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Publications [#291728] of Julianne Werlin

Essays/Articles/Chapters in Books

  1. Werlin, J. "Providence and perspective in Philip Sidney's old arcadia." SEL - Studies in English Literature 54.1Johns Hopkins University Press, (January, 2014): 25-40. [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/10/18)

    The troubling inscrutability of providence, with its apparent lapses and contradictions, was a Renaissance commonplace. But for Philip Sidney, this very inscrutability offered a narrative opportunity. In his Old Arcadia, Sidney uses the gap between the future-oriented perspective of his characters and past-tense narration to show how moral agency interacts with an overarching providence. The paradoxes of human action in a divinely plotted world are embedded- and, ultimately, resolved- within the grammar of the text. © 2014 Rice University.

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