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Faculty: Maya Kronfeld  

Maya Kronfeld
Title: Assistant Professor
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Office Phone: (919) 684-4127
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  • Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2020

Recent Publications

Articles in a Journal

  • Kronfeld, M. ""Prufrock" between Acquaintance and Description: Bertrand Russell and T. S. Eliot." Philosophy and Literature 47.1 (April, 2023): 167-183. [doi]  [abs]
  • Kronfeld, M. "What Is Holding Us Together? David Hume, Edgar Allan Poe and the Problem of Association." Review of English Studies 73.312 (November, 2022): 934-953. [doi]  [abs]
  • Kronfeld, M. "Structure in the Moment: Rhythm Section Responsivity." Jazz and Culture 4.2 (October, 2021): 14-22. [doi]
  • Kronfeld, M. "The Philosopher's Bass Drum: Adorno's Jazz and the Politics of Rhythm." Radical Philosophy .205 (2019): 34-47.

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