| Publications [#239250] of Edward Tower
search www.econ.duke.edu.Journal Articles
- Conway, P; Csaplar, W; Tower, E, "How to Encourage Exports Without a Budgetary Cost: Comment on Wang and Tsai",
Revista Internzaionale de Science Economiche e Commercialli (International Review of Economics and Business", vol. 47 no. 4
(December, 2000),
pp. 701-704
(last updated on 2025/01/17)
Abstract: Argues that if a government uses the combination of an ad
valorem tax and a specific subsidy, it can shape the demand
curve facing a domestic firm, making it flatter and raising
its marginal revenue at the same time, thereby raising the
firm's output to the socially optimal level while acquiring
tax revenue at the same time. "