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Faculty: Kenneth J. Surin  

Kenneth J. Surin
Title: Professor Emeritus
Office Location: 101F Science Building, Duke East Campus, Durham, NC 27708
Office Phone: +1 919 684 4364
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  • Ph.D., University of Birmingham (United Kingdom), 1977
  • B.A., University of Reading (United Kingdom), 1972

Research Interests:  

(Ph.D. Birmingham, England, 1977) is Professor of Literature and Professor of Religion and Critical Theory. He trained initially as an analytical philosopher. His teaching areas include anglophone literatures outside England, philosophy (both analytical and continental), critical theory, marxism, state theory, and international political economy.

Recent Publications   (More Publications)


  • Surin, K. Deleuze and Guattari: Selected Writings. January, 2019 (1-268 pp.).  [abs]
Articles in a Journal
  • Surin, K. "Mao's "on contradiction," mao-hegel/mao-deleuze." CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture 20.3 (September, 2018). [doi]  [abs]
  • Surin, K. "The abyss looks back." American Book Review 39.2-3 (January, 2018): 6-7. [doi]
  • Surin, K. "Surroundings: Deleuze and Guattari." Canadian Journal of Communication 41.3 (January, 2016): 403-410. [doi]  [abs]
Articles in a Collection
  • Surin, K. "Christology." T&T Clark Handbook of Suffering and the Problem of Evil January, 2023, 277-283.

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