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Publications of Barbara H. Smith    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. Smith, BH. Practicing Relativism in the Anthropocene On Science, Belief, and the Humanities.  Open Humanities Press, October, 2018 (152 pages pp.). [available here]  [abs]
  2. Smith, BH. Natural reflections: Human cognition at the nexus of science and religion.  The Terry Lectures Series Yale University Press, Winter, 2010 (1-206 pp.). [book.asp]  [abs]
  3. Li, M. Shakespeare's 'Sonnet 99'.  Taylor & Francis, Routledge, 2007 (2-4 pp.). [doi]
  4.  Scandalous Knowledge: Science, Truth and the Human.  Edinburgh UP/Duke UP, 2005/2006. [books.php3]  [abs]
  5. Smith, BH. Scandalous knowledge: Science, truth and the human. January, 2006 (1-198 pp.).  [abs]
  6. Smith, BH; Plotnitsky, A. Mathematics, Science, and Postclassical Theory.  Duke University Press, March, 1997 (288 pages pp.).  [abs]
  7. Smith, BH. Belief and Resistance: Dynamics of Contemporary Intellectual Controversy.  Harvard UP, 1997.
  8. Smith, BH; Gless, D; eds, ; Introduction, . The Politics of Liberal Education.  edited by Smith, BH; Gless, DJ Duke University Press, 1991.  [abs]
  9. Smith, BH. Contingencies of Value: Alternative Perspectives for Critical Theory.  Harvard University Press, 1988.  [abs]
  10. Smith, BH. On the Margins of Discourse: The Relation of Literature to Language.  U of Chicago P, 1978.
  11. Smith, BH. Poetic Closure. The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics.  edited by al, APA (Princeton, NJ: Princeton 1993), 1974.
  12. Smith, BH. Poetic Closure: A Study of How Poems End.  U of Chicago P, 1968.
  13. Smith, BH; ed, . Discussions of Shakespeare’s Sonnets.  Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1964.

Articles in a Collection

  1. Smith, BH. "ANTIREPRESENTATIONALISM BEFORE AND AFTER RORTY." . January, 2022, 424-442. [doi]
  2. Smith, BH. "Perplexing realities: Practicing relativism in the anthropocene." Climate Realism: The Aesthetics of Weather and Atmosphere in the Anthropocene. December, 2020, 138-156.
  3. Smith, BH. "Unloading the self-refutation charge." . Duke University Press, January, 2019, 76-91. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Smith, BH. "Scientizing the humanities: Shifts, collisions, negotiations." . Duke University Press, September, 2016, 353-372. [doi]
  5. Smith, BH. "Anthropotheology: Latour speaking religiously." . Johns Hopkins University Press, March, 2016, 331-351. [doi]
  6. Smith, BH. "What Was "close Reading"?: A Century of Method in Literary Studies." . Duke University Press, January, 2016, 57-75. [doi]
  7. Smith, BH. "An Inquiry into Modes of Existence: An Anthropology of the Moderns." . Duke University Press, August, 2014, 491-493. [doi]
  8. Watson, J. "On Free-Wheeling Careers." . Duke University Press, May, 2013, 62-79. [doi]  [abs]
  9. Smith, BH. "Science and religion, natural and unnatural." Sacred Science?: On Science and Its Interrelations with Religious World Views Ed. S. A. Oyen, T. Lund-Olsen and N. S. Vaage. Wageningen Academic Publishers, December, 2012, 101-110. [doi]
  10. Smith, BH. "Science and religion, natural and unnatural." Sacred Science?: On Science and Its Interrelations with Religious Worldviews. Wageningen Academic Publishers, April, 2012, 101-110. [doi]  [abs]
  11. Smith, BH. ""Dolls, Demons and DNA"." . March, 2012. (Review of Bruno Latour, *The Cult of the Factish Gods*)
  12. Smith, BH. "Reading at large: Reflections on the forum "What can reading do?"." . Duke University Press, March, 2012, 27-29. [doi]
  13. Smith, BH. "Chinese comparisons and questionable acts." . Duke University Press, Winter, 2011, 42-47. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  14. Smith, BH. "The Entwinement of Religion and Economics: Comments on Bradley Bateman's “In a Space of Questions”." . Duke University Press, Summer, 2011, 423-428. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  15. Smith, BH. "Clearing up after the science wars: A response to emily A. Schultz." . Informa UK Limited, April, 2011, 165-168. [doi]  [abs]
  16. Smith, BH. "THE CHIMERA OF RELATIVISM A Tragicomedy." . Duke University Press, Winter, 2011, 13-26. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  17. Schneider, N; BHS, . "“Religion, Science, and the Humanities: An Interview with Barbara Herrnstein Smith”." . June, 2010. [religion-science-and-]
  18. Smith, BH. "“Science and Religion: Lives and Rocks”." . January, 2010. [science-and-]  [abs]
  19. Smith, BH. "Comment." Goodness and Advice. February, 2009, 132-144.
  20. Smith, BH. ""It’s Like Getting Married"." . February, 2009, 10-12. (Review of Steven Shapin, *The Scientific Life: A Moral History of a Late Modern Vocation*)
  21. Smith, BH. ""Cognitive Machinery and Explanatory Ambitions"." . June, 2008. [available here]
  22. Smith, BH. ""Naturalism, Otherwise"." . June, 2008. [%3E]
  23. Smith, BH. "Endurance, Otherwise: a Response to Martin Meuller." . 2007, 455-68.
  24. Smith, BH. "Relativism, Today and Yesterday." . Special double issue, “A ‘Dictatorship of Relativism?’: The Intellectual Community Responds to Cardinal Ratzinger’s Last Homily”.Summer, 2007, 227-249.
  25. Smith, BH. "Animal Ralatives, Difficult Relations,"." . Duke University Press, Spring, 2004, 1-15. (Special issue, "Man and Beast," ed Elizabeth Weed and Ellen Rooney) [doi]
  26. Smith, BH. "Cutting-edge equivocation: Conceptual moves and rhetorical strategies in contemporary anti-epistemology." . Duke University Press, January, 2002, 187-212. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  27. Smith, BH. "Reply to an analytic philosopher." . Duke University Press, Winter, 2002, 228-242. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  28.  "Comment." Goodness and Advice Ed. J. Thomson. Princeton UP, 2001, 132-144.
  29. Smith, BH. "Netting Truth." . Modern Language Association (MLA), October, 2000, 1089-1095. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  30. Smith, BH. "Sewing Up the Mind: The Claims of Evolutionary Psychology." Alas, Poor Darwin: Arguments Against Evolutionary Psychology Ed. Rose, H; Rose, S. Jonathan Cape, 2000, 129-143.
  31. Smith, BH. "Review of Brian Cantwell Smith, *On the Origin of Objects*." . 1999, 772-773.
  32. Smith, BH. "On the Origin of Objects. Brian Cantwell Smith." . University of Chicago Press, December, 1998, 772-773. [doi]
  33. Smith, BH. ""Is it Really a Computer?"." . February, 1998, 3-4. (Review of Steven Pinker, *How the Mind Works* [New York: Norton 1997])
  34. Smith, BH. ""Evaluation" and "Value"." The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics Ed. Kelly, M. New York: Oxford UP, 1998.
  35. Smith, BH. "How the mind works." . 1998, 3-4.
  36. Smith, BH. "Review of Felipe Fernandez-Armesto’s *Truth: A History*." . October, 1997, 18-18.
  37. Smith, BH. "Review of Rom Harre and Michael Krausz, *Varieties of Relativism*." . Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Oxford, 1996, 1997, 104-104.
  38. Smith, BH. "The Hermeneutic Circle." . Modern Language Association (MLA), May, 1996, 465-466. [doi]
  39. Smith, BH. "The Hermeneutic Circle." . 1996, 465-66.
  41. Smith, BH. "Circling Around, Knocking Over, Playing Out: Reply to Robert J. Richards." Questions of Evidence, A. Davidson, H. Haratoonian and J. Miller, eds. (Chicago: Chicago UP). 1994.
  42. Smith, BH. "Making (Up) the Truth: Constructivist Contributions." . University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress), May, 1992, 422-429. [doi]  [abs]
  43. Smith, BH. "Unloading the Self-Refutation Charge." . 1992, 81-95.
  44. Smith, BH. "The Unquiet Judge: Activism Without Objectivism in Law and Politics." . 1992, 111-13. (Also in *Rethinking Objectivity,* ed. Allen Megill [Duke UP 1996])
  45. Smith, BH. "Making (Up) the Truth: Constructivist Contributions." . 1992, 422-29.
  46. Smith, BH. "Belief and Resistance: A Symmetrical Account." . University of Chicago Press, October, 1991, 125-139. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  47. Smith, BH. "The Complex Agony of Injustice." . 1991, 101-04.
  50.  "Endurance, Otherwise: a Response to Martin Meuller." . Fall 1990, 455-68.
  51. Smith, BH. "Judgment After the Fall." . 1990, 1291-1311. (Also in Deconstruction and the Possibility of Justice, eds. D. Cornell, M. Rosenfeld, and D.G. Carlson (New York and London 1992))
  52. SMITH, BH. "CULT-LIT, HIRSCH, LITERACY, AND THE NATIONAL CULTURE." . 1990, 69-88. [Gateway.cgi]
  53. Smith, BH. "Limelight: Reflections on a Public Year (Presidential Address to the MLA)." . 1989, 285-93.
  54. Smith, BH. "Issues in Contemporary Literary Education." . March, 1988.
  55. Smith, BH. "Curing the Humanities, Correcting the Humanists." . Summer, 1988.
  56. Smith, BH. "Reply to Lynne V. Cheney." . Fall, 1988.
  57. Smith, BH. "Value/Evaluation." . 1987, 444-55. (Also in Critical Terms for Literary Study, ed. Frank Lentricchia and Thomas McLaughlin [Chicago: U of Chicago P 1990])
  58. Smith, BH. "Value Without Truth-Value." Life After Postmodernism: Essays on Value and Culture Ed. Fekete, J. New York: St. Martin’s Press and Montreal: New World Perspectives, 1987.
  59. SMITH, BH. "VALUE/EVALUATION." . 1987, 445-455.
  60. Smith, BH. "Masters and Servants: Theory in the Literary Academy." Making Sense: The Role of the Reader in Contemporary Fiction Ed. Munich, GH. 1986. (Also in Explorations in Music, the Arts and Ideas: Essays in Honor of Leonard B. Meyer, ed. Eugene Narmour [Stuyvesant: Pendragon Press, 1988])
  61. Smith, BH. "Standards and Judgments: A Post-Axiological Essay." . 1984, 462-85.
  62. Smith, BH. "Towards the Practice of Theory." Romanticism and Culture: A Tribute to Morse Peckham and Bibliography of his works Ed. Matalene, HW. Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1984.
  63. Smith, BH. "Contingencies of Value." . 1983, 1-35. (Also appears in Canons [Polish translation], ed. Robert von Hallberg [Chicago: U of Chicago, 1984]; Pamietnik Literacki 26, vol. 2 no. 4; Twentieth Century Literary Theory: An Introductory Anthology, eds. Vassili Lambropoulos and David Neal Miller [New York: SUNY P, 1986]; The Culturology of Literature and Art in the Contemporary West [Chinese translation], eds. Luo Weng, Zhou Xian, and Dai Yun [Peking, 1989]: The Critical Tradition, ed. David H. Richter [New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989]; The National Forum [abridged] Summer 1989)
  64. Smith, BH. "Narrative Versions, Narrative Theories." . 1980, 213-36. (Also in *On Narrative,* ed. W.J.T. Mitchell [Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1981]; *American Criticism: The Poststructuralist Age*, ed. Ira Konigsberg [Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1981])
  65. Smith, BH. "Fixed Marks and Variable Constancies: A Parable of Literary Value." . 1979, 1-22.
  66. Smith, BH. "Surfacing from the Deep." . 1977, 151-82.
  67. Smith, BH. "Actions, Fictions and the Ethics of Interpretation." . 1977, 117-32.
  68. Smith, BH. "On the Margins of Discourse." . 1975, 769-98.
  69. Smith, BH. "Women Artists: Some Muted Notes." . 1974, 146-49.
  70. Smith, BH. "Review of Paul Hernandi, *Beyond Genre: New Directions in Literary Classification*." . (Ithaca, NY, 1973), 1973, 296-98.
  71. Smith, BH. "The New Imagism." . 1969, 27-44.
  72. Smith, BH. "’Sorrow’s Mysteries’: Keat’s ’Ode on Melancholy’." . 1966, 679-91.

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