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Publications of Grant Farred    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. G. Farred. What My Name? Black Vernacular Intellectuals.  Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003.
  2. G. Farred. Midfielder's Moment: Coloured Literature and Culture in Contemporary South Africa.  New York: Westview Press, 1999.

Minor Books

  1. G. Farred. Bodies in Motion, Bodies at Rest. 2008.  University of Minnesota Press, 2008.

Edited Volumes

  1.  Dossier on Globalization and the Humanities". Nepantla: View From South: "Globalization and the Humanities", March, 2003 ().
  2.  Rethinking C.L.R. James. London: Basil Blackwell, 1996 ().

Special Issues

  1. Co-Editor with Rita Barnard, After the Thrill is Gone: The First Decade of Post-Apartheid South AfricaSouth Atlantic Quarterly 103:4 (Fall 2004).

Articles in a Journal

  1. G. Farred. "The Not-Yet Counter-Partisan: A New Politics of Oppositionality." South Atlantic Quarterly (Special Issue) 103.4 (Fall 2004).
  2. G. Farred. "The Double Temporality of Lagaan: Cultural Struggle and Postcolonialism." Journal of Sport and Social Issues 28.2 (May 2004).
  3. G. Farred. "Living in Crowded Houses: The Dialogic of Alienation in the Fiction of C.L.R. James and V.S. Naipaul." The C.L.R. James Journal  (2004).
  4. G. Farred. "SACOS Man: A 'Civic' Moment." Illuminations  (Fall 2004).
  5. G. Farred. "Fiaca and Veronismo: Race and Silence in Argentine Football." Leisure Studies  (Spring 2004). (England)
  6. G. Farred. ""Wankerdom: Configuring Scotland as a Postcolonial Space"." South Atlantic Quarterly  (Fall, 2003).
  7. G. Farred. ""Don't Cry For Me Argentina: Area Studies and Global Branding"." Nepantla: View from South  (March, 2003).
  8. G. Farred. "At a Moment of Danger: Subaltern Studies Historiography as a Critique of the Postcolonial Condition"." Works and Days 22.1-2 (Spring, 2003).
  9. G. Farred. ""The African Renaissance: At the Crossroads of Postcoloniality and Postmodernity"." Contours: A Journal of the African Diaspora 1.1 (2003).
  10. G. Farred. ""Bad Taste"." The Journal of Sport & Social Issues  (November, 2002).
  11. G. Farred. ""Back to the Borderlines: Thinking Race Disgracefully"." Scrutiny 2 (June, 2002).
  12. G. Farred. ""Long Distance Love: Growing Up A Liverpool F.C. Fan in Cape Town"." Journal of Sport and Social Issues 26.1 (February, 2002).
  13. G. Farred. ""The Mundanacity of Violence: Living in a State of Disgrace"." Interventions  (2002).
  14. G. Farred. ""When Postcolonial Chickens Come Home to Roost: How Yardie Fiction has Created a New Postcolonial Subject"." South Atlantic Quarterly 100.1 (Winter, 2001).
  15. G. Farred. ""TV's Time's Up: The Olympics That Weren't"." Journal of Sport and Social Issues  (February, 2001).
  16. G. Farred. ""Prophetic Readings, Prophetic Failings & The American Years: C.L.R. James's Postcolonial Thinking"." Against the Current  (February, 2001).
  17. G. Farred. ""A Thriving Postcolonialism: Toward An Anti-Postcolonial Discourse"." Nepantla: View From South 2.Issue 2 (2001).
  18. G. Farred. ""Where does the Rainbow Nation End? Colouredness and Citizenship in Post-Apartheid South Africa"." New Centennial Review 1.1 (2001).
  19. G. Farred. ""Cool as the Other Side of the Pillow: How ESPN's SportsCenter has Changed Sport's Talk"." Journal of Sport and Social Issues 24.Issue 2 (May, 2000): 96-117.
  20. G. Farred. ""Better the Devil You Know? The Politics of Colouredness and Post-Apartheid Elections in the Western Cape"." Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture and Society 2.2 (Spring, 2000): 50-64.
  21. G. Farred. ""Mourning the PostApartheid State Already? The Poetics of Loss in Zakes Mda's Ways of Dying"." Modern Fiction Studies  (Spring, 2000): 183-206.
  22. G. Farred. ""Endgame Identity? Mapping the New Left Roots of Identity Politics"." New Literary History 31.4 (Autumn 2000): 627-48.
  23. G. Farred. ""Feasting on Foreman: When We Were Kings as Hagiography"." Camera Obscura  (Spring, 1999): 52-77.
  24. G. Farred. ""Leavisite Cool: The Organic Links between Cultural Studies and Scrutiny"." Disposotio/n XXI.48 (1999): 1-19.
  25. G. Farred. ""Introduction: The British New Left and the Rise of Cultural Studies"." Dispositio/n XXI.48 (1999).
  26. G. Farred. ""What's My Name? Muhammad Ali, Poscolonial Pugilist"." Dispositio/n  (Spring, 1997).
  27. G. Farred. ""The Nation in White: Cricket in a post-apartheid South Africa"." Social Text  (Spring, 1997): 9-32.
  28. G. Farred. ""You Can Go Home Again, You Just Can't Stay: Stuart Hall and the Caribbean Diaspora"." Research In African Literaturse 27.4 (Winter, 1996): 28-48.
  29. G. Farred. ""No Way Out: Loyalty Within the Bounedness of Race"." Camera Obscura 35 (Fall, 1996): 7-23.
  30. G. Farred. ""Menace II Society: No Way Out for the Boyz in the Hood"." Michigan Quarterly Review  (Summer, 1996): 475-492. (Reprint)
  31. G. Farred. ""The Intellectual As Outsider"." New Politics 6.1 (Summer, 1995): 87-94.
  32. G. Farred. ""Black Nationalism Reemerges on South African Streets"." New Politics IV.4 (Winter, 1994): 59-69.
  33. G. Farred. ""'Victorian With The Rebel Seed': C.L.R. James, Postcolonialism Intellectual"." Social Text  (Spring, 1994): 21-38.
  34. G. Farred. ""The Politics of Over-representation: On Hegemony and Kangols"." Social Text 42 (1994): 21-26.
  35. G. Farred. ""Downtown Cape Town, That's Where Black South Africans Are Headed"." Architecture New York  (October, 1993).
  36. G. Farred. ""Not Like Women At All: Black Female Subjectivity in Lauretta Ngcobo's And They Didn't Die"." Genders 16 (Spring, 1993): 94-112.
  37. G. Farred. ""Trespassing: Coloured on the White side of the tracks"." Documents 2 (Spring, 1993).
  38. G. Farred. ""What Formation? The New South African Nation?"." Alphabet City 2 (Fall, 1992). (Canada)
  39. G. Farred. ""Let's Hear It For Class"." Mediations 16.2 (May, 1992).
  40. G. Farred. ""Unity and Difference in Black South Africa"." Social Text 31/32 (1992): 217-234.
  41. G. Farred. ""Looking for a place: The MLG as a space for conducting a radical politics"." Mediations 16.1 (December, 1991).
  42. G. Farred. ""Writing in a Twilight Zone: Richard Rive, Coloured Artist and Intellectual"." New Contrast  (Spring, 1991). (South Africa)
  43. G. Farred. ""The Color of Writing Black"." ALA (African Literature Association) 15.4 (Fall, 1989): 24-26.

Articles Accepted in Journal

  1. G. Farred. "America's Africa: Barack Obama and the Aporia of Race." Safundi  (2007).
  2. G. Farred. "A Politics of Doubt." Werkwinkel (The Netherlands)  (2007).
  3. G. Farred. "Out of Context: Thinking Cultural Studies Diasporically." Cultural Studies Review (Australia)  (2007).
  4. G. Farred. "The Event of the Black Body at Rest." Cultural Critique 66 (2007).
  5. G. Farred. "Politics of Prosthesis: Paul Against Neo-Pauline Universalism.." Polygraph.  (2006).
  6. G. Farred. "Argentine Chronometrics: The Time of the Constitution.." South Atlantic Quarterly  (2006).
  7. G. Farred. "Zinedine Zidane and the Event of the Secret." Chimurenga (South Africa) 10 (2006).
  8. G. Farred. "A Fidelity to Politics: Shame and the African-American Vote in the 2004 Elections." Social Identities 12.2 (2006).

Articles in a Collection

  1. G. Farred. "Anfield Envy: How the Spirit of Liverpool Hangs Over Manchester United." Manchester United Ed. David Andrews. Routledge, 2004.
  2. G. Farred. ""Repressions of the Modernist Unconscious: A Critique of the 'African Renaissance'"." Postmodernism, Postcoloniality, and African Studies Ed. A. Magubane. Africa World Press, 2003.
  3. G. Farred. ""Freedom in Poversty, Liberty in Riches: The IMF, the World Bank, and Women's Resistance in West Africa"." World Book Literature Ed. Amitava Kumar. University of Minnesota Press, Fall, 2002.
  4. G. Farred. ""Literary Criticism: Cultural Studies' Alter Ego"." The Institution of Literature Ed. Jeffrey Williams. Albany: SUNY Press, 2002.
  5. G. Farred. ""Wailin' Soul: The Black American Roots of Reggae"." Soul: Black Power, Politics and Culture Ed. Monique Gilroy and Richard Green. New York University Press, 1998.
  6. G. Farred. ""Frist Stop Port-au-Prince: Mapping Postcolonial Africa Through Toussaint L'Ouverture and his Black Jacobins"." The Politics of Culture in the Shadow of Capital Ed. Lisa Lowe and David Lloyd. Durham: Duke University Press, 1997.
  7. G. Farred. ""Bulletproof Settlers: The Politics of Offense in the New South Africa"." Whiteness: A Critical Reader Ed. Mike Hill. New York: New York University Press, 1997, 63-78.
  8. G. Farred. ""The Prettiest Postcolonial: Muhammad Ali"." Boys: Cultures and Masculinities Ed. Paul Smith. Boulder: Westview Press, 1996.
  9. G. Farred. ""Its an X-Thing: The Culture of Black Nationalism in Contemporary South Africa"." Reading the Shape of the World: Toward an International Cultural Studies Ed. Richard Dienst and Henry Schwarz. Boulder, Co: Westview Press, 1996.
  10. G. Farred. ""The Maple Man: How Cricket Made A Postcolonial Intellectual"." Rethinking C.L.R. James Ed. Grant Farred. London: Basil Blackwell, 1996, 165-186.
  11. G. Farred. ""Take Back The Mike" Producing A Language For Date Rape"." Going Public: The Academic Left After the PC Debate Ed. Christopher Newfield and Ronald Strickland. Boulder: Westview Press, 1995.

Articles Accepted in Collection

  1. G. Farred. "Socratic Solitude: The Scouser Two-as-One." Marxism, Cultural Studies and Sport. Ed. Ben Carrington and Ian MacDonald. Routledge, 2007.
  2. G. Farred. "Cronometrico Argentino: La Temporalidad de la regal de la Ley?." Critica de la Acumacion: Acontecimiento, Subalternidad y Multitud. Ed. Oscar Cabezas. 2004. Santiago de Chile, 2005
  3. G. Farred. ""Kirin Narayan"." South Asian Novelists in English: An A to Z Guide. Ed. Jaina Sanga. Greenwood Press, 2003.

Introductions, Forewords and Afterwords

  1. G. Farred. ""Introduction"." Rethinking C.L.R. James  (1996): 1-14.

Book Reviews

  1. G. Farred, The black intellectual's work is never done: a critique of the discourse of reconciliation in South Africa. Postcolonial Studies 7:1 (2004). (Reviewing Complicities: The Intellectual and Apartheid by Mark Sanders)
  2. G. Farred, The Ellisonian Injunction. Small Axe 16, September 2004  (2004). (Reviewing Masking and Power by Gerald Aching)
  3. G. Farred, "The Guguletu Seven" (Film review). Political Communication 20:1 (January-March 2003).
  4. G. Farred, "Difference: Sports Theory and Structural Transformation:" Race, Sport and British Society. New Formations  (May, 2002). ((Britain))
  5. G. Farred, "Thinking Beyond The Boundaries: On Racial Frontiers: The New Culture of Frederick Douglass, Ralph Ellison, and Bob Marley" (Gregory Stephens). Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 30:6 (November, 2001).
  6. G. Farred, "When Politics is More than a Literary Afterthought: After Lives: Legacies of Revolutionary Writing" (Barbara Harlow). Research In African Literatures  (Spring, 1999).
  7. G. Farred, "Mapping Resistance Through Cultural Studies", Robin D.G. Kelley's Race Rebels.   (Summer, 1996).
  8. G. Farred, "Reclaiming the Amateur: The Virtues of Intellectual Outsiderhood". Edward Said's Representation of the Intellectual, Criticism  (Fall, 1995).


  1. G. Farred. "The black intellectual's work is never done: a critique of the discourse of reconciliation in post-apartheid South Africa."  2004.
  2. G. Farred. "The black intellectual's work is never done: a critique of the discourse of reconciliation in post-apartheid South Africa."  2004.
  3. G. Farred. ""Ali was a Bad Man Once, And Now Again"."  January 11, 2002.
  4. G. Farred. "The Dilemma of Contemporary Cultural Studies."  2001.

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