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Dominika M BaranDominika M Baran  
Associate Professor

Office Location: English Department, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: dominika.baran@duke.edu

Teaching (Fall, 2024):

  • English 204.01, History of english Synopsis
    Allen 103, MW 01:25 PM-02:40 PM
  • English 395.01, Language and society Synopsis
    Allen 326, MW 11:45 AM-01:00 PM

Office Hours:


Ph.D., Harvard University

M.A., Harvard University

BA, Harvard University

My work to date has focused on the relationship between language ideologies and the construction of social identities through linguistic practice. My PhD dissertation examined the intersection of language, ethnicity, gender and social class in the context of an educational institution in Taiwan. Most recently, I have become interested in the role of language in the shaping of immigrant identities in the United States and other English-dominant countries.

Curriculum Vitae
Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1. N/A. "Anti-genderism in Global Nationalist Movements." Gender and Language Ed. Tebaldi, C; Baran, D. Special issueEquinox Publishing, (2023)
  2. Baran, D. "Defending Christianity from the “rainbow plague”: Historicized narratives of nationhood in rightwing antigenderist discourses in Poland." Gender and Language 17.1Equinox Publishing, (2023)
  3. Baran, D. "American immigrants and English." In The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of World Englishes.  2023. 
  4. Baran, D. "“Rainbow plague” or “rainbow allies”? TĘCZA “rainbow” as a floating signifier in the contestation of Poland’s national identity.." Gender and Language 16.3 (2022): 286-307. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Baran, D. "Translocal spaces and identities: Negotiating belonging among former refugees in a Facebook group message." Language, Identity and Community (Lodz Studies in Language series) Ed. Ciepiela, K. Peter Lang, (2019)

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