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Graduate Student: Melissa Karp  

Melissa Karp
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Dissertation Title:

Ph.D. Candidate in Literature 2018-Present
My research interests center on memory studies and literatures of mass violence. I work on French and Korean 20th century literatures with a focus on periods of occupation. My dissertation examines the ways that the figure of the collaborator is represented in and imagined through national literatures and memory cultures. I take a multilingual, transcultural, and transmedial approach to comparative work, using novels, film, museums, and memorials as objects of analysis in my projects.

Before coming to Duke, I completed an undergraduate honors thesis that examined the intellectual collaborator in French and Korean 1940s literatures as an exception to binary trauma discourses of perpetrator and victim.

Educational Background

Master of Arts, 2022
Program in Literature
Duke University (Durham, NC, USA)

Bachelor of Arts, 2018
Comparative Literature, Honors
East Asian Studies
Oberlin College (Oberlin, OH, USA)

Recent Publications

  1. Karp, M. "“Let me be dust”: Memory beyond testimony in Gwangju, South Korea." Memory Studies 16.3 (June, 2023): 546-560. [doi[abs]

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