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Publications of Cathy N. Davidson    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

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  1. Davidson, CN. Now You See It: How Technology and Brain Science Will Transform Schools and Business in the 21st Century (Penguin Paperback, 2012).  2012.
  2. Davidson, CN. Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn (Viking Press June 2011 publication date).  2010. [available here]
  3. Davidson, CN; Goldberg, DT. The Future of Thinking: Learning Institutions in a Digital Age (MIT Press, forthcoming, 2010). MIT Press. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Series on Digital Media and Learning M I T PRESS, 2009.
  4. Davidson, CN; Goldberg, DT. MIT Press. M I T PRESS, 2009.
  5. Davidson, CN; Goldberg, DT. The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age.  2009.
  6. DAVIDSON, CN. Olaudah Equiano, Written by Himself.40 Duke University Press, August, 2007. 18-51 pp. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  7.  "Olaudah Equiano, Written by Himself". Novel.forthcoming  forthcoming.
  8. Davidson, CN. Closing: The Life and Death of an American Factory. W.W. Norton, 1997. (With photographs by Bill Bamberger)
  9. Davidson, CN. Thirty-Six Views of Mt. Fuji: On Finding Myself in Japan. Dutton-Signet (Penguin USA), 1993. (Plume paperback, Oct. 1994; Quality Paperback edition, 1993; Japanese translation, DHC Publishing, 1995; German translation, Knesebeck Verlag, 1996)
  10. Davidson, CN. The Book of Love: Writers and their Love Letters. Pocket/Simon and Schuster, 1992. (Plume/Penguin paperback, 1995; Seoul, Korea: Dongnyok Publishers, 1993; Tokyo, Japan: DHC Publishers, 1994; Barcelona, Spain: Circulo de Lectores, 1994; Beijing, China: Xinhua Publishers, 1996)
  11. Davidson, CN. Ideology and Genre: The Rise of the Novel in America. Fourth Annual James Russell Wiggins Lecture in the History of the Book in American Culture, Worcester, Mass: American Antiquarian Society, 1987. (Reprinted in the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, 96 (Oct. 1986))
  12. Davidson, CN. Revolution and the Word: The Rise of the Novel in America. Oxford UP, 1986.
  13.  The Experimental Fictions of Ambrose Bierce: Structuring the Ineffable. U of Nebraska P, 1984.


  1. Davidson, CN. Strangers on a Train: A Chance Encounter Provides a Lesson in Complicity and the Never- Ending Crisis in the Humanities. Academe: Magazine of the American Association of University Professors  (2013).
  2. Davidson, CN. Changing Higher Education to Change the World (Series of 8 Articles). Fast Company  (2013).
  3. Davidson, CN. Education, Assessment and the Challenges of the Future (Series of Articles). Washington Post Education Blog  (2012).
  4. Davidson, CN. The Future of Thinking.  2008.  [abs]
  5. Davidson, CN; Wagner-Martin, L; Ammons, E; Harris, T; Kibbey, A; Ling, A; Radway, J. The oxford companion to: Women’s writing: In the United States. The Oxford Companion to Women'S Writing in the United States Oxford UP, (January, 2005): 1-1021. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Davidson, CN; Moon, M. Subjects and Citizens: Nation, Race, and Gender from "Oroonoko" to Anita Hill.  Duke UP, 1995.
  7. Davidson, CN; Wagner-Martin, L. Oxford Companion to Women’s Writing in the United States.  Oxford UP, 1995.
  8. Davidson, CN. PH Stands for Political Hypocrisy. Academe 77.5JSTOR, (1991): 8-14. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  9. Elliott, E; ed, ; Davidson, AECN. Columbia History of the American Novel.  Columbia UP, 1991.
  10. Davidson, CN; ed,. Reading in America: Literature and Social History.  Johns Hopkins UP, 1989.
  11. Davidson, CN; ed,. Reading America. Special Issue on the History of Literacy and the History of Books in America, Guest Edited by C.N. Davidson, American Quarterly 40.1 (1988).
  12. Davidson, CN; ed, G. Early American Women Writers Series.  Oxford UP, 1987.  [abs]
  13. Davidson, CN; introduction, EWAC; bibliography,. Critical Essays on Ambrose Bierce.  G. K. Hall Publishing, 1982.
  14. C.N. Davidson, guest ed.. Canada's Women Writers. Special issue, Journal of Popular Culture 15  (Winter 1981).
  15. Davidson, CN; Davidson, AE. The Art of Margaret Atwood: Essays in Criticism.  Anansi Press/ U of Toronto P, 1981.
  16. Davidson, CN; Broner, EM. The Lost Tradition: Mothers and Daughters in Literature.  Frederick Ungar Publishing, 1980.
  17. Broner, EM; Davidson, CN; guest,. Mothers and Daughters in Literature. Women’S Studies (Special Issue) 6.2 (1979).

Essays/Articles/Chapters in Books

  1. Davidson, CN. "Why Higher Education Demands a Paradigm Shift." Public Culture 26.1Duke University Press, (2014): 3-11. [doi]
  2. Davidson, CN. "Humanities and Technology in the Information Age." The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity.. Ed. Frodeman, R; Klein, JT; Mitcha, C.  2013. 
  3. Davidson, C. "Why Education Demands a Paradigm Shift." Public Culture  (2013)
  4. Davidson, CN; Goldberg, DT. "Our digital age: Implications for learning and its (online) institutions." E Learning and Digital Media 9.3SAGE Publications, (August, 2012): 249-266. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Davidson, CN. "Strangers on a train." Academe 97.5 (September, 2011)
  6. Davidson, CN. "Foreword."  IGI Global, [doi]
  7. C.N. Davidson. "Research Is Teaching." ADE Bulletin  (2009)
  8. Davidson, CN. "Blamed For Change." International Journal of Learning and Media  (2009)
  9. Davidson, CN. "Humanities 2.0: Promise, perils, predictions." Pmla 123.3Modern Language Association (MLA), (December, 2008): 707-717. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  10. Davidson, CN. "No! In thunder." American Literature 76.4Duke University Press, (December, 2004): 665-675. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  11. Davidson, CN. "Understanding the Economic Burden of Scholarly Publishing." Chronicle of Higher Education 50.6 SEC. B (October, 2003): B7-B10.  [abs]
  12. Davidson, CN. "Carrie’s Sisters: The Popular Prototypes for Dreiser’s Heroine." Modern Fiction Studies 23 (1997): 385-407.
  13. Davidson, CN. "Research and Teaching." A Teaching Subject: Composition Since 1966. Ed. Harris, Joseph,. Prentice Hall, Studies in Writing and Culture, 1997. ix-xi. [repository]
  14. Davidson, CN. "Critical Fictions." Pmla  (September, 1996)
  15. Davidson, CN. "Guest column - Four views on the place of the personal in scholarship - Critical fictions." Pmla 111.5 (1996): 1069-1072. [Gateway.cgi]
  16. "Preface." A New England Tale by Catherine Maria Sedgwick. Oxford UP, 1995. 
  17. Davidson, CN. "The Question of Accuracy: Or, Why Women’s Studies?." The European English Messenger  (1995)
  18. Davidson, CN. "Loose Change: Presidential Address to the American Studies Association." American Quarterly 46 (June, 1994): 123-38.
  19. Davidson, CN. ""Loose Change": Presidential Address to the American Studies Association, November 4, 1993." American Quarterly 46.2JSTOR, (June, 1994): 123-123. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  20. Davidson, CN. "Tatami Room." Eloquent Obsessions: Writing Cultural Criticism. Ed. Torgovnick, M. Duke UP, 1994. 
  21. "Preface." Kelroy by Rebecca Rush. Oxford UP, 1993. 
  22. Davidson, CN. "The Novel as Subversive Activity: Women Reading, Women Writing." After the Revolution: Further Explorations in the History of American Radicalism. Ed. Young, AF. Dekalb: Northern Illinois UP, 1993. 
  23. Davidson, CN. "Laughing in English." Academe 79.6JSTOR, (1993): 18-18. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  24. Davidson, CN. "Love Letters for My Grandmother." The Women’S Review of Books 10.2 (November, 1992): 12 and 13-12 and 13.
  25. DAVIDSON, CN. "CALVERT,ALCUIN AND CALVERT,STEPHEN - BROWN,CB." Resources for American Literary Study 17.2 (1991): 272-274. [Gateway.cgi]
  26. Davidson, CN. "Photographs of the Dead: Cindy Sherman, L.J.M. Daguerre, Nathanial Hawthorne." Saq 89 (Fall, 1990): 667-701.
  27. DAVIDSON, CN. "PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE DEAD, SHERMAN, DAGUERRE, HAWTHORNE." South Atlantic Quarterly 89.4 (1990): 667-701. [Gateway.cgi]
  28. Davidson, CN. "Decoding the Hemingway Hero in The Sun Also Rises." The Sun Also Rises. Ed. Wagner, L. New York: Cambridge UP, 1987. 
  29. Davidson, CN. "The Book in the ’Good Old Days’: A Portrait of the Early American Book Industry." (Adapted From Chapter Two of Revolution and the Word), Book Research Quarterly 2 (Winter, 1987): 33-64.
  30. Davidson, CN. "The Reprint Phenomenon." (Review Essay), Women’S Review of Books 4.1 (1986): 7-9.
  31. Davidson, CN. "Education, Literacy, and the Politics of Sentimental Fiction." Women’S Studies International Forum (Great Britain) 9 (1986): 5-8.
  32. Davidson, CN. "Female Authorship and Authority: The Case of Sukey Vickery." Early American Literature 21 (1986): 4-28.
  33. Davidson, CN. "The Resisting Critic and the Politics of Literary Reception." (Review Essay), American Quarterly 37 (1985): 286-291.
  34. Davidson, CN. "To Bee or Not to Bee: Ann Rosenberg’s Critique of Levi-Strauss." Canadian Literature 105 (1985): 197-200.
  35. Davidson, CN. "Crossing Boundaries: Hubert Aquin’s L’Antiphonaire and Robert Kroetsch’s Gone Indian as Fictions of the Avant-Garde."  54
  36. Davidson, CN. "Flirting with Destiny: Ambivalence and Form in the Early American Sentimental Novel." Studies in American Fiction. 10 1982. 17-39.
  37. Davidson, CN. "Isaac Mitchell’s The Asylum; or, Gothic Castles in the New Republic." Prospects: the Annual of American Cultural Studies 8 (1982): 281-300.
  38. Davidson, CN. "Vernissage: Ray Smith’s Lord Nelson Tavern and the Fine Art of Glossing Over." Canadian Literature 92 (1982): 58-70.
  39. Davidson, CN. "The Matter and Manner of Charles Brockdon Brown’s Alcuin." Critical Essays on Charles Brockdon Brown. Ed. Rosenthal, B. Boston: G.K. Hall Publishing, 1981. 71-86.
  40. Davidson, CN. "Margaret Atwood’s Lady Oracle: The Artist as Escapist and Seer." Studies in Canadian Literature 3 (1981)
  41. Davidson, CN. "The Popular Roots of Major American Novels." Kansai American Literature (Japan) 27 (1980): 16-43.
  42. Davidson, CN. "Kept Women in the House of Mirth." The Markham Review 9 (1979): 10-14.
  43. C.N. Davidson (Co-author). "Margaret Atwood's Lady Oracle: The Artist as Escapist and Seer." Studies in Canadian Literature 3 (Winter 1978)
  44. Davidson, CN. "Courting God and Mammon: The Biographer’s Impasse in Melville’s ’Bartleby the Scrivener’." Special Melville Number of Delta (France) 6 (1978): 47-60.
  45. C.N. Davidson (Co-author). "Carrie's Sisters: The Popular Prototypes for Dreiser's Heroine." Modern Fiction Studies 23 (Fall 1977): 385-407.
  46. Davidson, CN. "Canadian Wry: Comic Vision in Atwood’s Lady Oracle and Laurence’s The Diviners." Regionalism 3 (1977)
  47. Davidson, CN. "’Circumsexualocution’ in Henry James’s Daisy Miller." Arizona Quarterly 32 (Winter, 1977): 335-55.
  48. Davidson, CN. "Oedipa as Androgyne in Thomas Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49." Contemporary Literature 18 (Winter, 1977): 38-50.
  49. Davidson, CN. "The Power of Sympathy Reconsidered: William Hill Brown as Literacy Craftsman." Early American Literature 10 (Spring, 1975): 14-29.

Articles in a Collection

  1. Davidson, C. "The Futures of Scholarly Publishing." (University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)), April, 2004. 129-142. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]

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