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Alison Hagy, Lecturing Fellow

Alison Hagy
Contact Info:
Office Location:  305 Social Sciences, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: send me a message

Teaching (Spring 2025):

    Social Sciences 113, TuTh 10:05 AM-11:20 AM
Office Hours:

By appointment

Ph.D.Duke University1992
MADuke University1991
BSUniversity of Richmond1986

Labor Economics / Economics of the Household
Public Economics
Research Interests: Child care, labor supply, tax policy

Professor Hagy’s research predominantly focuses on the demand for quality in child care. In her paper with David Blau, “The Demand for Quality in Child Care”, the authors estimate a model of demand for quality-related attributes of care: group size, staff/child ratio, and provider training. The results show that a decrease in the price of care causes an increase in hours of care demanded and a decrease in the demand for quality-related attributes of care. Income effects on demand for quality are small. In another study, Professor Hagy uses a hedonic price theory approach to estimate the demand for child care quality. She derives an implicit price for staff-to-child ratio. Direct purchase-of-service contracts or voucher programs, by subsidizing only those providers that satisfy state regulatory requirements, effectively lower the implicit price of regulated attributes, such as staff-to-child ratio. Results of this study suggest that such tied subsidies have almost no influence on the demand for child care quality.


Recent Publications

  1. A.P. Hagy, J. Farley Ordovensky, Immigrant Status, Race, and Institutional Choice in Higher Education, Economics of Education Review (2002)
  2. A.P. Hagy, The Demand for Child Care Quality: An Hedonic Price Theory Approach, Journal of Human Resources (Summer, 1998)
  3. A.P. Hagy, David M. Blau, The Demand for Quality in Child Care, Journal of Political Economy (February, 1998)
  4. A.P. Hagy, William M. Gentry, The Distributional Effects of the Tax Treatment of Child Care Expenses, in Empirical Foundations of Household Taxation, edited by Martin S. Feldstein and James M. Poterba (1996), pp. 99-128, University of Chicago Press

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