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Peter H. Burian, Professor Emeritus

Peter H. Burian

Greek literature, particularly drama; theory and practice of literary translation; reception of Greco-Roman antiquity in later thought and arts

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On Leave AY 2013-2014

Ph.D.Princeton University1971
M.S.Princeton University1968
M.A.Princeton University1968
B.A.University of Michigan, Ann Arbor1964
A.B. with high honors and high distinction in Classical StudiesUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor1964

Dramatic Literature
Theater History
Literary & Cultural Criticism
Research Interests:

Greek literature, particularly drama; theory and practice of literary translation; reception of Greco-Roman antiquity in later thought and arts

Curriculum Vitae
Current Ph.D. Students   (Former Students)

    Representative Publications   (More Publications)

    1. Burian, PH, Athenian Tragedy as Democratic Discourse, in Why Athens: A Reappraisal of Trgic Politics, edited by Carter, DM (2010), pp. 95-117, Oxford University Press, Oxford
    2. Burian, PH, Sophocles’ Polyphonic Ajax, in Blackwell Companion to Sophocles, edited by Ormand, K (2012)
    3. Burian, PH, Gender and the City: Antigone from Hegel to Butler and Back, in When Worlds Elide, edited by Euben, JP; Bassi, K (2010), pp. 255-299, Lexington Books [Rowman and Littlefield], Lanham, MD
    4. Burian, PH, Inconclusive Conclusion: The Ending(s) of the Oedipus Tyrannus, in Sophocles and the Tragic Tradition, edited by Hall, E; Goldhill, S (2009), pp. 99-118, Cambridge Univeristy Press (2009)
    5. Burian, PH, City, Farewell!: Genos, Polis and Gender in Aeschylus’s Seven Against Thebes and Euripides’ Phoenician Women, in Tragedy and Sexual Difference,, edited by McCoskey, D; Zakin, E (2009), pp. 16-45, SUNY Press
    6. Burian, PH, Euripides, in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome., edited by Gagarin, M; Fantham, E, vol. 3 (2010), pp. 129-41, Oxford University Press, New York
    7. Burian, PH, Euripides’ Helen, in Euripides V (Greek Tragedy in New Translations) (2010), pp. 225-391, Oxford University Press, New York (Verse translation with commentary.)
    8. Burian, PH, Aristophanes, Birds (1991), Bryn Mawr Commentaries, Bryn Mawr, Penn (Greek text with commentary.)
    9. Burian, PH, Aeschylus, The Suppliants (1991), Princeton University Press: Lockert Library of Poetry in Translation, Princeton (Translation with introduction and notes.)
    10. Shapiro, A, Aeschylus, Oresteia, Greek Tragedy in New Translations: (2003), Oxford University Press, New York (Translation with introduction and notes. Reissued as Aeschylus I, 2010.)
    11. Burian, PH, Euripides, Helen (2007), Aris and Phillips Classical Texts, Oxbow Books, Oxford (Greek text with prose translation, introduction and commentary.)
    12. Burian, PH, Myth into Muthos: the Shaping of Tragic Plot, in The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy, edited by Easterling, PE (1997), pp. 178-208, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    13. Burian, PH, Parola di donna? La voce di Lisistrata e la fantasia comica, in Atti del convegno di studi "Comicità e riso nella commedia antica," Cagliari 2005, Supplementi di Lexis 42, edited by Mureddu, P; Nieddu, GF (2007), pp. 131-41, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert
    14. Burian, PH, Logos and Pathos: The Politics of the Suppliant Women, in Directions in Euripidean Criticism (1985), pp. 129-221, Durham, NC: Duke University Press
    15. Peter Burian, Biologia, democrazia e donne nelle Eumenidi di Eschilo, Lexis, vol. 24 (2006), pp. 45-57
    16. Peter Burian, Euripides' Heraclidae: An Interpretation, Classical Philology, vol. 72 (1977), pp. 1-21
    17. Peter Burian, "Sepulchers," a translation of Ugo Foscolo, "Carme dei Sepolcri" with brief introduction and notes, Literary Imagination, vol. 4 (2002), pp. 17-30
    18. Peter Burian, " 'All that Greek manure under the green bananas': Derek Walcott's Odyssey", South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 96 (1997), pp. 359-377
    19. Burian, PH, Tragedy Adapted for Stages and Screens: the Renaissance to the Present, in The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy, edited by Easterling, PE (1997), pp. 228-83, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    20. Peter Burian, Translation, the Profession, and the Poets, American Journal of Philology, vol. 121 (2000), pp. 299-307
    Conferences Organized

    • Co-organizer : Translatable: Creativity and Knowledge Formation Across Cultures, an interdisciplinary conference on the poetics and pragmatics of lite, Co-organizer : Translatable: Creativity and Knowledge Formation Across Cultures, an interdisciplinary conference on the poetics and pragmatics of lite, 2009  
    • International Conference on Archilochus, Co-director, October 2004  
    • “Helen Reclaimed: Myth and Theater,” a symposium connected with the production of Euripides’Helen at Duke University, Organizer, 1999  
    • "Greek Tragedy, " a conference held at Duke University, Co-organizer, 1989  
    • "Directions in Euripidean Criticism", Organizer, 1977  

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