- Office Hours:
- By appt.
- PhD, Yale University, 1967
- Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude,, Yale University, 1962
Research Interests:
Professor of French (Ph.D., Yale, 1967). His principal research interests are eighteenth-century French literature and intellectual history. His publications in these areas include Imitation and Illusion in the French Memoir-Novel, 1700-1750 (1969), Le Masque et la parole: le language de l 'amour au XVIIIe siècle (1973), Rereadings: Eight Early French Novels (1984), Half-Told Tales: Dilemmas of Meaning in Three French Novels (1987), and Engraven Desire: Eros, Image, and Text in the French Eighteenth Century (1992). He has also prepared critical editions of Prévost's Le philosophe anglais and Crebillon's Les heureux orphelins, and translated Rousseau's Julie(1997). He has previously served as chair of Romance Studies and Duke's Academic Council, and as president of the American Association of Teachers of French. Recent Publications (More Publications)
- with S. Genand. "Cleveland" d'Antoine Prévost d'Exiles. Clefs Concours Paris: Atlande, 2006 (220 pp.).
Articles in a Journal
- P. Stewart. "L’illustration du roman au XVIIIe siècle." Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2005.10 (2005): 223– 233.
Articles in a Collection
- P. Stewart. "Réflexions sur le cas de Robert Challe: d’écrivain du roi à homme de lettre." Le Pauvre Diable: destins de l’homme de lettres au XVIIIe siècle
Ed. Henri Duranton. Université de Saint-Étienne, 2006, 109-119.
- P. Stewart. "Le devoir d’intervention: points, virgules, etc., dans les "Lettres persanes"." Montesquieu en 2005
Ed. Catherine Volpilhac. Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 2005, 47–72.
- P. Stewart. "L’illustration du roman au XVIIIe siècle."
Ed. Jonathan Mallinson. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth CenturyVoltaire Foundation, 2005, 223-33.
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