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Faculty: N. Gregson Davis  

N. Gregson Davis
Title: Andrew W. Mellon Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of Humanities and Professor of Literature and Dean of Humanities
Office Location: 227 Allen Building
Office Phone: (919) 684-3244
Email Address:
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  • Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1969
  • B.A., Harvard University, 1960

Research Interests:  

Greek and Latin Poetry; Francophone Caribbean Literature; rhetoric; semiotics; pragmatics

Recent Publications   (More Publications)


  • Davis, G. POLYHYMNIA: THE RHETORIC OF HORATION LYRIC DISCOURSE.  University of California Press, January, 2023 (1-282 pp.). (Berkeley/Los Angeles/ Oxford)  [abs]
    Papers Published
    • "Euphrosyne." Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 370 (2020).
    • Crichlow, MA; Davis, G. "Introduction." South Atlantic Quarterly 115.3 (July, 2016): 437-440. [doi]
    • Davis, G. "Forging a caribbean literary style: Vulgar eloquence and the language of césaire's cahier d'un retour au pays natal." South Atlantic Quarterly 115.3 (July, 2016): 457-467. [doi]

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