- Meintjes, L. Dust of the Zulu: Ngoma Aesthetics after Apartheid. Duke University Press Books, August, 2017 (360 pages pp.). [abs]
- Meintjes, L. Dust of the Zulu. Duke University Press, July, 2017 . [doi] [abs]
- L. Meintjes. Dust of the Zulu: Ngoma Song, Dance and Masculinity in the Post Apartheid Struggle. in progress .
- Meintjes, L. Sound of Africa!: Making Music Zulu in a South African Studio. Duke University Press, January, 2003 .
- Meintjes, L. "THE RECORDING STUDIO AS FETISH." (January, 2024): 77-84. [doi] [abs]
- Meintjes, L. "Louise Meintjes Ululation." REMAPPING SOUND STUDIES (2019): 61-76.
- Meintjes, L. "Hi-fi sociality, Lo-fi sound: Affect and precarity in an independent South African recording studio." State and Culture in Postcolonial Africa: Enchantings (January, 2017): 207-223.
- Meintjes, L. "INTRODUCTION The Politics of Participation in Ngoma Song and Dance." DUST OF THE ZULU (2017): 1-27.
- Meintjes, L. "TURNING TO BE KISSED Praise, Flirtation, and the Work of Men." DUST OF THE ZULU (2017): 28-61.
- Meintjes, L. "THE UNWAVERING VOICE Affect, Eloquence, and the Moral Anger of Men." DUST OF THE ZULU (2017): 62-93.
- Meintjes, L. "DANCING AROUND DISEASE Silence, Ambiguity, and Brotherhood." DUST OF THE ZULU (2017): 182-209.
- Meintjes, L. "CLOSING Ngoma's Masculinity, South Africa's Struggle." DUST OF THE ZULU (2017): 266-271.
- Meintjes, L. "The Recording Studio as Fetish." Anthropology of the Arts: A Reader (2017).
- Meintjes, L. "PREFACE." DUST OF THE ZULU (2017): IX-+.
- Meintjes, L. "THE DIGITAL HOMESTEAD Having a Voice and the Sound of Marginalization." DUST OF THE ZULU (2017): 210-239.
- Meintjes, L. "BROKERING THE BODY Culture, Heritage, and the Pleasure of Participation." DUST OF THE ZULU (2017): 240-265.
- Meintjes, L. "TO QUELL THE DANCER'S DUST Singing Violence during South Africa's Transition." DUST OF THE ZULU (2017): 124-150.
- Meintjes, L. "FEET OF THE CENTIPEDE Military Aesthetics and the Politics of Reconciliation." DUST OF THE ZULU (2017): 94-123.
- Meintjes, L. "THE CROSSING World Music and Ngoma at Home." DUST OF THE ZULU (2017): 151-181.
- Meintjes, L. "The Recording Studio as Fetish." The Sound Studies Reader (2012).
- Meintjes, L; Meintjes, L; Ochoa, AM; Porcello, T; Samuels, DW. "Ethnomusicology." Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology (2012).
- Samuels, DW; Meintjes, L; Ochoa, AM; Porcello, T. "Soundscapes: Toward a sounded anthropology." Annual Review of Anthropology 39.1 (October, 2010): 329-345. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Porcello, T; Meintjes, L; Ochoa, AM; Samuels, DW. "The reorganization of the sensory world." Annual Review of Anthropology 39.1 (October, 2010): 51-66. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Samuels, D; L. Meintjes, A Ochoa, T Porcello. "Soundscapes: Toward a Sounded Anthropology." Annual Review of Anthropology 39.329-345 (2010).
- Porcello, Thomas, Louise Meintjes, Ana Maria Ochoa, and David Samuels. "The Reorganization of the Sensory World." Annual Review of Anthropology 39 (2010): 51-66.
- Meintjes, L. "The Politics of the Recording Studio: A Case Study from South Africa." The Cambridge Companion to Recorded Music (2009).
- Meintjes, L. "The World of South African Music: A Reader edited by C. Lucia (Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2005)." Journal of Southern African Studies 34.1 (2008): 234-236.
- Meintjes, L. "Representing African Music: Postcolonial Notes, Queries, Positions by Kofi Agawu (Routledge, 2003)." Journal of the American Musicological Society 59.3 (2007): 769-777.
- Meintjes, L. "Dispare al Sargento, Derrumbe la Montaña: La Producción de la Masculinidad por medio del canto y baile Zulú "Ngoma" en la Suráfrica Post-Apartheid." Trans: Revista Transcultural de Música/Transcultural Music Review 10 (2006). translated by Cruz, S; Ochoa Gautier, AM
- Meintjes, L. "O sentimento da política: produzindo ‘zuluidade’ em um estúdio de gravação sul-africano. [The Feeling of Politics: Producing Zuluness in a South African Studio.]." Debates 8 (2005): 78-92. Translated by Cláudia Souza Nunes Azevedo.
- Meintjes, L. ""Reaching Overseas: South African Sound Engineers, Technology and Tradition"." Wired for Sound: Engineering and Technologies in Sonic Cultures (2004): 23-48.
- Meintjes, L. "Shoot the Sergeant, Shatter the Mountain: The production of masculinity in Zulu Ngoma Song and Dance in post Apartheid South Africa." Ethnomusicology Forum 13.2 (2004): 173-201. Also appears as ”Maten al soldado: música y negociación de conflicto en Sudáfrica” translated by Ana Maria Ochoa Gautier in Revista Transcultural de Música/Transcultural Music Review 10 (2006).
- Meintjes, L. ""Heritage and Politics: An Ethnomusicological Perspective on Nation Building and Construction of the Past"." (May, 2003). Unpublished position paper prepared for the
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological
- Meintjes, L. "Entries on DownTown Studios and EMI(South Africa)." Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Volume One: Media, Culture and the Industry (2002).
- MEINTJES, L. "In the Time of Cannibals: The Word Music of South Africa's Basotho Migrants. DAVID B. COPLAN." American Ethnologist 23.3 (August, 1996): 648-648. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Meintjes, L. "Marabi Nights: Early South African Jazz and Vaudeville by C. Ballantine (Ravan Press, 1993)." Popular Music 15.2 (1996): 245-247.
- Meintjes, L. ""John Lindemann" and "West Nkosi"." The Rough Guide to World Music 1st edition (1994).
- Meintjes, L. "African Stars: Studies in Black South African Performance by V. Erlmann (U Chicago Press, 1991)." Popular Music 11.3 (October, 1992): 378-380.
- Meintjes, L. ""Paul Simon's Graceland, South Africa, and the Mediation of Musical Meaning"." Ethnomusicology 34.1 (Winter, 1990): 37-73. Reprinted in Popular Music: Critical
Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies,
Simon Frith (ed), London: Routledge,
(2004). Translated for reprint in Korean Journal of Musicology (forthcoming).