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Nicholas Stoia

Title: Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Office Location: 105 Biddle Music Building, BOX_90665, Durham, NC 27708
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  • D.Phil. City University of New York, 2008

Research Interests

Nicholas Stoia holds a doctorate in music theory from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. His research interests include both European tonal music and American vernacular music, and his work appears in journals including Music Theory Spectrum, Music Theory Online, and Music Analysis. He has taught at several colleges and universities, including the Mannes College of Music, City College of New York, and Duke University. Recent compositions include works for various chamber ensembles and choreographers, and sound installations and film scores for several museums.

Teaching (Fall 2024):

  • Music 143.01, History of rock: r&b to indie Synopsis
    Biddle 104, TuTh 10:05 AM-11:20 AM
  • Music 560.01, Tonal analysis Synopsis
    Biddle 113a, Th 03:20 PM-05:50 PM

Recent Professional Work:


  • Stoia, N. Sweet thing: The history and musical structure of a shared american vernacular form.  Oxford University Press, USA, January, 2021 (1-266 pp.). [doi]  [abs]
  • Stoia, N. "The Transformation of Prewar Blues into Postwar Rhythm and Blues The Great Migration, Urbanization, and Form." Journal of Music Theory 67.2 (October, 2023): 285-331. [doi]  [abs]
  • Stoia, N. "Blues Lyric Formulas in Early Country Music, Rhythm and Blues, and Rock and Roll." Music Theory Online 26.4 (December, 2020). [doi]  [abs]
  • Stoia, N. "The Tour-of-Keys Model and the Prolongational Structure in Sonata-Form Movements by Haydn and Mozart." Journal of Schenkerian Studies 12 (2019): 79-123.
  • Stoia, N; Adams, K; Drakulich, K. "Rap Lyrics as Evidence: What Can Music Theory Tell Us?." Race and Justice  (January, 2017).  [abs]

Curriculum Vitae

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