Romance Studies
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  Research Interests:

20th Century Literature, History, Culture, Memory, in palrticular the German Occupation of France (women, children in war, the body, Resistance); "Assimilation" of North Africans in France; the Relationship of France to its former colony and protectorates in North Africa; contemporary politics. 19th Century literature, historiography, history and culture: novels, memoirs, essays.

Recent Papers, Books and Preprints
  1. When History and Fiction are Mixed Up: A presentation of my book on Jean Zay and his family (1980's), edited by David Harlan, Rethinking History (2006).
  2. The New History, in Columbia Anthology of Twentieth-Century French Thought, edited by Lawrence Kritzman (2005).
  3. The Assassination of Jean Zay (2004), Under review with two French publishers: Editions verticales, Editions complexe [abs].
  4. Me and Not Me: The Narrator of Critical and Historical Fiction, in Confessions of the Critics, edited by H. Aram Veeser (1996), pp. 148-156, New York: Routledge.