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Publications of Rebecca L. Stein    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. Stein, RL. Screen Shots: State Violence on Camera in Israel and Palestine. Stanford University Press, June, 2021. 256 pages pp.  [abs]
  2. Stein, R; Kuntsman, A. Digital militarism : Israel's Occupation in the Social Media Age. Stanford University Press, 2015. [available here]
  3. Stein, RL. Itineraries in Conflict: Israelis, Palestinians, and the Political Lives of Tourism. Duke University Press, 2008.
  4. R.L. Stein. Itineraries in Conflict: Israelis, Palestinians, and the Political Lives of Tourism. Duke University Press, 2008.
  5. Rebecca L. Stein and Ted Swedenburg (eds.). Palestine, Israel, and the Politics of Popular Culture. Duke University Press, 2005.
  6. Joel Beinin and Rebecca L. Stein (editors). The Struggle for Sovereignty: Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005. Stanford University Press, 2006.
  7.  Palestine, Israel, and the Politics of Popular Culture. Edited by Stein, RL; Swedenburg, T. Duke University Press, 2005.
  8.  The Struggle for Sovereignty: Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005. Edited by Stein, RL; Beinin, J. Stanford University Press, 2005.

Published Articles

  1. Stein, R. "The Visual Terms of State Violence in Israel/Palestine: Interview with Rebecca L. Stein." Philosophy of Photography. Edited by Levin, N; Fisher, A.  vol. 13 no. 2 ( 2023.).  [abs]
  2. Stein, RL. "The Boy Who Wasn't Really Killed: Israeli State Violence in the Age of the Smartphone Witness." International Journal of Middle East Studies  vol. 53 no. 4 (November, 2021.): 620-638. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Stein, R. "How One Palestinian University is Remaking ‘Israel Studies’." Middle East Report  (May, 2019.).
  4. Stein, R. ""Fake News!" The View from Israel's Occupation." OpenDemocracy  (February, 2018.).
  5. Stein, RL. "GoPro occupation: Networked cameras, Israeli Military rule, and the digital promise." Current Anthropology  vol. 58 no. S15 (February, 2017.): S56-S64. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Stein, R. "“Israel Dispatch"." Middle East Report  ( 2017.).  [abs]
  7. Stein, RL. "#StolenHomes: Israeli tourism and/as military occupation in historical perspective." American Quarterly  vol. 68 no. 3 (September, 2016.): 545-555. [doi]
  8. Stein, RL. "Dispossession Reconsidered: Israel, Nakba, Things." Ethnologie Francaise  vol. 45 no. 2 (January, 2015.): 309-320. [doi]  [abs]
  9. R.L. Stein. "Occupied by Tourism: How Israeli Tourists Helped Sustain its Occupation." American Quarterly (special issues on tourism and militarism)  (forthcoming.).
  10. R.L. Stein. "GoPro Occupation: Military Cameras, Optical Authority, and the Politics of Failed Seeing in Israel." Current Anthropology  (forthcoming.).
  11. R.L. Stein. "Dispossession Reconsidered: Israel, Nakba, Things (in French)." Ethnologie Francaise -- Special issue, "Israel au Quotidien"  (2015.).
  12. Stein, RL; Kuntsman, A. "Selfie Militarism." London Review of Books  ( 2014.). [available here]
  13. Stein, R. "Performative Zion: Butler's Parting Ways." Studies in American Jewish Literature  vol. 33 no. 2 ( 2014.): 259-263. [0259], [doi]
  14. Stein, RL. "Viral Occupation Cameras and Networked Human Rights in the West Bank." Middle East Report  ( 2013.). [mero032013]
  15. Stein, RL. "State Tube: Anthropological reflections on social media and the Israeli State." Anthropological Quarterly  vol. 85 no. 3 (September, 2012.): 893-916. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  16. R.L. Stein. "Of Houses and Homelands: Israel, Palestine, Things.." Struggle and Survival in Palestine and Israel, .edited by G Shafir and M LeVine.  (2012.).
  17. Stein, RL. "An All-Consuming Occupation." Middle East Report  ( 2012.). [mero062612]
  18. Stein, RL. "Inside Israel's Twitter War Room: History of a Social Media Arsenal." Middle East Report  ( 2012.). [mero112412]
  19. Stein, RL. "Impossible Witness: Israeli Visuality, Palestinian Testimony, and the Gaza War." Journal for Cultural Research (special issue on Arab Cultural Studies)  vol. 16 no. 2-3 ( 2012.): 135-153. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  20. Stein, RL. "The Other Wall: Facebook and Israel." London Review of Books blog  (April, 2011.). [available here]
  21. Stein, RL. "Tours that Bind: Review of Shaul Kelner." Journal of Tourism History  ( 2011.).
  22. Stein, RL. "Bin Laden’s TV." Jadaliyya  ( 2011.). [bin-ladens-tv]
  23. Kuntsman, A; Stein, RL. "Digital Suspicion, Politics, and the Middle East." Critical Inquiry (online feature on Arab Spring)  ( 2011.). [available here]
  24. Stein, RL. "Review of Governing Gaza: Bureaucracy, Authority, and the Work of Rule, 1917-1967." American Anthropologist  vol. 112 no. 4 (December, 2010.): 666-667. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  25. Stein, RL. "EXPLOSIVE." Glq: a Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies  vol. 16 no. 4 (October, 2010.): 517-536. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  26. Stein, RL. "Review of Israeli Culture Between the Two Intifadas: A Brief Romance by Yaron Peleg." Middle East Report  vol. 254 no. Spring ( 2010.).
  27. Stein, RL. "Israeli Routes Through Nakba Landscapes: An Ethnographic Meditation." Jerusalem Quarterly  vol. 43 ( 2010.). [Israeli_Routes_Through_Nakba_Landscapes_An_Ethnographic_Meditation]
  28. Kuntsman, A; Stein, RL. "Another War Zone: New Media and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict." Middle East Report  ( 2010.). [another-war-zone]
  29. Stein, RL. "TRAVELLING ZION Hiking and Settler-Nationalism in pre-1948 Palestine." Interventions International Journal of Postcolonial Studies  vol. 11 no. 3 (Fall, 2009.): 334-351. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  30. Stein, RL. "Souvenirs of conquest: Israeli occupations as tourist events." International Journal of Middle East Studies  vol. 40 no. 4 (October, 2008.): 647-669. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  31. Stein, RL. "Ella Shohat Taboo Memories, Diasporic Voices (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2006) Pp. 406. $84.95 cloth, $23.95 paperback.." International Journal of Middle East Studies  vol. 40 no. 2 (May, 2008.): 321-322. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  32. Stein, RL. "Review of Shared histories: A Palestinian-Israeli dialogue by Paul Scham, et al." International Journal of Middle East Studies  vol. 40 no. 1 (February, 2008.): 154-156. [Gateway.cgi]
  33. Stein, RL. "Review of Taboo Memories, Diasporic Voices by Ella Shohat." International Journal of Middle East Studies  ( 2007.).
  34. Stein, RL. "Review of Israeli backpackers: From tourism to rite of passage." International Journal of Middle East Studies  vol. 38 no. 4 (November, 2006.): 612-614. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  35. Stein, RL. "Daniel Lefkowitz, WORDS AND STONES." American Anthropologist  ( 2006.). (Book Review)
  36. Stein, RL. "Review of Words and stones: The politics of language and identity in Israel by Daniel Lefkowitz." American Anthropologist  vol. 107 no. 4 (December, 2005.): 731-732. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  37. Stein, RL. "Tourism, the Nation-State, and Settler-Modernity in Israel." Anthropology News  vol. 45 no. 8 ( 2004.): 50-51.
  38. STEIN, RL; SWEDENBURG, T. "Popular Culture, Relational History, and the Question of Power in Palestine and Israel." Journal of Palestine Studies  vol. 33 no. 4 ( 2004.): 5-20. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  39. Stein, RL. "Israel und die kulturelle Politik des Tourisms." Sommer Akademie News  no. August (August, 2003.).
  40. Stein, RL. "The Jewish Israeli Left, US Empire, and the End of the Two-State Solution." Middle East Report  ( 2003.). [html]
  41. Stein, RL. "La izquierda judia israelí, el Imperio de EE.UU. y el fin de la solución de dos estados (translated for Rebelin by Germn Leyens)." Rebelin  ( 2003.).
  42. Stein, RL. "Of Cafes and Colonialism: Israeli Leisure and The Question of Palestine (Again)." Theory and Event  vol. 6 no. 3 ( 2003.).
  43. Stein, RL. "Pappé Faces down Prosecution." Middle East Report  no. 223 ( 2002.): 43-43. [1559464], [doi]
  44. Stein, RL. "'First Contact’ and Other Israeli Fictions: Tourism, Globalization, and the Middle East Peace Process." Public Culture  vol. 14 no. 3 ( 2002.). [repository]
  45. Stein, RL. "Violence and its Rhetoric: Sharon’s Visit to Washington." Middle East Report  ( 2001.). (Press Information Note)
  46. Stein, RL. "Israeli Interiors: Ethnic Tourism, The State, and the Politics of Space." European University Institute Working Papers  no. 11 ( 2001.).
  47. Stein, RL. "Spatial Fantasies Israeli Popular Culture after Oslo." Middle East Report  no. 216 ( 2000.): 36-38. [1520215], [doi]
  48. Stein, RL. "Review of Our Sisters’ Promised Land by Ayala Emmet." American Anthropologist  ( 1998.).
  49. Stein, RL. "Review of From Shmaltz to Sacrilege: Commemorating Israel After Rabin." Middle East Report  vol. 28 no. 207 ( 1998.): 43-45. [htm]
  50. Stein, RL. "National Itineraries, Itinerant Nations: Israeli Tourism and Palestinian Cultural Production." Social Text  vol. 56 no. 56 ( 1998.): 91-124. [466772], [doi]
  51. Stein, RL. "From Shmaltz to Sacrilege: Commemorating Israel After Rabin." Middle East Report,  vol. 28 no. 207 ( 1998.): 43-45.
  52. Stein, RL. "Itineraries of Peace: Remapping Israeli and Palestinian Tourism." Middle East Report  vol. 25 no. 196 (September, 1995.): 16-16. [3013297], [doi]
  53. Stein, RL. "Review of The Limits of the Revisionist Imagination." Middle East Report  ( 1995.). [html]
  54. Stein, RL. "Review of Political Tourism in Palestine." Stanford Humanities Review  ( 1995.).
  55. Stein, RL. "Military Closure in Gaza, 1992." Challenge  vol. 4 no. 3 ( 1993.): 8-12.
  56. Stein, RL. "Military Closure in Gaza, 1992." Challenge  vol. 4 no. 3 ( 1993.): 8-12.
  57. Stein, RL. "The New Infiltrators: Defying Military Closure." Challenge  vol. 4 no. 4 ( 1992.): 16-19.
  58. Stein, RL. "Rebuilding Jerusalem With Love’: Jewish Settlement in the Muslim Quarter." Challenge  vol. 3 no. 6 ( 1992.): 22-38.
  59. Stein, RL. "The New Infiltrators: Defying Military Closure." Challenge  vol. 4 no. 4 ( 1992.): 16-19.
  60. Stein, RL. "Rebuilding Jerusalem With Love': Jewish Settlement in the Muslim Quarter." Challenge  vol. 3 no. 6 ( 1992.): 22-38.
  61. Stein, RL. "Review of Zealots for Zion by Robert Friedman." Middle East Report  vol. 23 no. 182 ( 1991.): 45-46.

Book Chapters

  1. Stein, R. "How to Unsee Gaza: Israeli Media, State Violence, Palestinian Testimony." Gaza on Screen. Edited by Yaqub, N.  ( 2023.).  [abs]
  2. Stein, RL. ""Hoax!" Palestinian Cameras, Israeli state violence, and the "Fake News" fantasy." The Aesthetics and Politics of the Online Self: A Savage Journey into the Heart of Digital Cultures  (January, 2022.): 115-128. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Stein, R. "When Colonial Machines Break-Down: Digitality and Decolonization in Israel/Palestine." The StateMachines Reader  ( 2019.).
  4. Stein, RL. "Of possessions and dispossessions: A story of Palestinian property in jewish Israeli lives." Struggle and Survival in Palestine/Israel  (September, 2012.): 295-305.
  5. R.L. Stein. "Of Houses and Homelands: Israel, Palestine, Things." Struggle and Survival in Palestine and Israel, Gershon Shafir and Mark LeVine eds. Berkeley: University of California Press  (2012.).
  6. Stein, RL. "Of Houses and Homelands: Israel, Palestine, Things." Struggle and Survival in Palestine and Israel. Edited by Shafir, G; LeVine, M.  ( 2012.).
  7. Stein, RL. "On Tourism and Politics in Israel: A Response to Eric Meyers." Archeology, Politics, and the Media. Edited by Meyers, E.  ( 2009.).
  8. Stein, RL. "Balad of the Sad Cafe: Israeli Leisure, Palestinian Terror, and the Post/colonial Question." Postcolonial Studies and Beyond. Edited by Loomba, A; Kaul, S; Bunzl, M; al, E.  ( 2006.).
  9. Stein, RL. "The Oslo Process, Israeli Popular Culture, and the Remaking of National Space." The Struggle for Sovereignty: Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005  ( 2006.).
  10. Stein, RL; Beinin, J. "Histories and Futures of a Failed Peace." The Struggle for Sovereignty: Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005  ( 2006.).
  11. Stein, RL. ""First Contact’ and Other Israeli Fictions: Tourism, Globalization, and the Middle East Peace Process"." Palestine, Israel and the Politics of Popular Culture. Edited by Stein, RL; Swedenburg, T.  ( 2005.).
  12. Stein, RL; Swedenburg, T. "Popular Culture, Transnationality, and Radical History." Palestine, Israel, and the Politics of Popular Culture  ( 2005.).

Mass Media

  1. R.L. Stein. ""La izquierda judia israelí, el Imperio de EE.UU. y el fin de la solución de dos estados"." Rebelión  (2003.). (translated for Rebelión by Germán Leyens)
  2. R.L. Stein. "Israel und die kulturelle Politik des Tourismus." Sommer Akademie  vol. August ( 2003.).
  3. R.L. Stein. "“The Jewish Israeli Left, US Empire, and the End of the Two-State Solution:." Middle East Report  (2003.). [html]
  4. R.L. Stein. "“The Jewish Israeli Left, US Empire, and the End of the Two-State Solution:." Middle East Report On-Line  ( 2003.).

Book Reviews

  1. Stein, RL. "Tours that Bind: Review of Shaul Kelner." Journal of Tourism History  ( 2011.).
  2. Stein, RL. "Governing Gaza: Bureaucracy, Authority, and the Work of Rule, 1917–1967 by Ilana Feldman." American Anthropologist  (November, 2010.).
  3. R.L. Stein. "Yaron Peleg, Israeli Culture Between the Two Intifadas: A Brief Romance."   (Spring 2010.).
  4. Stein, RL; Peleg, Y. "Israeli Culture Between the Two Intifadas: A Brief Romance."   ( 2010.).
  5. R.L. Stein. "Paul Scham, et al Shared Histories." International Journal of Middle East Studies  ( 2007.).
  6. R.L. Stein. "Ella Shohat, TABOO MEMORIES, DIASPORIC VOICES." International Journal of Middle East Studies  (2007.).
  7. Stein, RL; Scham, P. "Shared Histories." International Journal of Middle East Studies  ( 2007.).
  8. Stein, RL; Shohat, E. "TABOO MEMORIES, DIASPORIC VOICES." International Journal of Middle East Studies  ( 2007.).
  9. Stein, RL. "Israeli Backpackers: From Tourism to Rite of Passage." International Journal of Middle East Studies  ( 2006.).
  10. Stein, RL; Lefkowitz, D. "WORDS AND STONES." American Anthropologist  ( 2006.).
  11. Stein, RL. "Zionism's Internal Critics." Journal of Palestine Studies  vol. 31 no. 4 ( 2002.).
  12. Stein, RL. "Our Sisters' Promised Land, Ayala Emmet." American Anthropologist  ( 1998.).
  13. Stein, RL. "From Shmaltz to Sacrilege: Commemorating Israel After Rabin." Middle East Report  vol. 28 no. 207 ( 1998.): 43-45.
  14. Stein, RL. "The Limits of the Revisionist Imagination." Middle East Report  ( 1995.). [html]
  15. Stein, RL. "Political Tourism in Palestine." Stanford Humanities Review  ( 1995.).
  16. Stein, RL. "Zealots for Zion, Robert Friedman." Middle East Report  vol. 23 no. 182 ( 1991.): 45-46.

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