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Julianne WerlinJulianne Werlin  
Associate Professor

Office Location: 322 Allen Building
Office Phone: (919) 684-2741
Email Address: jw476@duke.edu
Web Page: https://lifeandletters.substack.com

Teaching (Fall, 2024):

  • English 101s.02, The art of reading Synopsis
    Allen 317, WF 01:25 PM-02:40 PM
  • English 290s-1.01, Sp top medieval/early mod lit Synopsis
    Allen 318, WF 10:05 AM-11:20 AM

Office Hours:

Monday and Wednesday, 3 - 4:30


Ph.D., Princeton University

Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1.  The Poetry Book. DK, November, 2023.  [abs]
  2. Werlin, J. "Early Stuart Clergyman Poets: A Prosopographic Approach." Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 52.2 (January, 2022): 335-360. [doi]
  3. Werlin, J. "The Age of the Author: Print and Precocity in the English Renaissance." Modern Language Quarterly 83.3 (January, 2022): 303-334. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Werlin, J. "An Accidental Genre." Novel 54.3Duke University Press, (November, 2021): 508-511. [doi]
  5. Werlin, J. Writing at the Origin of Capitalism Literary Circulation and Social Change in Early Modern England. Oxford University Press, July, 2021. 240 pages pp.  [abs]

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