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Publications of Valentin Mudimbe    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. Mudimbe, VY. África: pensamiento y controversias.  Centro de Estudios de Asia y África, El Colegio de México, 2014.
  2. Ciekawy, D; Hazama, I; Kamaara, E; Kilonzo, SM; Kuria, M; Mudimbe, V-Y; Mugo-Wanjau, M; Rose Namubiru-Kirumira, KN; Rwabukwali, CB; Shitemi, NL; Simpson, A. Recontextualizing Self & Other Issues in Africa: The Practice of a Conference.  Africa World Press/Red Sea Press, 2013.
  3. Mudimbe, VY. On African Fault Lines: Meditations on Alterity Politics.  UKZN Press, 2013.
  4. ed, VYM; Mudimbe V, . Contemporary African Cultural Productions/Productions culturelles africaines contemporaines.  Codesria Publications, 2013.

Articles in a Journal

  1. Mudimbe, VY. "Reading There Was a Country: A Personal History of Biafra." Journal of Asian and African Studies 48.6 (December, 2013): 671-682. Special Issue on Chinua Achebe: The Igbo, Pogrom, Biafra War and Genocide in Nigeria [doi]  [abs]

Articles Accepted in Collection

  1. V.Y. Mudimbe. "Si Essent in Analogia: A meditation on this Difference that might not be one." Colonial Modernity. Ed. Marion von Osten. Black Dog, 2010.

Introductions, Forewords and Afterwords

  1. Mudimbe, VY. "Au nom de la gratitude: une méditation." Entre inscriptions et prescriptions. V.Y. Mudimbe et l'engendrement de la parole  (2013).
  2. Mudimbe, VY. "Coda: On the Practice of a Conference." Recontextualizing Self & Other Issues in Africa: The Practice of a Conference  (2013): 235-252.
  3. Mudimbe, VY. "Afterword: A Meditation of the Convener." Contemporary African Cultural Productions/Productions culturelles africaines contemporaines  (2013).
  4. Mudimbe, VY; Hallen, B. "A cerca de la filosofía africana." La Filosofía en nuestro tiempo histórico  (2013): 19-62.

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