| Huseyin Yildirim, Professor
Professor Yildirim joined Duke Economics in 2000 after receiving a Ph.D. from the University of Florida. He is an applied microeconomic theorist with broad interests. He has written on such varied topics as dynamic procurement auctions, charitable fundraising, committee design, and, most recently, career concerns in teamwork and tournaments. His work has appeared in top economics journals, including American Economic Review, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Economic Theory, and RAND Journal of Economics.
- Contact Info:
Teaching (Fall 2024):
- Reuben-Coo 126, TuTh 10:05 AM-11:20 AM
- Social Sciences 139, TuTh 01:25 PM-02:40 PM
- Social Sciences 139, F 10:20 AM-11:10 AM
- Reuben-Coo 126, TuTh 10:05 AM-11:20 AM
- Education:
Ph.D. | University of Florida | 2000 |
M.A. | Bilkent University (Turkey) | 1995 |
B.S.E. | Bilkent University (Turkey) | 1993 |
- Specialties:
Industrial Organization
Microeconomic Theory Mathematical and Quantitative Methods Microeconomics Public Economics
- Research Interests: Industrial Organization, Bargaining Theory, Political Economy, and Public Finance
Professor Yildirim's recent research concerns charitable giving, sequencing of bilateral negotiations, and the value of (non-)blind review. His papers have appeared in top economics journals such as American Economic Review, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Economic Theory, and RAND journal of Economics.
- Areas of Interest:
- Industrial Organization
Multilateral Bargaining Charitable Giving
- Keywords:
- Charitable giving • fund-raising targets • majority voting • pre-election polls • rent seeking contests • sequential bargaining
- Curriculum Vitae Bio
- Current Ph.D. Students
- see CV for a list of PhD students
- Working Papers
(More Publications)
- Andreoni‐McGuire Algorithm and the Limits of Warm‐Glow Giving
(January 2013)
- Time-Consistent Majority Rules with Interdependent Valuations
(September, 2012) [pdf]
- Representative Publications
(More Publications)
- with Krasteva, S; Yildirim, H, Payoff uncertainty, bargaining power, and the strategic sequencing of bilateral negotiations,
RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 43 no. 3
(Spring, 2012),
pp. 514-536, WILEY, ISSN 0741-6261 [pdf], [doi] [abs]
- with Taylor, CR; Yildirim, H, Subjective performance and the value of blind evaluation,
Review of Economic Studies, vol. 78 no. 2
(April, 2011),
pp. 762-794, Oxford University Press (OUP), ISSN 0034-6527 [pdf], [doi] [abs]
- Yildirim, H, Proposal power and majority rule in multilateral bargaining with costly recognition,
Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 136 no. 1
(September, 2007),
pp. 167-196, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0022-0531 [repository], [doi] [abs]
- Yildirim, H, Contests with multiple rounds,
Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 51 no. 1
(April, 2005),
pp. 213-227, Elsevier BV [pdf], [doi] [abs]
- Romano, R; Yildirim, H, On the endogeneity of Cournot-Nash and Stackelberg equilibria: Games of accumulation,
Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 120 no. 1
(January, 2005),
pp. 73-107, Elsevier BV [repository], [doi] [abs]
- with Lewis, TR; Yildirim, H, Managing dynamic competition,
American Economic Review, vol. 92 no. 4
(September, 2002),
pp. 779-797, American Economic Association [repository], [doi] [abs]
- Lewis, TR; Yildirim, H, Learning by doing and dynamic regulation,
RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 33 no. 1
(January, 2002),
pp. 22-36, WILEY [pdf], [doi] [abs]
- Conferences Organized
- Industrial Organization and Regulation Workshop, Program Committee Member, 2000 - present
- 2nd Duke-Northwestern-Texas IO Conference, Program Committee Member, October, 2004
- Public Economic Theory Conference, Program Committee Member, June, 2003
- International Industrial Organization, Organizer, May, 2003