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Publications of Frank Lentricchia    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. Lentricchia, F. The gaiety of language: An essay on the radical poetics of W. B. Yeats and wallace stevens.  University of California Press, April, 2023 (1-213 pp.).  [abs]
  2. Lentricchia, F. The Accidental Pallbearer.  Melville House, 2013.
  3. Lentricchia, F. The Sadness of Antonioni, SUNY Press (fiction). 2010.
  4. Lentricchia, F. Essays on the Fiction of Frank Lentricchia, ed. by Thomas DePietro. Book of Essays about Lentricchia's Fiction.  Guernica Editions, 2007.
  5. Lentricchia, F. SAQ: A General Issue Including Poetry, Fiction, Criticism, and Photo-Essays. February, 2004 (275 pages pp.).
  6. Lentricchia, F. "Dissent from the Homeland".  Duke University Press, 2003. (Expanded South Atlantic Quarterly issue, co-edited with Stanley Hauerwas)
  7. Lentricchia, F. The Italiam-American Reader.  edited by Tonelli, B William Morrow, 2003.
  8. Lentricchia, F. Don DeLillo’s White Noise.  Philadelphia, 2003.
  9. Lentricchia, F. Close Reading: The Reader.  edited by Lentricchia, F; DuBois, A Duke University Press, 2003.
  10. McAuliffe, J; Lentricchia, F. Crimes of Art and Terror.  University of Chicago Press, 2003. (trans. into Turkish)
  11. Lentricchia, F. The Penguin Book of Italian-American Writing.  edited by Barreca, R New York, 2002.
  12. Lentricchia, F. Lucchesi and The Whale.  Duke University Press, 2001. (Fiction)
  13. Lentricchia, F. The Music of the Inferno.  SUNY Press, 1999. (Fiction)
  14. Lentricchia, F. The Knifemen.  Scribner, 1996. (Fiction)
  15. Lentricchia, F. Johnny Critelli.  Scribner, 1996. (Fiction)
  16. Lentricchia, F. The Edge of Night.  Random House, 1994. (Autobiography)
  17. Lentricchia, F. Modernist Quartet.  Cambridge University Press, 1994.
  18. Lentricchia, F. New Essays on White Noise.  Cambridge University Press, 1991.
  19. Lentricchia, F. Introducing Don DeLillo.  Duke University Press, 1991.
  20. Lentricchia, F. Critical Terms for Literary Study.  University of Chicago Press, 1990. Translated into Japanese and Korean
  21. Lentricchia, F. Ariel and the Police: Michel Foucault, William James, Wallace Stevens.  University of Wisconsin Press, 1988.
  22. Lentricchia, F. Criticism and Social Change.  University of Chicago Press, 1983.
  23. Lentricchia, F. After the New Criticism.  University of Chicago Press, 1980. Translated into Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese
  24. Lentricchia, F. Robert Frost: Modern Poetics and the Landscapes of Self.  Duke University Press, 1975.

Special Issues

  1. Lentricchia, F; Issue, South Atlantic Quarterly: Special Issue  (2004). (including poetry, fiction, criticism, and photo essays)
  2. Lentricchia, F, "Dissent from the Homeland: Essays after 9/11"South Atlantic Quarterly  (September, 2002). (Special Issue of South Atlantic Quarterly)

Articles in a Journal

  1. Lentricchia, F. "From ’Last Will and Testament’." Scribner Magazine  (Fall 1996).
  2. Lentricchia, F. "Ezra Pound’s American Book of Wonders." South Atlantic Quarterly  (Spring 1993).
  3. Lentricchia, F. "Patriarchy Against Itself–The Young Manhood of Wallace Stevens." Critical Inquiry  (Summer 1987).
  4. Lentricchia, F. "Reflections on the Return of William James." Cultural Critique  (Fall 1986).
  5. Lentricchia, F. "On Behalf of Theory." TriQuarterly  (Fall 1985).
  6. Lentricchia, F. "Luigi Ventura and the Origins of Italian-American Fiction." Italian-Americana  (Spring 1975).
  7. Lentricchia, F. "The Romanticism of William James." Salmagundi  (Winter 1974).
  8. Lentricchia, F. "Wallace Stevens: The Ironic Eye." The Yale Review  (Spring 1967). Reprinted in Wallace Stevens, ed. I. Ehrenpreis (Penguin, 1972).
  9. Lentricchia, F. "The Italian Actress."   (Spring, 2008).  [author's comments]
  10. Lentricchia, F. "Modern American Lyric in the Culture of Capital." Cambridge History of American Literature  (2003). Book-length contribution to Cambridge History of American Literature
  11. Lentricchia, F. "DeLillo and/or Aristotle." South Atlantic Quarterly  (2003).
  12. Lentricchia, F. "DeLillo and/or Aristotle." South Atlantic Quarterly  (2000).
  13. Lentricchia, F. "Islas Malvinas." London Review of Books  (1999).
  14. Lentricchia, F. "Lucchesi: His Life in Art." London Review of Books  (1998).
  15. Lentricchia, F. "No More Whining." London Review of Books  (1997).
  16. Lentricchia, F. "Last Will and Testament of an Ex-Literary Critic." Lingua Franca  (1996). Reprinted in Under Criticism: Essays for William H. Pritchard (Ohio University Press, 1998); in Nieuw Wereldtifdschrift (Netherlands: March-April 1997); and in Quick Studies: The Best of Lingua Franca (New York, 2002).
  17. Lentricchia, F. "From ’Johnny Critelli’." Scribner Magazine  (1996).
  18. Lentricchia, F. "Christmas 1987." Harper’s  (1993).
  19. Lentricchia, F. "My Kinsman, T.S. Eliot." Raritan  (1992).
  20. Lentricchia, F. "Making It to Mepkin Abbey." Harper’s  (1992). Reprinted in Catholic Lives, Contemporary America, ed. Thomas J. Ferraro (Duke University Press, 1997).
  21. Lentricchia, F. "The Resentments of Robert Frost." American Literature  (June, 1990). Reprinted in Out of Bounds, eds. Laura Claridge and Elizabeth Langland (University of Massachusetts Press, 1991).
  23. Lentricchia, F. "Lyric in the Culture of Capitalism." American Literary History 1.1 (1989): 63-88. [doi]
  24. Lentricchia, F. "Andiamo." Critical Inquiry  (1988).
  25. Lentricchia, F. "Anatomy of a Jar." South Atlantic Quarterly  (1987).
  29. Lentricchia, F. "Reivew of Karl Keller’s The Only Kangaroo Among the Beauty." South Atlantic Quarterly  (Winter, 1981).
  30. Lentricchia, F. "Derrida, History, and Intellectuals." Salmagundi  (1980).
  31. Lentricchia, F. "Review of Richard Poirer’s Robert Frost: The Work of Knowing." South Atlantic Quarterly  (Winter, 1979).
  33. Lentricchia, F. "Review of Harold Bloom’s Poetry and Repression." Modern Language Quarterly  (March, 1977).
  34. Lentricchia, F. "Wallace Stevens: The Critic’s Redemption." Modern Language Quarterly  (March, 1975).
  35. Lentricchia, F. "Robert Frost: Latest Assessments." CEA Critic  (January, 1975).
  36. Lentricchia, F. "The Poetry of John J. Soldo." Italian-Americana  (Fall, 1974).
  37. Lentricchia, F. "Mailer: Occult Gossip." Riverside Press-Enterprise  (1973).
  38. Lentricchia, F. "Coleridge and Emerson: Prophets of Silence, Prophets of Language." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism  (1973).
  39. Lentricchia, F. "Robert Frost: The Aesthetics of Voice and the Theory of Poetry." Criticism  (1973).
  40. Lentricchia, F. "Experience as Meaning: Robert Frost’s ’Mending Wall’." CEA Critic  (1972).
  41. Lentricchia, F. "The Place of Cleanth Brooks." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism  (1970).
  42. Lentricchia, F. "Yeats and Stevens." Contemporary Literature  (1968).
  43. Lentricchia, F. "Four Types of Nineteenth-Century Poetic." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism  (1968).
  44. Lentricchia, F. "Attitudes Toward Literature." Poetry  (May, 1967).
  45. Lentricchia, F. "Wallace Stevens: Emergence of the Poet." Poetry  (December, 1966).
  46. Lentricchia, F. "Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Byron Whirlwind." Bulletin of the New York Public Library  (April, 1966).
  47. Lentricchia, F. "Some Coordinates of Modern Literature." Poetry  (1966).
  48. Lentricchia, F. "Byron in Boston." Emerson Society Quarterly  (1964).

Articles in a Collection

  1. Lentricchia, F. "Johnny Critelli." The Italian American Reader Ed. Tonelli, B. William Morrow, 2003.
  2. Lentricchia, F. ""Tales of the Electronic Tribe"." Don DeLillo’s White Noise. Philadelphia, 2003.
  3. Lentricchia, F. "Sitdown at the Heartland Hotel." The Penguin Book of Italian-American Writing Ed. Barreca, R. New York, 2002.
  4. Lentricchia, F. "Don DeLillo’s Primal Scenes." White Noise: Text and Criticism Ed. Osteen, M. New York: Penguin Books, 1998.
  5. Lentricchia, F. "Foucault’s Legacy: A New Historicism?." The New Historicism Ed. Veeser, HA. Routledge, 1989.
  6. Lentricchia, F. "The Redemptive Imagination." Modern Critical Views: Robert Frost Ed. Bloom, H. Chelsea House, 1989. Reprint of pp. 101-119, Robert Frost: Modern Poetics and the Landscapes of Self
  7. Lentricchia, F. "Analysis of Burke’s Speech." The Legacy of Kenneth Burke Ed. Simons, HW; Melia, T. University of Wisconsin Press, 1989. Reprint of pp. 21-38 of Criticism and Social Change
  8. Lentricchia, F. "The ’Life’ of a Humanist Intellectual." The Academic’s Handbook. Duke University Press, 1988.
  9. Lentricchia, F. "The Return of William James." The Current in Criticism. Purdue University Press, 1987.
  10. Lentricchia, F. "On the Ideologies of Poetic Modernism, 1890-1913: The Example of William James." Reconstructing American Literary History Ed. Bercovitch, S. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986.
  11. Lentricchia, F. "Reading History with Kenneth Burke." Representing Kenneth Burke: Selected Papers from the English Institute Ed. White, H. 1983.
  12. Lentricchia, F. "Robert Frost and Modern Literary Theory." Frost: Centennial Essays. University and College Press of Mississippi, 1974.


  1. F. Lentricchia. "DeLillo and/or Aristotle."  Summer/Fall 2000.

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