt, BA; Lechner-Meichsner, F; Lotzin, A; Moro, MR; Radjack, R; Salamanca-Sanabria, A; Singla, DR; Starck, A; Sturm, G; Tol, W; Weise, C; Knaevelsrud, C. "Reporting Cultural Adaptation in Psychological Trials - The RECAPT criteria.." Clinical Psychology in Europe  vol. 3 no. Spec Issue (November, 2021.): e6351. [doi]  [abs]
  64. van den Broek, M; Ponniah, P; Jeyakumar, PJR; Koppenol-Gonzalez, GV; Kommu, JVS; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD. "Proactive detection of people in need of mental healthcare: accuracy of the community case detection tool among children, adolescents and families in Sri Lanka.." Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health  vol. 15 no. 1 (October, 2021.): 57. [doi]  [abs]
  65. Watts, S; Hall, J; Pedersen, GA; Ottman, K; Carswell, K; Van't Hof, E; Kohrt, BA; Schafer, A. "The WHO EQUIP Foundational Helping Skills Trainer's Curriculum.." World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (Wpa)  vol. 20 no. 3 (October, 2021.): 449-450. [doi]
  66. Kohrt, BA; Kaiser, BN. "Measuring mental health in humanitarian crises: a practitioner's guide to validity.." Conflict and Health  vol. 15 no. 1 (September, 2021.): 72. [doi]  [abs]
  67. Weiss, MG; Aggarwal, NK; Gómez-Carrillo, A; Kohrt, B; Kirmayer, LJ; Bhui, KS; Like, R; Kopelowicz, A; Lu, F; Farías, PJ; Becker, AE; Hinton, L; Lewis-Fernández, R. "Culture and Social Structure in Comprehensive Case Formulation.." J Nerv Ment Dis  vol. 209 no. 7 (July, 2021.): 465-466. [doi]
  68. Mistry, AS; Kohrt, BA; Beecroft, B; Anand, N; Nuwayhid, I. "Correction to: Introduction to collection: confronting the challenges of health research in humanitarian crises.." Conflict and Health  vol. 15 no. 1 (June, 2021.): 49. [doi]
  69. Taylor Salisbury, T; Kohrt, BA; Bakolis, I; Jordans, MJ; Hull, L; Luitel, NP; McCrone, P; Sevdalis, N; Pokhrel, P; Carswell, K; Ojagbemi, A; Green, EP; Chowdhary, N; Kola, L; Lempp, H; Dua, T; Milenova, M; Gureje, O; Thornicroft, G. "Adaptation of the World Health Organization Electronic Mental Health Gap Action Programme Intervention Guide App for Mobile Devices in Nepal and Nigeria: Protocol for a Feasibility Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.." Jmir Research Protocols  vol. 10 no. 6 (June, 2021.): e24115. [doi]  [abs]
  70. Wahid, SS; Sandberg, J; Sarker, M; Arafat, ASME; Apu, AR; Rabbani, A; Colón-Ramos, U; Kohrt, BA. "A distress-continuum, disorder-threshold model of depression: a mixed-methods, latent class analysis study of slum-dwelling young men in Bangladesh.." Bmc Psychiatry  vol. 21 no. 1 (June, 2021.): 291. [doi]  [abs]
  71. Kola, L; Cheung, EYL; Eaton, J; Hanlon, C; Kohrt, BA. "COVID-19 and global mental health - Authors' reply.." Lancet Psychiatry  vol. 8 no. 6 (June, 2021.): 459-460. [doi]
  72. Kohrt, BA. "COVID-19 and global mental health.." Lancet Psychiatry  vol. 8 no. 6 (June, 2021.): 456. [doi]
  73. Latham, RM; Kieling, C; Arseneault, L; Botter-Maio Rocha, T; Beddows, A; Beevers, SD; Danese, A; De Oliveira, K; Kohrt, BA; Moffitt, TE; Mondelli, V; Newbury, JB; Reuben, A; Fisher, HL. "Childhood exposure to ambient air pollution and predicting individual risk of depression onset in UK adolescents.." J Psychiatr Res  vol. 138 (June, 2021.): 60-67. [doi]  [abs]
  74. Kola, L; Kohrt, BA; Hanlon, C; Naslund, JA; Sikander, S; Balaji, M; Benjet, C; Cheung, EYL; Eaton, J; Gonsalves, P; Hailemariam, M; Luitel, NP; Machado, DB; Misganaw, E; Omigbodun, O; Roberts, T; Salisbury, TT; Shidhaye, R; Sunkel, C; Ugo, V; van Rensburg, AJ; Gureje, O; Pathare, S; Saxena, S; Thornicroft, G; Patel, V. "COVID-19 mental health impact and responses in low-income and middle-income countries: reimagining global mental health.." Lancet Psychiatry  vol. 8 no. 6 (June, 2021.): 535-550. [doi]  [abs]
  75. Zajkowska, Z; Walsh, A; Zonca, V; Gullett, N; Pedersen, GA; Kieling, C; Swartz, JR; Karmacharya, R; Fisher, HL; Kohrt, BA; Mondelli, V. "A systematic review of the association between biological markers and environmental stress risk factors for adolescent depression.." J Psychiatr Res  vol. 138 (June, 2021.): 163-175. [doi]  [abs]
  76. Jordans, MJD; Kohrt, BA; Sangraula, M; Turner, EL; Wang, X; Shrestha, P; Ghimire, R; Van't Hof, E; Bryant, RA; Dawson, KS; Marahatta, K; Luitel, NP; van Ommeren, M. "Effectiveness of Group Problem Management Plus, a brief psychological intervention for adults affected by humanitarian disasters in Nepal: A cluster randomized controlled trial.." Plos Medicine  vol. 18 no. 6 (June, 2021.): e1003621. [doi]  [abs]
  77. Mistry, AS; Kohrt, BA; Beecroft, B; Anand, N; Nuwayhid, I. "Introduction to collection: confronting the challenges of health research in humanitarian crises.." Conflict and Health  vol. 15 no. 1 (May, 2021.): 38. [doi]  [abs]
  78. Pham, TV; Koirala, R; Wainberg, ML; Kohrt, BA. "Reassessing the Mental Health Treatment Gap: What Happens if We Include the Impact of Traditional Healing on Mental Illness?." Community Mental Health Journal  vol. 57 no. 4 (May, 2021.): 777-791. [doi]  [abs]
  79. Battel, L; Cunegatto, F; Viduani, A; Fisher, HL; Kohrt, BA; Mondelli, V; Swartz, JR; Kieling, C. "Mind the brain gap: The worldwide distribution of neuroimaging research on adolescent depression.." Neuroimage  vol. 231 (May, 2021.): 117865. [doi]  [abs]
  80. Singla, DR; Lawson, A; Kohrt, BA; Jung, JW; Meng, Z; Ratjen, C; Zahedi, N; Dennis, C-L; Patel, V. "Implementation and Effectiveness of Nonspecialist-Delivered Interventions for Perinatal Mental Health in High-Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.." Jama Psychiatry  vol. 78 no. 5 (May, 2021.): 498-509. [doi]  [abs]
  81. Maharjan, SM; Poudyal, A; van Heerden, A; Byanjankar, P; Thapa, A; Islam, C; Kohrt, BA; Hagaman, A. "Passive sensing on mobile devices to improve mental health services with adolescent and young mothers in low-resource settings: the role of families in feasibility and acceptability.." Bmc Medical Informatics and Decision Making  vol. 21 no. 1 (April, 2021.): 117. [doi]  [abs]
  82. Van Heerden, A; Comulada, WS; Kolozali, Ş; Kohrt, B. "Drawing open the curtain on home-based interventions." Mhealth  vol. 7 (April, 2021.). [doi]
  83. Rimal, P; Khadka, S; Bogati, B; Chaudhury, J; Rawat, LK; Bhat, KC; Manandhar, P; Citrin, D; Maru, D; Ekstrand, ML; Swar, SB; Aryal, A; Kohrt, B; Shrestha, S; Acharya, B. "Cross-cultural adaptation of motivational interviewing for use in rural Nepal.." Bmc Psychology  vol. 9 no. 1 (April, 2021.): 52. [doi]  [abs]
  84. Pham, TV; Kaiser, BN; Koirala, R; Maharjan, SM; Upadhaya, N; Franz, L; Kohrt, BA. "Traditional Healers and Mental Health in Nepal: A Scoping Review.." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry  vol. 45 no. 1 (March, 2021.): 97-140. [doi]  [abs]
  85. Pedersen, G; Gebrekristos, F; Eloul, L; Golden, S; Hemmo, M; Akhtar, A; Schafer, A; Kohrt, B. "Development of a Tool to Assess Competencies of Problem Management plus Facilitators Using Observed Standardised Role Plays: The EQUIP Competency Rating Scale for Problem Management plus." Intervention (Amstelveen, Netherlands)  vol. 19 no. 1 (March, 2021.): 107-117. [doi]  [abs]
  86. McBride, K; Harrison, S; Mahata, S; Pfeffer, K; Cardamone, F; Ngigi, T; Kohrt, B; Pedersen, G; Greene, C; Viljoen, D; Muneghina, O; Brown, A. "Building Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Capacity during a Pandemic: The Process of Adapting Problem Management plus for Remote Training and Implementation during COVID-19 in New York City, Europe and East Africa." Intervention (Amstelveen, Netherlands)  vol. 19 no. 1 (March, 2021.): 37-47. [doi]  [abs]
  87. Tergesen, CL; Gurung, D; Dhungana, S; Risal, A; Basel, P; Tamrakar, D; Amatya, A; Park, LP; Kohrt, BA. "Impact of Service User Video Presentations on Explicit and Implicit Stigma toward Mental Illness among Medical Students in Nepal: A Randomized Controlled Trial.." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  vol. 18 no. 4 (February, 2021.): 1-23. [doi]  [abs]
  88. Brathwaite, R; Rocha, TB-M; Kieling, C; Gautam, K; Koirala, S; Mondelli, V; Kohrt, B; Fisher, HL. "Predicting the risk of depression among adolescents in Nepal using a model developed in Brazil: the IDEA Project.." Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry  vol. 30 no. 2 (February, 2021.): 213-223. [doi]  [abs]
  89. Rose-Clarke, K; Hassan, E; Bk, P; Magar, J; Devakumar, D; Luitel, NP; Verdeli, H; Kohrt, BA. "A cross-cultural interpersonal model of adolescent depression: A qualitative study in rural Nepal.." Social Science and Medicine  vol. 270 (February, 2021.): 113623. [doi]  [abs]
  90. Pokhrel, P; Karmacharya, R; Taylor Salisbury, T; Carswell, K; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD; Lempp, H; Thornicroft, G; Luitel, NP. "Perception of healthcare workers on mobile app-based clinical guideline for the detection and treatment of mental health problems in primary care: a qualitative study in Nepal.." Bmc Medical Informatics and Decision Making  vol. 21 no. 1 (January, 2021.): 21. [doi]  [abs]
  91. Wahid, SS; Ottman, K; Hudhud, R; Gautam, K; Fisher, HL; Kieling, C; Mondelli, V; Kohrt, BA. "Identifying risk factors and detection strategies for adolescent depression in diverse global settings: A Delphi consensus study.." J Affect Disord  vol. 279 (January, 2021.): 66-74. [doi]  [abs]
  92. Pham, TV; Koirala, R; Kohrt, BA. "Traditional and biomedical care pathways for mental well-being in rural Nepal.." International Journal of Mental Health Systems  vol. 15 no. 1 (January, 2021.): 4. [doi]  [abs]
  93. Rej, PH; Bondy, MH; Lin, J; Prather, AA; Kohrt, BA; Worthman, CM; Eisenberg, DTA. "Telomere length analysis from minimally-invasively collected samples: Methods development and meta-analysis of the validity of different sampling techniques: American Journal of Human Biology.." Am J Hum Biol  vol. 33 no. 1 (January, 2021.): e23410. [doi]  [abs]
  94. Kaur, A; Kallakuri, S; Kohrt, BA; Heim, E; Gronholm, PC; Thornicroft, G; Maulik, PK. "Systematic review of interventions to reduce mental health stigma in India.." Asian J Psychiatr  vol. 55 (January, 2021.): 102466. [doi]  [abs]
  95. Koschorke, M; Oexle, N; Ouali, U; Cherian, AV; Deepika, V; Mendon, GB; Gurung, D; Kondratova, L; Muller, M; Lanfredi, M; Lasalvia, A; Bodrogi, A; Nyulászi, A; Tomasini, M; El Chammay, R; Abi Hana, R; Zgueb, Y; Nacef, F; Heim, E; Aeschlimann, A; Souraya, S; Milenova, M; van Ginneken, N; Thornicroft, G; Kohrt, BA. "Perspectives of healthcare providers, service users, and family members about mental illness stigma in primary care settings: A multi-site qualitative study of seven countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe.." Plos One  vol. 16 no. 10 (January, 2021.): e0258729. [doi]  [abs]
  96. Asher, L; Birhane, R; Teferra, S; Milkias, B; Worku, B; Habtamu, A; Kohrt, BA; Hanlon, C. ""Like a doctor, like a brother": Achieving competence amongst lay health workers delivering community-based rehabilitation for people with schizophrenia in Ethiopia.." Plos One  vol. 16 no. 2 ( 2021.): e0246158. [doi]  [abs]
  97. Poudyal, A; van Heerden, A; Hagaman, A; Islam, C; Thapa, A; Maharjan, SM; Byanjankar, P; Kohrt, BA. "What Does Social Support Sound Like? Challenges and Opportunities for Using Passive Episodic Audio Collection to Assess the Social Environment.." Frontiers in Public Health  vol. 9 ( 2021.): 633606. [doi]  [abs]
  98. Kieling, C; Buchweitz, C; Caye, A; Manfro, P; Pereira, R; Viduani, A; Anés, M; Battel, L; Benetti, S; Fisher, HL; Karmacharya, R; Kohrt, BA; Martini, T; Petresco, S; Piccin, J; Rocha, T; Rohde, LA; Rohrsetzer, F; Souza, L; Velazquez, B; Walsh, A; Yoon, L; Zajkowska, Z; Zonca, V; Swartz, JR; Mondelli, V. "The Identifying Depression Early in Adolescence Risk Stratified Cohort (IDEA-RiSCo): Rationale, Methods, and Baseline Characteristics.." Frontiers in Psychiatry  vol. 12 ( 2021.): 697144. [doi]  [abs]
  99. Peoples, N; Gong, E; Gautam, K; Khanal, SN; Kohrt, BA; Koirala, S; Amatya, A; Xiong, S; Østbye, T; Moe, J; Long, Q; Yan, LL. "Perception and Use of Primary Healthcare Services Among People With Cardiometabolic Diseases in Two Resource-Limited Areas in Nepal: A Mixed Methods Study.." Frontiers in Public Health  vol. 9 ( 2021.): 698030. [doi]  [abs]
  100. Kohrt, BA; Ottman, K; Panter-Brick, C; Konner, M; Patel, V. "Why we heal: The evolution of psychological healing and implications for global mental health.." Clin Psychol Rev  vol. 82 (December, 2020.): 101920. [doi]  [abs]
  101. Brathwaite, R; Rocha, TB-M; Kieling, C; Kohrt, BA; Mondelli, V; Adewuya, AO; Fisher, HL. "Predicting the risk of future depression among school-attending adolescents in Nigeria using a model developed in Brazil.." Psychiatry Research  vol. 294 (December, 2020.): 113511. [doi]  [abs]
  102. Jordans, MJD; Kohrt, BA. "Scaling up mental health care and psychosocial support in low-resource settings: a roadmap to impact.." Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci  vol. 29 (November, 2020.): e189. [doi]  [abs]
  103. Islam, C; Poudyal, A; Hagaman, A; Maharjan, SM; Byanjankar, P; Thapa, A; van Heerden, A; Kohrt, BA. "Using passive sensing data and mobile health to improve psychological treatment for depressed adolescent mothers in rural nepal." Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses  vol. 14 no. 1 (October, 2020.). [doi]  [abs]
  104. Jordans, MJD; Garman, EC; Luitel, NP; Kohrt, BA; Lund, C; Patel, V; Tomlinson, M. "Impact of integrated district level mental health care on clinical and functioning outcomes of people with depression and alcohol use disorder in Nepal: a non-randomised controlled study.." Bmc Psychiatry  vol. 20 no. 1 (September, 2020.): 451. [doi]  [abs]
  105. Pedersen, GA; Lakshmin, P; Schafer, A; Watts, S; Carswell, K; Willhoite, A; Ottman, K; van 't Hof, E; Kohrt, BA. "Common factors in psychological treatments delivered by non-specialists in low- and middle-income countries: Manual review of competencies.." J Behav Cogn Ther  vol. 30 no. 3 (September, 2020.): 165-186. [doi]  [abs]
  106. Rose-Clarke, K; Pradhan, I; Shrestha, P; B K, P; Magar, J; Luitel, NP; Devakumar, D; Rafaeli, AK; Clougherty, K; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD; Verdeli, H. "Culturally and developmentally adapting group interpersonal therapy for adolescents with depression in rural Nepal.." Bmc Psychology  vol. 8 no. 1 (August, 2020.): 83. [doi]  [abs]
  107. Jordans, MJD; Luitel, NP; Lund, C; Kohrt, BA. "Evaluation of Proactive Community Case Detection to Increase Help Seeking for Mental Health Care: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial.." Psychiatr Serv  vol. 71 no. 8 (August, 2020.): 810-815. [doi]  [abs]
  108. Wahid, SS; Pedersen, GA; Ottman, K; Burgess, A; Gautam, K; Martini, T; Viduani, A; Momodu, O; Lam, C; Fisher, HL; Kieling, C; Adewuya, AO; Mondelli, V; Kohrt, BA. "Detection of risk for depression among adolescents in diverse global settings: protocol for the IDEA qualitative study in Brazil, Nepal, Nigeria and the UK.." Bmj Open  vol. 10 no. 7 (July, 2020.): e034335. [doi]  [abs]
  109. Luitel, NP; Breuer, E; Adhikari, A; Kohrt, BA; Lund, C; Komproe, IH; Jordans, MJD. "Process evaluation of a district mental healthcare plan in Nepal: a mixed-methods case study.." Bjpsych Open  vol. 6 no. 4 (July, 2020.): e77. [doi]  [abs]
  110. Ottman, KE; Kohrt, BA; Pedersen, GA; Schafer, A. "Use of role plays to assess therapist competency and its association with client outcomes in psychological interventions: A scoping review and competency research agenda.." Behav Res Ther  vol. 130 (July, 2020.): 103531. [doi]  [abs]
  111. Bhardwaj, A; Kohrt, BA. "Syndemics of HIV with mental illness and other noncommunicable diseases: a research agenda to address the gap between syndemic theory and current research practice.." Curr Opin Hiv Aids  vol. 15 no. 4 (July, 2020.): 226-231. [doi]  [abs]
  112. Bhardwaj, A; Subba, P; Rai, S; Bhat, C; Ghimire, R; Jordans, MJD; Green, E; Vasudevan, L; Kohrt, BA. "Lessons learned through piloting a community-based SMS referral system for common mental health disorders used by female community health volunteers in rural Nepal.." Bmc Research Notes  vol. 13 no. 1 (July, 2020.): 309. [doi]  [abs]
  113. Kaiser, BN; Varma, S; Carpenter-Song, E; Sareff, R; Rai, S; Kohrt, BA. "Eliciting recovery narratives in global mental health: Benefits and potential harms in service user participation.." Psychiatr Rehabil J  vol. 43 no. 2 (June, 2020.): 111-120. [doi]  [abs]
  114. Sangraula, M; Turner, EL; Luitel, NP; van 't Hof, E; Shrestha, P; Ghimire, R; Bryant, R; Marahatta, K; van Ommeren, M; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD. "Feasibility of Group Problem Management Plus (PM+) to improve mental health and functioning of adults in earthquake-affected communities in Nepal.." Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci  vol. 29 (May, 2020.): e130. [doi]  [abs]
  115. Kohrt, BA; El Chammay, R; Dossen, SB. "Policy Makers' Tough Choices for Psychological Interventions in Global Mental Health: Learning From Multisite Studies.." Jama Psychiatry  vol. 77 no. 5 (May, 2020.): 452-454. [doi]
  116. Van't Hof, E; Sangraula, M; Luitel, NP; Turner, EL; Marahatta, K; van Ommeren, M; Shrestha, P; Bryant, R; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD. "Effectiveness of Group Problem Management Plus (Group-PM+) for adults affected by humanitarian crises in Nepal: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial.." Trials  vol. 21 no. 1 (April, 2020.): 343. [doi]  [abs]
  117. Kaiser, BN; Ticao, C; Boglosa, J; Minto, J; Chikwiramadara, C; Tucker, M; Kohrt, BA. "Mental health and psychosocial support needs among people displaced by Boko Haram in Nigeria.." Glob Public Health  vol. 15 no. 3 (March, 2020.): 358-371. [doi]  [abs]
  118. Pham, TV; Koirala, R; Kohrt, BA. "Satisfaction in the Soul: Common Factors Theory Applied to Traditional Healers in Rural Nepal.." Ethos  vol. 48 no. 1 (March, 2020.): 93-128. [doi]  [abs]
  119. Kohrt, BA; Turner, EL; Rai, S; Bhardwaj, A; Sikkema, KJ; Adelekun, A; Dhakal, M; Luitel, NP; Lund, C; Patel, V; Jordans, MJD. "Reducing mental illness stigma in healthcare settings: Proof of concept for a social contact intervention to address what matters most for primary care providers.." Social Science and Medicine  vol. 250 (February, 2020.): 112852. [doi]  [abs]
  120. Kohrt, BA; Schafer, A; Willhoite, A; Van't Hof, E; Pedersen, GA; Watts, S; Ottman, K; Carswell, K; van Ommeren, M. "Ensuring Quality in Psychological Support (WHO EQUIP): developing a competent global workforce.." World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (Wpa)  vol. 19 no. 1 (February, 2020.): 115-116. [doi]
  121. Hartog, K; Hubbard, CD; Krouwer, AF; Thornicroft, G; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD. "Stigma reduction interventions for children and adolescents in low- and middle-income countries: Systematic review of intervention strategies.." Social Science and Medicine  vol. 246 (February, 2020.): 112749. [doi]  [abs]
  122. van Heerden, A; Wassenaar, D; Essack, Z; Vilakazi, K; Kohrt, BA. "In-Home Passive Sensor Data Collection and Its Implications for Social Media Research: Perspectives of Community Women in Rural South Africa.." J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics  vol. 15 no. 1-2 ( 2020.): 97-107. [doi]  [abs]
  123. van Heerden, A; Leppanen, J; Rotheram-Borus, MJ; Worthman, CM; Kohrt, BA; Skeen, S; Giese, S; Hughes, R; Bohmer, L; Tomlinson, M. "Emerging Opportunities Provided by Technology to Advance Research in Child Health Globally.." Global Pediatric Health  vol. 7 ( 2020.): 2333794X20917570. [doi]  [abs]
  124. Abayneh, S; Lempp, H; Alem, A; Kohrt, BA; Fekadu, A; Hanlon, C. "Developing a Theory of Change model of service user and caregiver involvement in mental health system strengthening in primary health care in rural Ethiopia.." International Journal of Mental Health Systems  vol. 14 ( 2020.): 51. [doi]  [abs]
  125. Byanjankar, P; Poudyal, A; Kohrt, BA; Maharjan, SM; Hagaman, A; van Heerden, A. "Utilizing passive sensing data to provide personalized psychological care in low-resource settings.." Gates Open Research  vol. 4 ( 2020.): 118. [doi]  [abs]
  126. Fazel, M; Kohrt, BA. "Prevention versus intervention in school mental health.." Lancet Psychiatry  vol. 6 no. 12 (December, 2019.): 969-971. [doi]
  127. Heim, E; Kohrt, BA. "Cultural adaptation of scalable psychological interventions: A new conceptual framework." Clinical Psychology in Europe  vol. 1 no. 4 (December, 2019.). [doi]  [abs]
  128. Poudyal, A; van Heerden, A; Hagaman, A; Maharjan, SM; Byanjankar, P; Subba, P; Kohrt, BA. "Correction: Wearable Digital Sensors to Identify Risks of Postpartum Depression and Personalize Psychological Treatment for Adolescent Mothers: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Exploratory Study in Rural Nepal.." Jmir Research Protocols  vol. 8 no. 10 (October, 2019.): e16837. [doi]  [abs]
  129. Poudyal, A; van Heerden, A; Hagaman, A; Maharjan, SM; Byanjankar, P; Subba, P; Kohrt, BA. "Wearable Digital Sensors to Identify Risks of Postpartum Depression and Personalize Psychological Treatment for Adolescent Mothers: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Exploratory Study in Rural Nepal.." Jmir Research Protocols  vol. 8 no. 8 (September, 2019.): e14734. [doi]  [abs]
  130. Nikiphorou, E; Lempp, H; Kohrt, BA. "Treatment failure in inflammatory arthritis: time to think about syndemics?." Rheumatology (Oxford)  vol. 58 no. 9 (September, 2019.): 1526-1533. [doi]  [abs]
  131. Keys, HM; Kaiser, BN; Foster, JW; Freeman, MC; Stephenson, R; Lund, AJ; Kohrt, BA. "Cholera control and anti-Haitian stigma in the Dominican Republic: from migration policy to lived experience.." Anthropol Med  vol. 26 no. 2 (August, 2019.): 123-141. [doi]  [abs]
  132. Jordans, MJD; Luitel, NP; Garman, E; Kohrt, BA; Rathod, SD; Shrestha, P; Komproe, IH; Lund, C; Patel, V. "Effectiveness of psychological treatments for depression and alcohol use disorder delivered by community-based counsellors: two pragmatic randomised controlled trials within primary healthcare in Nepal.." Br J Psychiatry  vol. 215 no. 2 (August, 2019.): 485-493. [doi]  [abs]
  133. Boazak, M; Kohrt, BA; Gwaikolo, W; Yoss, S; Sonkarlay, S; Strode, P; Compton, MT; Cooper, J. "Law Enforcement and Clinician Partnerships: Training of Trainers for CIT Teams in Liberia, West Africa.." Psychiatr Serv  vol. 70 no. 8 (August, 2019.): 740-743. [doi]  [abs]
  134. Pedersen, GA; Zajkowska, Z; Kieling, C; Gautam, K; Mondelli, V; Fisher, HL; Swartz, JR; Adewuya, A; Karmacharya, R; Kohrt, BA. "Protocol for a systematic review of the development of depression among adolescents and young adults: psychological, biological, and contextual perspectives around the world.." Systematic Reviews  vol. 8 no. 1 (July, 2019.): 179. [doi]  [abs]
  135. Thornicroft, G; Bakolis, I; Evans-Lacko, S; Gronholm, PC; Henderson, C; Kohrt, BA; Koschorke, M; Milenova, M; Semrau, M; Votruba, N; Sartorius, N. "Key lessons learned from the INDIGO global network on mental health related stigma and discrimination.." World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (Wpa)  vol. 18 no. 2 (June, 2019.): 229-230. [doi]
  136. Langer, JA; Ramos, JV; Ghimire, L; Rai, S; Kohrt, BA; Burkey, MD. "Gender and Child Behavior Problems in Rural Nepal: Differential Expectations and Responses.." Scientific Reports  vol. 9 no. 1 (May, 2019.): 7662. [doi]  [abs]
  137. Hinton, L; Kohrt, BA; Kleinman, A. "Engaging families to advance global mental health intervention research.." Lancet Psychiatry  vol. 6 no. 5 (May, 2019.): 365-367. [doi]
  138. Kieling, C; Adewuya, A; Fisher, HL; Karmacharya, R; Kohrt, BA; Swartz, JR; Mondelli, V. "Identifying depression early in adolescence.." Lancet Child Adolesc Health  vol. 3 no. 4 (April, 2019.): 211-213. [doi]
  139. Heim, E; Henderson, C; Kohrt, BA; Koschorke, M; Milenova, M; Thornicroft, G. "Reducing mental health-related stigma among medical and nursing students in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review.." Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci  vol. 29 (April, 2019.): e28. [doi]  [abs]
  140. van Brakel, WH; Cataldo, J; Grover, S; Kohrt, BA; Nyblade, L; Stockton, M; Wouters, E; Yang, LH. "Out of the silos: identifying cross-cutting features of health-related stigma to advance measurement and intervention.." Bmc Medicine  vol. 17 no. 1 (February, 2019.): 13. [doi]  [abs]
  141. Jordans, MJD; Luitel, NP; Kohrt, BA; Rathod, SD; Garman, EC; De Silva, M; Komproe, IH; Patel, V; Lund, C. "Community-, facility-, and individual-level outcomes of a district mental healthcare plan in a low-resource setting in Nepal: A population-based evaluation.." Plos Medicine  vol. 16 no. 2 (February, 2019.): e1002748. [doi]  [abs]
  142. Kohrt, BA; Rai, S; Vilakazi, K; Thapa, K; Bhardwaj, A; van Heerden, A. "Procedures to Select Digital Sensing Technologies for Passive Data Collection With Children and Their Caregivers: Qualitative Cultural Assessment in South Africa and Nepal.." Jmir Pediatr Parent  vol. 2 no. 1 (January, 2019.): e12366. [doi]  [abs]
  143. Heim, E; Kohrt, BA; Koschorke, M; Milenova, M; Thornicroft, G. "Corrigendum: Reducing mental health-related stigma in primary health care settings in low- A nd middle-income countries: A systematic review(Journal of Physical Chemistry (2019) (1-10) DOI: 10.1017/S2045796018000458)." Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences  (January, 2019.). [doi]  [abs]
  144. Kaiser, BN; Kohrt, BA. "Why Psychiatry Needs the Anthropologist: A Reflection on 80 Years of Culture in Mental Health.." Psychiatry  vol. 82 no. 3 ( 2019.): 205-215. [doi]
  145. Kaiser, BN; Ticao, C; Anoje, C; Minto, J; Boglosa, J; Kohrt, BA. "Adapting culturally appropriate mental health screening tools for use among conflict-affected and other vulnerable adolescents in Nigeria.." Global Mental Health (Cambridge, England)  vol. 6 ( 2019.): e10. [doi]  [abs]
  146. Kohrt, BA; Mistry, AS; Anand, N; Beecroft, B; Nuwayhid, I. "Health research in humanitarian crises: an urgent global imperative.." Bmj Global Health  vol. 4 no. 6 ( 2019.): e001870. [doi]  [abs]
  147. Gong, E; Lu, H; Shao, S; Tao, X; Peoples, N; Kohrt, BA; Xiong, S; Kyobutungi, C; Haregu, TN; Khayeka-Wandabwa, C; Van Minh, H; Hanh, TTD; Koirala, S; Gautam, K; Yan, LL. "Feasibility assessment of invigorating grassrooTs primary healthcare for prevention and management of cardiometabolic diseases in resource-limited settings in China, Kenya, Nepal, Vietnam (the FAITH study): rationale and design.." Global Health Research and Policy  vol. 4 ( 2019.): 33. [doi]  [abs]
  148. Kohrt, BA; Lu, FG; Wu, EY; Hinton, DE; Aggarwal, NK; Parekh, R; Rousseau, C; Lewis-Fernández, R. "Caring for Families Separated by Changing Immigration Policies and Enforcement: A Cultural Psychiatry Perspective.." Psychiatr Serv  vol. 69 no. 12 (December, 2018.): 1200-1203. [doi]  [abs]
  149. Kohrt, BA; Mutamba, BB; Luitel, NP; Gwaikolo, W; Onyango Mangen, P; Nakku, J; Rose, K; Cooper, J; Jordans, MJD; Baingana, F. "How competent are non-specialists trained to integrate mental health services in primary care? Global health perspectives from Uganda, Liberia, and Nepal.." Int Rev Psychiatry  vol. 30 no. 6 (December, 2018.): 182-198. [doi]  [abs]
  150. Burkey, MD; Adhikari, RP; Ghimire, L; Kohrt, BA; Wissow, LS; Luitel, NP; Haroz, EE; Jordans, MJD. "Validation of a cross-cultural instrument for child behavior problems: the Disruptive Behavior International Scale - Nepal version.." Bmc Psychology  vol. 6 no. 1 (November, 2018.): 51. [doi]  [abs]
  151. Mutamba, BB; Kane, JC; de Jong, JTVM; Okello, J; Musisi, S; Kohrt, BA. "Psychological treatments delivered by community health workers in low-resource government health systems: effectiveness of group interpersonal psychotherapy for caregivers of children affected by nodding syndrome in Uganda.." Psychol Med  vol. 48 no. 15 (November, 2018.): 2573-2583. [doi]  [abs]
  152. Heim, E; Kohrt, BA; Koschorke, M; Milenova, M; Thornicroft, G. "Reducing mental health-related stigma in primary health care settings in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review.." Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci  vol. 29 (September, 2018.): e3. [doi]  [abs]
  153. Hagaman, AK; Khadka, S; Wutich, A; Lohani, S; Kohrt, BA. "Suicide in Nepal: Qualitative Findings from a Modified Case-Series Psychological Autopsy Investigation of Suicide Deaths.." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry  vol. 42 no. 3 (September, 2018.): 704-734. [doi]  [abs]
  154. Burkey, MD; Hosein, M; Morton, I; Purgato, M; Adi, A; Kurzrok, M; Kohrt, BA; Tol, WA. "Psychosocial interventions for disruptive behaviour problems in children in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.." The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines  vol. 59 no. 9 (September, 2018.): 982-993. [doi]  [abs]
  155. Kohrt, BA; Griffith, JL; Patel, V. "Chronic pain and mental health: integrated solutions for global problems.." Pain  vol. 159 Suppl 1 no. Suppl 1 (September, 2018.): S85-S90. [doi]  [abs]
  156. Jordans, M; Rathod, S; Fekadu, A; Medhin, G; Kigozi, F; Kohrt, B; Luitel, N; Petersen, I; Shidhaye, R; Ssebunnya, J; Patel, V; Lund, C. "Suicidal ideation and behaviour among community and health care seeking populations in five low- and middle-income countries: a cross-sectional study.." Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences  vol. 27 no. 4 (August, 2018.): 393-402. [doi]  [abs]
  157. Ramaiya, MK; McLean, C; Regmi, U; Fiorillo, D; Robins, CJ; Kohrt, BA. "A dialectical behavior therapy skills intervention for women with suicidal behaviors in rural Nepal: A single-case experimental design series.." J Clin Psychol  vol. 74 no. 7 (July, 2018.): 1071-1091. [doi]  [abs]
  158. Mutamba, BB; Kohrt, BA; Okello, J; Nakigudde, J; Opar, B; Musisi, S; Bazeyo, W; de Jong, J. "Contextualization of psychological treatments for government health systems in low-resource settings: group interpersonal psychotherapy for caregivers of children with nodding syndrome in Uganda.." Implementation Science : Is  vol. 13 no. 1 (June, 2018.): 90. [doi]  [abs]
  159. Kohrt, BA; Asher, L; Bhardwaj, A; Fazel, M; Jordans, MJD; Mutamba, BB; Nadkarni, A; Pedersen, GA; Singla, DR; Patel, V. "The Role of Communities in Mental Health Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Meta-Review of Components and Competencies.." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  vol. 15 no. 6 (June, 2018.). [doi]  [abs]
  160. Kane, JC; Luitel, NP; Jordans, MJD; Kohrt, BA; Weissbecker, I; Tol, WA. "Mental health and psychosocial problems in the aftermath of the Nepal earthquakes: findings from a representative cluster sample survey.." Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences  vol. 27 no. 3 (June, 2018.): 301-310. [doi]  [abs]
  161. Rai, S; Gurung, D; Kaiser, BN; Sikkema, KJ; Dhakal, M; Bhardwaj, A; Tergesen, C; Kohrt, BA. "A service user co-facilitated intervention to reduce mental illness stigma among primary healthcare workers: Utilizing perspectives of family members and caregivers.." Fam Syst Health  vol. 36 no. 2 (June, 2018.): 198-209. [doi]  [abs]
  162. Kohrt, BA; Song, SJ. "Who benefits from psychosocial support interventions in humanitarian settings?." The Lancet. Global Health  vol. 6 no. 4 (April, 2018.): e354-e356. [doi]
  163. Luitel, NP; Baron, EC; Kohrt, BA; Komproe, IH; Jordans, MJD. "Prevalence and correlates of depression and alcohol use disorder among adults attending primary health care services in Nepal: a cross sectional study.." Bmc Health Services Research  vol. 18 no. 1 (March, 2018.): 215. [doi]  [abs]
  164. Tol, WA; Ebrecht, B; Aiyo, R; Murray, SM; Nguyen, AJ; Kohrt, BA; Ndyanabangi, S; Alderman, S; Musisi, S; Nakku, J. "Maternal mental health priorities, help-seeking behaviors, and resources in post-conflict settings: a qualitative study in eastern Uganda.." Bmc Psychiatry  vol. 18 no. 1 (February, 2018.): 39. [doi]  [abs]
  165. Patel, V; Burns, JK; Dhingra, M; Tarver, L; Kohrt, BA; Lund, C. "Income inequality and depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the association and a scoping review of mechanisms.." World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (Wpa)  vol. 17 no. 1 (February, 2018.): 76-89. [doi]  [abs]
  166. Cawthorpe, D; Saunders, NR; Kohrt, B. "Immigrant youth face barriers accessing mental health services in outpatient settings." Psychiatric Annals  vol. 48 no. 11 (January, 2018.): 537-538. [doi]
  167. Adhikari, RP; Upadhaya, N; Satinsky, EN; Burkey, MD; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD. "Feasibility study of a family- and school-based intervention for child behavior problems in Nepal.." Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health  vol. 12 ( 2018.): 20. [doi]  [abs]
  168. Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD; Turner, EL; Sikkema, KJ; Luitel, NP; Rai, S; Singla, DR; Lamichhane, J; Lund, C; Patel, V. "Reducing stigma among healthcare providers to improve mental health services (RESHAPE): protocol for a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial of a stigma reduction intervention for training primary healthcare workers in Nepal.." Pilot and Feasibility Studies  vol. 4 ( 2018.): 36. [doi]  [abs]
  169. Bhardwaj, A; Bourey, C; Rai, S; Adhikari, RP; Worthman, CM; Kohrt, BA. "Interpersonal violence and suicidality among former child soldiers and war-exposed civilian children in Nepal.." Global Mental Health (Cambridge, England)  vol. 5 ( 2018.): e9. [doi]  [abs]
  170. Sangraula, M; Van't Hof, E; Luitel, NP; Turner, EL; Marahatta, K; Nakao, JH; van Ommeren, M; Jordans, MJD; Kohrt, BA. "Protocol for a feasibility study of group-based focused psychosocial support to improve the psychosocial well-being and functioning of adults affected by humanitarian crises in Nepal: Group Problem Management Plus (PM+).." Pilot and Feasibility Studies  vol. 4 ( 2018.): 126. [doi]  [abs]
  171. Hagaman, AK; Khadka, S; Lohani, S; Kohrt, B. "Suicide in Nepal: a modified psychological autopsy investigation from randomly selected police cases between 2013 and 2015.." Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol  vol. 52 no. 12 (December, 2017.): 1483-1494. [doi]  [abs]
  172. Ramaiya, MK; Fiorillo, D; Regmi, U; Robins, CJ; Kohrt, BA. "A Cultural Adaptation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Nepal.." Cognitive and Behavioral Practice  vol. 24 no. 4 (November, 2017.): 428-444. [doi]  [abs]
  173. Acharya, B; Basnet, M; Rimal, P; Citrin, D; Hirachan, S; Swar, S; Thapa, P; Pandit, J; Pokharel, R; Kohrt, B. "Translating mental health diagnostic and symptom terminology to train health workers and engage patients in cross-cultural, non-English speaking populations." International Journal of Mental Health Systems  vol. 11 no. 1 (October, 2017.). [doi]  [abs]
  174. Evans-Lacko, S; Kohrt, B; Henderson, C; Thornicroft, G. "Public anti-stigma programmes might impove help-seeking.." Br J Psychiatry. Edited by Xenitidis, K; Campbell, C.  vol. 211 no. 3 (September, 2017.): 182. [doi]
  175. Gwaikolo, WS; Kohrt, BA; Cooper, JL. "Health system preparedness for integration of mental health services in rural Liberia.." Bmc Health Services Research  vol. 17 no. 1 (July, 2017.): 508. [doi]  [abs]
  176. Jordans, MJ; Kohrt, BA; Luitel, NP; Lund, C; Komproe, IH. "Proactive community case-finding to facilitate treatment seeking for mental disorders, Nepal.." Bull World Health Organ  vol. 95 no. 7 (July, 2017.): 531-536. [doi]  [abs]
  177. Egbe, CO; Dakum, PS; Ekong, E; Kohrt, BA; Minto, JG; Ticao, CJ. "Depression, suicidality, and alcohol use disorder among people living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria.." Bmc Public Health  vol. 17 no. 1 (June, 2017.): 542. [doi]  [abs]
  178. Haroz, EE; Ritchey, M; Bass, JK; Kohrt, BA; Augustinavicius, J; Michalopoulos, L; Burkey, MD; Bolton, P. "How is depression experienced around the world? A systematic review of qualitative literature.." Social Science and Medicine  vol. 183 (June, 2017.): 151-162. [doi]  [abs]
  179. Singla, DR; Kohrt, BA; Murray, LK; Anand, A; Chorpita, BF; Patel, V. "Psychological Treatments for the World: Lessons from Low- and Middle-Income Countries.." Annu Rev Clin Psychol  vol. 13 (May, 2017.): 149-181. [doi]  [abs]
  180. Mendenhall, E; Kohrt, BA; Norris, SA; Ndetei, D; Prabhakaran, D. "Non-communicable disease syndemics: poverty, depression, and diabetes among low-income populations.." Lancet  vol. 389 no. 10072 (March, 2017.): 951-963. [doi]  [abs]
  181. Acharya, B; Maru, D; Schwarz, R; Citrin, D; Tenpa, J; Hirachan, S; Basnet, M; Thapa, P; Swar, S; Halliday, S; Kohrt, B; Luitel, NP; Hung, E; Gauchan, B; Pokharel, R; Ekstrand, M. "Partnerships in mental healthcare service delivery in low-resource settings: developing an innovative network in rural Nepal.." Globalization and Health  vol. 13 no. 1 (January, 2017.): 2. [doi]  [abs]
  182. Luitel, NP; Jordans, MJD; Kohrt, BA; Rathod, SD; Komproe, IH. "Treatment gap and barriers for mental health care: A cross-sectional community survey in Nepal.." Plos One  vol. 12 no. 8 ( 2017.): e0183223. [doi]  [abs]
  183. Angdembe, M; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, M; Rimal, D; Luitel, NP. "Situational analysis to inform development of primary care and community-based mental health services for severe mental disorders in Nepal.." International Journal of Mental Health Systems  vol. 11 ( 2017.): 69. [doi]  [abs]
  184. Greene, MC; Jordans, MJD; Kohrt, BA; Ventevogel, P; Kirmayer, LJ; Hassan, G; Chiumento, A; van Ommeren, M; Tol, WA. "Addressing culture and context in humanitarian response: preparing desk reviews to inform mental health and psychosocial support.." Conflict and Health  vol. 11 ( 2017.): 21. [doi]  [abs]
  185. Jordans, MJD; Aldridge, L; Luitel, NP; Baingana, F; Kohrt, BA. "Evaluation of outcomes for psychosis and epilepsy treatment delivered by primary health care workers in Nepal: a cohort study.." International Journal of Mental Health Systems  vol. 11 ( 2017.): 70. [doi]  [abs]
  186. Subba, P; Luitel, NP; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD. "Improving detection of mental health problems in community settings in Nepal: development and pilot testing of the community informant detection tool.." Conflict and Health  vol. 11 ( 2017.): 28. [doi]  [abs]
  187. Rai, S; Adhikari, SB; Acharya, NR; Kaiser, BN; Kohrt, BA. "Elucidating adolescent aspirational models for the design of public mental health interventions: a mixed-method study in rural Nepal.." Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health  vol. 11 ( 2017.): 65. [doi]  [abs]
  188. Mendenhall, E; Yarris, K; Kohrt, BA. "Utilization of Standardized Mental Health Assessments in Anthropological Research: Possibilities and Pitfalls.." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry  vol. 40 no. 4 (December, 2016.): 726-745. [doi]  [abs]
  189. Kohrt, BA; Bourey, C. "Culture and Comorbidity: Intimate Partner Violence as a Common Risk Factor for Maternal Mental Illness and Reproductive Health Problems among Former Child Soldiers in Nepal.." Medical Anthropology Quarterly  vol. 30 no. 4 (December, 2016.): 515-535. [doi]  [abs]
  190. Tsai, AC; Kohrt, BA; Matthews, LT; Betancourt, TS; Lee, JK; Papachristos, AV; Weiser, SD; Dworkin, SL. "Promises and pitfalls of data sharing in qualitative research.." Social Science and Medicine  vol. 169 (November, 2016.): 191-198. [doi]  [abs]
  191. Griffith, JL; Kohrt, B; Dyer, A; Polatin, P; Morse, M; Jabr, S; Abdeen, S; Gaby, LM; Jindal, A; Khin, EK. "Training Psychiatrists for Global Mental Health: Cultural Psychiatry, Collaborative Inquiry, and Ethics of Alterity.." Acad Psychiatry  vol. 40 no. 4 (August, 2016.): 701-706. [doi]
  192. Kohrt, BA; Marienfeld, CB; Panter-Brick, C; Tsai, AC; Wainberg, ML. "Global Mental Health: Five Areas for Value-Driven Training Innovation.." Acad Psychiatry  vol. 40 no. 4 (August, 2016.): 650-658. [doi]  [abs]
  193. Kohrt, BA; Yang, M; Rai, S; Bhardwaj, A; Tol, WA; Jordans, MJD. "Recruitment of child soldiers in Nepal: Mental health status and risk factors for voluntary participation of youth in armed groups.." Peace and Conflict : Journal of Peace Psychology : the Journal of the Division of Peace Psychology of the American Psychological Association  vol. 22 no. 3 (August, 2016.): 208-216. [doi]  [abs]
  194. Kohrt, BA; Worthman, CM; Adhikari, RP; Luitel, NP; Arevalo, JMG; Ma, J; McCreath, H; Seeman, TE; Crimmins, EM; Cole, SW. "Psychological resilience and the gene regulatory impact of posttraumatic stress in Nepali child soldiers.." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A  vol. 113 no. 29 (July, 2016.): 8156-8161. [doi]  [abs]
  195. Wagenaar, BH; Cumbe, V; Raunig-Berhó, M; Rao, D; Kohrt, BA; Stergachis, A; Napúa, M; Sherr, K. "Outpatient Mental Health Services in Mozambique: Use and Treatments.." Psychiatr Serv  vol. 67 no. 6 (June, 2016.): 588-590. [doi]  [abs]
  196. Burkey, MD; Ghimire, L; Adhikari, RP; Wissow, LS; Jordans, MJD; Kohrt, BA. "The ecocultural context and child behavior problems: A qualitative analysis in rural Nepal.." Social Science and Medicine  vol. 159 (June, 2016.): 73-82. [doi]  [abs]
  197. Kohrt, BA; Mendenhall, E; Brown, PJ. "How anthropological theory and methods can advance global mental health.." Lancet Psychiatry  vol. 3 no. 5 (May, 2016.): 396-398. [doi]
  198. Griffith, JL; Kohrt, BA. "Managing Stigma Effectively: What Social Psychology and Social Neuroscience Can Teach Us.." Acad Psychiatry  vol. 40 no. 2 (April, 2016.): 339-347. [doi]  [abs]
  199. Kohrt, BA; Luitel, NP; Acharya, P; Jordans, MJD. "Detection of depression in low resource settings: validation of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and cultural concepts of distress in Nepal.." Bmc Psychiatry  vol. 16 (March, 2016.): 58. [doi]  [abs]
  200. Burkey, MD; Ghimire, L; Adhikari, RP; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD; Haroz, E; Wissow, L. "Development process of an assessment tool for disruptive behavior problems in cross-cultural settings: the Disruptive Behavior International Scale - Nepal version (DBIS-N).." International Journal of Culture and Mental Health  vol. 9 no. 4 ( 2016.): 387-398. [doi]  [abs]
  201. Hagaman, AK; Maharjan, U; Kohrt, BA. "Suicide surveillance and health systems in Nepal: a qualitative and social network analysis.." International Journal of Mental Health Systems  vol. 10 ( 2016.): 46. [doi]  [abs]
  202. Jordans, MJD; Kohrt, BA; Luitel, NP; Komproe, IH; Lund, C. "Accuracy of proactive case finding for mental disorders by community informants in Nepal.." Br J Psychiatry  vol. 207 no. 6 (December, 2015.): 501-506. [doi]  [abs]
  203. Kaiser, BN; Haroz, EE; Kohrt, BA; Bolton, PA; Bass, JK; Hinton, DE. ""Thinking too much": A systematic review of a common idiom of distress.." Social Science and Medicine  vol. 147 (December, 2015.): 170-183. [doi]  [abs]
  204. Kaiser, BN; Kohrt, BA; Wagenaar, BH; Kramer, MR; McLean, KE; Hagaman, AK; Khoury, NM; Keys, HM. "Scale properties of the Kreyòl Distress Idioms (KDI) screener: association of an ethnographically-developed instrument with depression, anxiety, and sociocultural risk factors in rural Haiti." International Journal of Culture and Mental Health  vol. 8 no. 4 (October, 2015.): 341-358. [doi]  [abs]
  205. Landry, MD; Raman, SR; Kohrt, BA. "Disability as an Emerging Public Health Crisis in Postearthquake Nepal.." Am J Public Health  vol. 105 no. 8 (August, 2015.): 1515-1517. [doi]
  206. Kaiser, BN; Keys, HM; Foster, J; Kohrt, BA. "Social stressors, social support, and mental health among Haitian migrants in the Dominican Republic.." Rev Panam Salud Publica  vol. 38 no. 2 (August, 2015.): 157-162.  [abs]
  207. de Jong, JTVM; Berckmoes, LH; Kohrt, BA; Song, SJ; Tol, WA; Reis, R. "A public health approach to address the mental health burden of youth in situations of political violence and humanitarian emergencies.." Current Psychiatry Reports  vol. 17 no. 7 (July, 2015.): 60. [doi]  [abs]
  208. McLean, KE; Kaiser, BN; Hagaman, AK; Wagenaar, BH; Therosme, TP; Kohrt, BA. "Task sharing in rural Haiti: Qualitative assessment of a brief, structured training with and without apprenticeship supervision for community health workers.." Intervention (Amstelveen, Netherlands)  vol. 13 no. 2 (July, 2015.): 135-155. [doi]  [abs]
  209. Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD; Rai, S; Shrestha, P; Luitel, NP; Ramaiya, MK; Singla, DR; Patel, V. "Therapist competence in global mental health: Development of the ENhancing Assessment of Common Therapeutic factors (ENACT) rating scale.." Behav Res Ther  vol. 69 (June, 2015.): 11-21. [doi]  [abs]
  210. Burkey, MD; Hosein, M; Purgato, M; Adi, A; Morton, I; Kohrt, BA; Tol, WA. "Psychosocial interventions for disruptive behavioural problems in children living in low- and middle-income countries: study protocol of a systematic review.." Bmj Open  vol. 5 no. 5 (May, 2015.): e007377. [doi]  [abs]
  211. "Corrigendum." Ethnicity & Health  vol. 20 no. 3 (May, 2015.): iii-iii. [doi]
  212. MacFarlane, EK; Shakya, R; Berry, HL; Kohrt, BA. "Implications of participatory methods to address mental health needs associated with climate change: 'photovoice' in Nepal.." Bjpsych International  vol. 12 no. 2 (May, 2015.): 33-35. [doi]  [abs]
  213. Kohrt, BA; Hruschka, DJ; Kohrt, HE; Carrion, VG; Waldman, ID; Worthman, CM. "Child abuse, disruptive behavior disorders, depression, and salivary cortisol levels among institutionalized and community-residing boys in Mongolia.." Asia Pac Psychiatry  vol. 7 no. 1 (March, 2015.): 7-19. [doi]  [abs]
  214. Kohrt, BA; Blasingame, E; Compton, MT; Dakana, SF; Dossen, B; Lang, F; Strode, P; Cooper, J. "Adapting the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) model of police-mental health collaboration in a low-income, post-conflict country: curriculum development in Liberia, West Africa.." Am J Public Health  vol. 105 no. 3 (March, 2015.): e73-e80. [doi]  [abs]
  215. Keys, HM; Kaiser, BN; Foster, JW; Burgos Minaya, RY; Kohrt, BA. "Perceived discrimination, humiliation, and mental health: a mixed-methods study among Haitian migrants in the Dominican Republic.." Ethnicity & Health  vol. 20 no. 3 ( 2015.): 219-240. [doi]  [abs]
  216. Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD; Koirala, S; Worthman, CM. "Designing mental health interventions informed by child development and human biology theory: a social ecology intervention for child soldiers in Nepal.." Am J Hum Biol  vol. 27 no. 1 ( 2015.): 27-40. [doi]  [abs]
  217. Neupane, D; Panthi, B; McLachlan, CS; Mishra, SR; Kohrt, BA; Kallestrup, P. "Prevalence of undiagnosed depression among persons with hypertension and associated risk factors: a cross-sectional study in urban Nepal.." Plos One  vol. 10 no. 2 ( 2015.): e0117329. [doi]  [abs]
  218. Kohrt, BA; Worthman, CM; Ressler, KJ; Mercer, KB; Upadhaya, N; Koirala, S; Nepal, MK; Sharma, VD; Binder, EB. "Cross-cultural gene- environment interactions in depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and the cortisol awakening response: FKBP5 polymorphisms and childhood trauma in South Asia.." Int Rev Psychiatry  vol. 27 no. 3 ( 2015.): 180-196. [doi]  [abs]
  219. Adhikari, RP; Upadhaya, N; Gurung, D; Luitel, NP; Burkey, MD; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD. "Perceived behavioral problems of school aged children in rural Nepal: a qualitative study.." Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health  vol. 9 ( 2015.): 25. [doi]  [abs]
  220. Adhikari, RP; Upadhaya, N; Gurung, D; Luitel, NP; Burkey, MD; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD. "Perceived behavioral problems of school aged children in rural Nepal: A qualitative study." Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health  ( 2015.). [doi]  [abs]
  221. Kohrt, BA; Burkey, M; Stuart, EA; Koirala, S. "Alternative approaches for studying humanitarian interventions: propensity score methods to evaluate reintegration packages impact on depression, PTSD, and function impairment among child soldiers in Nepal.." Global Mental Health (Cambridge, England)  vol. 2 ( 2015.): e16. [doi]  [abs]
  222. Kohrt, BA; Ramaiya, MK; Rai, S; Bhardwaj, A; Jordans, MJD. "Development of a scoring system for non-specialist ratings of clinical competence in global mental health: a qualitative process evaluation of the Enhancing Assessment of Common Therapeutic Factors (ENACT) scale.." Global Mental Health (Cambridge, England)  vol. 2 ( 2015.): e23. [doi]  [abs]
  223. Kumar, GS; Varma, S; Saenger, MS; Burleson, M; Kohrt, BA; Cantey, P. "Noninfectious disease among the Bhutanese refugee population at a United States urban clinic.." J Immigr Minor Health  vol. 16 no. 5 (October, 2014.): 922-925. [doi]  [abs]
  224. Kohrt, BA; Upadhaya, N; Luitel, NP; Maharjan, SM; Kaiser, BN; Macfarlane, EK; Khan, N. "Erratum: Authorship in global mental health research: Recommendations for collaborative approaches to writing and publishing (Annals of Global Health (2014) 80 (134-142))." Annals of Global Health  vol. 80 no. 5 (September, 2014.): 426. [doi]
  225. Kaiser, BN; McLean, KE; Kohrt, BA; Hagaman, AK; Wagenaar, BH; Khoury, NM; Keys, HM. "Reflechi twòp--thinking too much: description of a cultural syndrome in Haiti's Central Plateau.." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry  vol. 38 no. 3 (September, 2014.): 448-472. [doi]  [abs]
  226. Haviland, MJ; Shrestha, A; Decker, MR; Kohrt, BA; Kafle, HM; Lohani, S; Thapa, L; Surkan, PJ. "Barriers to sexual and reproductive health care among widows in Nepal.." Int J Gynaecol Obstet  vol. 125 no. 2 (May, 2014.): 129-133. [doi]  [abs]
  227. Kohrt, BA; Rasmussen, A; Kaiser, BN; Haroz, EE; Maharjan, SM; Mutamba, BB; de Jong, JTVM; Hinton, DE. "Cultural concepts of distress and psychiatric disorders: literature review and research recommendations for global mental health epidemiology.." Int J Epidemiol  vol. 43 no. 2 (April, 2014.): 365-406. [doi]  [abs]
  228. Kohrt, BA; Upadhaya, N; Luitel, NP; Maharjan, SM; Kaiser, BN; MacFarlane, EK; Khan, N. "Authorship in global mental health research: recommendations for collaborative approaches to writing and publishing.." Annals of Global Health  vol. 80 no. 2 ( 2014.): 134-142. [doi]  [abs]
  229. Aggarwal, NK; Kohrt, BA. "Medical diplomacy and global mental health: from community and national institutions to regional centers of excellence.." Community Mental Health Journal  vol. 49 no. 6 (December, 2013.): 805-814. [doi]  [abs]
  230. Niraula, K; Kohrt, BA; Flora, MS; Thapa, N; Mumu, SJ; Pathak, R; Stray-Pedersen, B; Ghimire, P; Regmi, B; Macfarlane, EK; Shrestha, R. "Prevalence of depression and associated risk factors among persons with type-2 diabetes mellitus without a prior psychiatric history: a cross-sectional study in clinical settings in urban Nepal.." Bmc Psychiatry  vol. 13 (November, 2013.): 309. [doi]  [abs]
  231. Kohrt, B. "Social ecology interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder: what can we learn from child soldiers?." Br J Psychiatry  vol. 203 no. 3 (September, 2013.): 165-167. [doi]  [abs]
  232. Morley, CA; Kohrt, BA. "Impact of peer support on PTSD, Hope, and functional impairment: A mixed-methods study of child soldiers in Nepal." Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma  vol. 22 no. 7 (August, 2013.): 714-734. [doi]  [abs]
  233. Kaiser, BN; Kohrt, BA; Keys, HM; Khoury, NM; Brewster, A-RT. "Strategies for assessing mental health in Haiti: local instrument development and transcultural translation.." Transcult Psychiatry  vol. 50 no. 4 (August, 2013.): 532-558. [doi]  [abs]
  234. Wagenaar, BH; Kohrt, BA; Hagaman, AK; McLean, KE; Kaiser, BN. "Determinants of care seeking for mental health problems in rural Haiti: culture, cost, or competency.." Psychiatr Serv  vol. 64 no. 4 (April, 2013.): 366-372. [doi]  [abs]
  235. Hagaman, AK; Wagenaar, BH; McLean, KE; Kaiser, BN; Winskell, K; Kohrt, BA. "Suicide in rural Haiti: clinical and community perceptions of prevalence, etiology, and prevention.." Social Science and Medicine  vol. 83 (April, 2013.): 61-69. [doi]  [abs]
  236. Kohrt, BA. "Broad Street Pumps of the Mind: Human biology in the advancement of global mental health.." American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council  vol. 25 no. 2 (March, 2013.): 263-263.
  237. Luitel, NP; Jordans, MJD; Sapkota, RP; Tol, WA; Kohrt, BA; Thapa, SB; Komproe, IH; Sharma, B. "Conflict and mental health: a cross-sectional epidemiological study in Nepal.." Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol  vol. 48 no. 2 (February, 2013.): 183-193. [doi]  [abs]
  238. Betancourt, TS; Borisova, I; Williams, TP; Meyers-Ohki, SE; Rubin-Smith, JE; Annan, J; Kohrt, BA. "Psychosocial adjustment and mental health in former child soldiers--systematic review of the literature and recommendations for future research.." The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines  vol. 54 no. 1 (January, 2013.): 17-36. [doi]  [abs]
  239. Jordans, MJD; Komproe, IH; Tol, WA; Ndayisaba, A; Nisabwe, T; Kohrt, BA. "Reintegration of child soldiers in Burundi: a tracer study.." Bmc Public Health  vol. 12 (October, 2012.): 905. [doi]  [abs]
  240. Kohrt, BA; Hruschka, DJ; Worthman, CM; Kunz, RD; Baldwin, JL; Upadhaya, N; Acharya, NR; Koirala, S; Thapa, SB; Tol, WA; Jordans, MJD; Robkin, N; Sharma, VD; Nepal, MK. "Political violence and mental health in Nepal: prospective study.." Br J Psychiatry  vol. 201 no. 4 (October, 2012.): 268-275. [doi]  [abs]
  241. Wagenaar, BH; Hagaman, AK; Kaiser, BN; McLean, KE; Kohrt, BA. "Depression, suicidal ideation, and associated factors: a cross-sectional study in rural Haiti.." Bmc Psychiatry  vol. 12 (September, 2012.): 149. [doi]  [abs]
  242. Khoury, NM; Kaiser, BN; Keys, HM; Brewster, A-RT; Kohrt, BA. "Explanatory models and mental health treatment: is vodou an obstacle to psychiatric treatment in rural Haiti?." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry  vol. 36 no. 3 (September, 2012.): 514-534. [doi]  [abs]
  243. Keys, HM; Kaiser, BN; Kohrt, BA; Khoury, NM; Brewster, A-RT. "Idioms of distress, ethnopsychology, and the clinical encounter in Haiti's Central Plateau.." Social Science and Medicine  vol. 75 no. 3 (August, 2012.): 555-564. [doi]  [abs]
  244. Kohrt, BA; Maharjan, SM; Timsina, D; Griffith, JL. "Applying nepali ethnopsychology to psychotherapy for the treatment of mental illness and prevention of suicide among bhutanese refugees." Annals of Anthropological Practice  vol. 36 no. 1 (May, 2012.): 88-112. [doi]  [abs]
  245. Kohrt, BA; Duncan, E. "Hemicrania Continua Headache in a Veteran with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder without Traumatic Brain Injury.." Case Rep Psychiatry  vol. 2012 ( 2012.): 937217. [doi]  [abs]
  246. Trinidad, AC; Kohrt, BA; Norris, L. "Cognitive behavioral therapy and cancer." Psychiatric Annals  vol. 41 no. 9 (September, 2011.): 439-442. [doi]
  247. Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD; Tol, WA; Luitel, NP; Maharjan, SM; Upadhaya, N. "Validation of cross-cultural child mental health and psychosocial research instruments: adapting the Depression Self-Rating Scale and Child PTSD Symptom Scale in Nepal.." Bmc Psychiatry  vol. 11 no. 1 (August, 2011.): 127. [doi]  [abs]
  248. Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD; Tol, WA; Perera, E; Karki, R; Koirala, S; Upadhaya, N. "Social ecology of child soldiers: child, family, and community determinants of mental health, psychosocial well-being, and reintegration in Nepal.." Transcult Psychiatry  vol. 47 no. 5 (November, 2010.): 727-753. [doi]  [abs]
  249. Maes, KC; Kohrt, BA; Closser, S. "Culture, status and context in community health worker pay: pitfalls and opportunities for policy research. A commentary on Glenton et al. (2010).." Social Science and Medicine  vol. 71 no. 8 (October, 2010.): 1375-1378. [doi]
  250. Jordans, MJD; Komproe, IH; Tol, WA; Kohrt, BA; Luitel, NP; Macy, RD; de Jong, JTVM. "Evaluation of a classroom-based psychosocial intervention in conflict-affected Nepal: a cluster randomized controlled trial.." The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines  vol. 51 no. 7 (July, 2010.): 818-826. [doi]  [abs]
  251. Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD; Morley, CA. "Four principles of mental health research and psychosocial intervention for child soldiers: lessons learned in Nepal.." International Psychiatry : Bulletin of the Board of International Affairs of the Royal College of Psychiatrists  vol. 7 no. 3 (July, 2010.): 57-59.  [abs]
  252. Kohrt, BA; Hruschka, DJ. "Nepali concepts of psychological trauma: the role of idioms of distress, ethnopsychology and ethnophysiology in alleviating suffering and preventing stigma.." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry  vol. 34 no. 2 (June, 2010.): 322-352. [doi]  [abs]
  253. Kohrt, BA. "Incorrect Information in: Comparison of Mental Health Between Former Child Soldiers and Children Never Conscripted by Armed Groups in Nepal." Jama  vol. 303 no. 20 (May, 2010.): 2034-2034. [doi]
  254. Tol, WA; Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD; Thapa, SB; Pettigrew, J; Upadhaya, N; de Jong, JTVM. "Political violence and mental health: a multi-disciplinary review of the literature on Nepal.." Social Science and Medicine  vol. 70 no. 1 (January, 2010.): 35-44. [doi]  [abs]
  255. Kohrt, BA; Maharjan, SM. "When a child is no longer a child: Nepali ethnopsychology of child development and violence.." Stud Nepali Hist Soc  vol. 14 no. 1 (June, 2009.): 107-142.
  256. Kohrt, B; Hadley, C; Hruschka, D. "Culture and epidemiology special issue: towards an integrated study of culture and population health.." Ann Hum Biol  vol. 36 no. 3 ( 2009.): 229-234. [doi]
  257. Kohrt, BA; Speckman, RA; Kunz, RD; Baldwin, JL; Upadhaya, N; Acharya, NR; Sharma, VD; Nepal, MK; Worthman, CM. "Culture in psychiatric epidemiology: using ethnography and multiple mediator models to assess the relationship of caste with depression and anxiety in Nepal.." Ann Hum Biol  vol. 36 no. 3 ( 2009.): 261-280. [doi]  [abs]
  258. Kohrt, BA; Worthman, CM. "Gender and anxiety in Nepal: the role of social support, stressful life events, and structural violence.." Cns Neurosci Ther  vol. 15 no. 3 ( 2009.): 237-248. [doi]  [abs]
  259. Tsai, AC. "Measuring mental health in child soldiers.." Jama  vol. 300 no. 23 (December, 2008.): 2729. [doi]
  260. Kohrt, BA; Harper, I. "Navigating diagnoses: understanding mind-body relations, mental health, and stigma in Nepal.." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry  vol. 32 no. 4 (December, 2008.): 462-491. [doi]  [abs]
  261. Kohrt, BA; Jordans, MJD; Tol, WA; Speckman, RA; Maharjan, SM; Worthman, CM; Komproe, IH. "Comparison of mental health between former child soldiers and children never conscripted by armed groups in Nepal.." Jama  vol. 300 no. 6 (August, 2008.): 691-702. [doi]  [abs]
  262. Kohrt, BA; Tol, WA; Harper, I. "Reconsidering somatic presentation of generalized anxiety disorder in Nepal.." The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease  vol. 195 no. 6 (June, 2007.): 544. [doi]
  263. Hruschka, DJ; Kohrt, BA; Worthman, CM. "Estimating between- and within-individual variation in cortisol levels using multilevel models.." Psychoneuroendocrinology  vol. 30 no. 7 (August, 2005.): 698-714. [doi]  [abs]
  264. Worthman, CM; Kohrt, B. "Receding horizons of health: biocultural approaches to public health paradoxes.." Social Science & Medicine  vol. 61 no. 4 (August, 2005.): 861-878. [doi]  [abs]
  265. Kohrt, BA; Kunz, RD; Baldwin, JL; Koirala, NR; Sharma, VD; Nepal, MK. ""Somatization" and "comorbidity": A study of jhum-jhum and depression in rural Nepal." Ethos  vol. 33 no. 1 (March, 2005.): 125-147. [doi]  [abs]
  266. Kohrt, BA; Hruschka, DJ; Kohrt, HE; Panebianco, NL; Tsagaankhuu, G. "Distribution of distress in post-socialist Mongolia: a cultural epidemiology of yadargaa.." Social Science & Medicine  vol. 58 no. 3 (February, 2004.): 471-485. [doi]  [abs]
  267. Hruschka, DJ; Kohrt, BA; Worthman, CM. "Estimating inter-individual variation in human cortisol levels: Mixed models applied to data from Nepal, Mongolia and the US." American Journal of Physical Anthropology  (January, 2004.): 116-116.
  268. Kohrt, HE; Kohrt, BA; Waldman, I; Saltzman, K; Carrion, VG. "An ecological-transactional model of significant risk factors for child psychopathology in outer mongolia.." Child Psychiatry and Human Development  vol. 35 no. 2 ( 2004.): 163-181. [doi]  [abs]
  269. Kohrt, BA; Kunz, RD; Koirala, NR; Sharma, VD; Nepal, M. "Jhum-jhum: A study of depression, somatic presentation, and physiological morbidity in rural Nepal.." American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council  vol. 14 no. 1 (January, 2002.): 120-120.
  270. Kohrt, BA; Kunz, RD; Koirala, NR; Sharma, VD; Nepal, MK. "Jhum-jhum: Depression, somatization and comorbidity in Nepal." Psychosomatic Medicine  vol. 64 no. 1 (January, 2002.): 169-169.
  271. Kohrt, BA; Kohrt, HE; Tsagaankhuu, T. "Vulnerability and stress in Mongolia: the adaptive significance of yadargaa.." American Journal of Physical Anthropology  (January, 2001.): 91-92.
  272. Hruschka, DJ; Kohrt, BA; Kohrt, HE; Tsagaankhuu, G. "Yadargaa: a culturally and biologically bound illness in Mongolia.." American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council  vol. 13 no. 1 (January, 2001.): 124-124.
  273. Brekke, JS; Kohrt, B; Green, MF. "Neuropsychological functioning as a moderator of the relationship between psychosocial functioning and the subjective experience of self and life in schizophrenia.." Schizophrenia Bulletin  vol. 27 no. 4 ( 2001.): 697-708. [doi]  [abs]
  274. Kohrt, BA; Schreiber, SS. "Jhum-jhum: neuropsychiatric symptoms in a Nepali village.." Lancet (London, England)  vol. 353 no. 9158 (March, 1999.): 1070. [doi]

Book Chapters

  1. Kohrt, B; Juan, C. "Child Maltreatment and Global Health: Biocultural Perspectives." Child Maltreatment: Contemporary Issues in Research and Policy  vol. 14 (January, 2022.): 749-772. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Kohrt, BA. "Historical origins of global mental health." Global Mental Health Ethics  (May, 2021.): 17-30. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Kohrt, BA; Bhardwaj, A. "Training and supervision." Global Mental Health and Psychotherapy: Adapting Psychotherapy for Low- and Middle-Income Countries  (January, 2019.): 47-65. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Kohrt, BA; Mendenhall, E; Brown, PJ. "Conclusion: A road map for anthropology and global mental health." Global Mental Health: Anthropological Perspectives  (July, 2016.): 341-361.
  5. Kohrt, BA; Jallah, RB. "People, praxis, and power in global mental health: Anthropology and the experience gap." Global Mental Health: Anthropological Perspectives  (July, 2016.): 259-276. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Mendenhall, E; Kohrt, BA. "Anthropological methods in global mental health research." Global Mental Health: Anthropological Perspectives  (July, 2016.): 37-50. [doi]  [abs]
  7. Kohrt, BA; Mendenhall, E; Brown, PJ. "Historical background: Medical anthropology and global mental health." Global Mental Health: Anthropological Perspectives  (July, 2016.): 19-35. [doi]  [abs]
  8. Kohrt, BA; Rai, S; Maharjan, SM. "Child Soldiers." International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition  (March, 2015.): 430-438. [doi]  [abs]
  9. Kohrt, BA; Worthman, CM; Upadhaya, N. "Karma to chromosomes: Studying the biology of PTSD in a world of culture." Culture and PTSD: Trauma in Global and Historical Perspective  (January, 2015.): 307-333.
  10. Kohrt, BA; Griffith, JL. "Global mental health praxis: Perspectives from cultural psychiatry on research and intervention." Re-Visioning Psychiatry  (January, 2015.): 575-612. [doi]  [abs]
  11. Kohrt, BA. "The Role of traditional rituals for reintegration andpsychosocial well-being of child soldiers in Nepal." Genocide and Mass Violence: Memory, Symptom, and Recovery  (January, 2014.): 369-387. [doi]  [abs]
  12. Kohrt, BA. "Child Maltreatment and Global Health: Biocultural Perspectives." Child Maltreatment: Contemporary Issues in Research and Policy  vol. 2 (January, 2014.): 553-577. [doi]  [abs]
  13. Tol, WA; Jordans, MJD; Kohrt, BA; Betancourt, TS; Komproe, IH. "Promoting mental health and psychosocial well-being in children affected by political violence: Part II-expanding the evidence base." Handbook of Resilience in Children of War  (January, 2013.): 29-38. [doi]
  14. Tol, WA; Jordans, MJD; Kohrt, BA; Betancourt, TS; Komproe, IH. "Promoting mental health and psychosocial well-being in children affected by political violence: Part I-current evidence for an ecological resilience approach." Handbook of Resilience in Children of War  (January, 2013.): 11-27. [doi]
  15. Panter-Brick, C; Lende, D; Kohrt, BA. "Children in Global Adversity: Physical, Mental, Behavioral, and Symbolic Dimensions of Health." The Oxford Handbook of Poverty and Child Development  (September, 2012.). [doi]  [abs]

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