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Publications of Julianne Werlin    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1.  The Poetry Book. DK, November, 2023.  [abs]
  2. Werlin, J. Writing at the Origin of Capitalism Literary Circulation and Social Change in Early Modern England. Oxford University Press, July, 2021. 240 pages pp.  [abs]

Essays/Articles/Chapters in Books

  1. Werlin, J. "Early Stuart Clergyman Poets: A Prosopographic Approach." Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 52.2 (January, 2022): 335-360. [doi]
  2. Werlin, J. "The Age of the Author: Print and Precocity in the English Renaissance." Modern Language Quarterly 83.3 (January, 2022): 303-334. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Werlin, J. "An Accidental Genre." Novel 54.3Duke University Press, (November, 2021): 508-511. [doi]
  4. Werlin, J. "Paper Angels: Paradise lost and the European state system." Milton Studies 61.2 (January, 2019): 212-238. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Werlin, J. "Francis Bacon and the art of misinterpretation." PMLA 130.2Modern Language Association (MLA), (March, 2015): 236-251. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Werlin, J. "Machinamentum X: Marvell and Technology." Literature Compass 11.9 (September, 2014): 593-601. [doi]  [abs]
  7. Werlin, J. "Providence and perspective in Philip Sidney's old arcadia." SEL - Studies in English Literature 54.1Johns Hopkins University Press, (January, 2014): 25-40. [doi]  [abs]
  8. Werlin, J. "DEREK HIRST and STEVEN N. ZWICKER. Andrew Marvell, Orphan of the Hurricane.." The Review of English Studies 64.264Oxford University Press (OUP), (April, 2013): 345-347. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  9. Werlin, J. "The review of english studies prize essay: Marvell and the strategic imagination: Fortification in upon Appleton house." Review of English Studies 63.260Oxford University Press (OUP), (June, 2012): 370-387. [doi]  [abs]
  10. Werlin, J. "Heinrich C. Kuhn and Diana Stanciu, eds. Ideal Constitutions in the Renaissance: Papers from the Munich February 2006 Conference. Renaissance Intellectual History 1. Frankfurt: Peter Lang GmbH, 2009. 195 pp. $57.95.. ISBN: 978–3–631–59113–0.." Renaissance Quarterly 63.2Cambridge University Press (CUP), (2010): 678-679. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]

Short Stories

  1. Werlin, J. "The Coast of Utopia." Novel 49.1 (Duke University Press, May, 2016): 171-174. [doi]

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