| Peter H. Burian, Professor Emeritus
 Greek literature, particularly drama; theory and practice of literary translation; reception of Greco-Roman antiquity in later thought and arts
- Contact Info:
- Office Hours:
- On Leave AY 2013-2014
- Education:
Ph.D. | Princeton University | 1971 |
M.S. | Princeton University | 1968 |
M.A. | Princeton University | 1968 |
B.A. | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | 1964 |
A.B. with high honors and high distinction in Classical Studies | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | 1964 |
- Specialties:
Dramatic Literature
Theater History Literary & Cultural Criticism
- Research Interests:
Greek literature, particularly drama; theory and practice of literary translation; reception of Greco-Roman antiquity in later thought and arts
- Curriculum Vitae
- Current Ph.D. Students
(Former Students)
- Representative Publications
(More Publications)
- Burian, PH, Athenian Tragedy as Democratic Discourse,
in Why Athens: A Reappraisal of Trgic Politics, edited by Carter, DM
pp. 95-117, Oxford University Press, Oxford
- Burian, PH, Sophocles’ Polyphonic Ajax,
in Blackwell Companion to Sophocles, edited by Ormand, K
- Burian, PH, Gender and the City: Antigone from Hegel to Butler and Back,
in When Worlds Elide, edited by Euben, JP; Bassi, K
pp. 255-299, Lexington Books [Rowman and Littlefield], Lanham, MD
- Burian, PH, Inconclusive Conclusion: The Ending(s) of the Oedipus Tyrannus,
in Sophocles and the Tragic Tradition, edited by Hall, E; Goldhill, S
pp. 99-118, Cambridge Univeristy Press (2009)
- Burian, PH, City, Farewell!: Genos, Polis and Gender in Aeschylus’s Seven Against Thebes and Euripides’ Phoenician Women,
in Tragedy and Sexual Difference,, edited by McCoskey, D; Zakin, E
pp. 16-45, SUNY Press
- Burian, PH, Euripides,
in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome., edited by Gagarin, M; Fantham, E, vol. 3
pp. 129-41, Oxford University Press, New York
- Burian, PH, Euripides’ Helen,
in Euripides V (Greek Tragedy in New Translations)
pp. 225-391, Oxford University Press, New York (Verse translation with commentary.)
- Burian, PH, Aristophanes, Birds
(1991), Bryn Mawr Commentaries, Bryn Mawr, Penn (Greek text with commentary.)
- Burian, PH, Aeschylus, The Suppliants
(1991), Princeton University Press: Lockert Library of Poetry in Translation, Princeton (Translation with introduction and notes.)
- Shapiro, A, Aeschylus, Oresteia, Greek Tragedy in New Translations:
(2003), Oxford University Press, New York (Translation with introduction and notes.
Reissued as Aeschylus I, 2010.)
- Burian, PH, Euripides, Helen
(2007), Aris and Phillips Classical Texts, Oxbow Books, Oxford (Greek text with prose translation, introduction and
- Burian, PH, Myth into Muthos: the Shaping of Tragic Plot,
in The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy, edited by Easterling, PE
pp. 178-208, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Burian, PH, Parola di donna? La voce di Lisistrata e la fantasia comica,
in Atti del convegno di studi "Comicità e riso nella commedia antica," Cagliari 2005, Supplementi di Lexis 42, edited by Mureddu, P; Nieddu, GF
pp. 131-41, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert
- Burian, PH, Logos and Pathos: The Politics of the Suppliant Women,
in Directions in Euripidean Criticism
pp. 129-221, Durham, NC: Duke University Press
- Peter Burian, Biologia, democrazia e donne nelle Eumenidi di Eschilo,
Lexis, vol. 24
pp. 45-57
- Peter Burian, Euripides' Heraclidae: An Interpretation,
Classical Philology, vol. 72
pp. 1-21
- Peter Burian, "Sepulchers," a translation of Ugo Foscolo, "Carme dei Sepolcri" with brief introduction and notes,
Literary Imagination, vol. 4
pp. 17-30
- Peter Burian, " 'All that Greek manure under the green bananas': Derek Walcott's Odyssey",
South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 96
pp. 359-377
- Burian, PH, Tragedy Adapted for Stages and Screens: the Renaissance to the Present,
in The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy, edited by Easterling, PE
pp. 228-83, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Peter Burian, Translation, the Profession, and the Poets,
American Journal of Philology, vol. 121
pp. 299-307
- Conferences Organized
- Co-organizer : Translatable: Creativity and Knowledge Formation Across Cultures, an interdisciplinary conference on the poetics and pragmatics of lite, Co-organizer : Translatable: Creativity and Knowledge Formation Across Cultures, an interdisciplinary conference on the poetics and pragmatics of lite, 2009
- International Conference on Archilochus, Co-director, October 2004
- “Helen Reclaimed: Myth and Theater,” a symposium connected with the production of Euripides’Helen at Duke University, Organizer, 1999
- "Greek Tragedy, " a conference held at Duke University, Co-organizer, 1989
- "Directions in Euripidean Criticism", Organizer, 1977