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Publications [#374022] of Amanda Randles

Papers Published

  1. Roychowdhury, S; Balogh, P; Mahmud, ST; Puleri, DF; Martin, A; Gounley, J; Draeger, EW; Randles, A, Enhancing Adaptive Physics Refinement Simulations Through the Addition of Realistic Red Blood Cell Counts., International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis : [proceedings]. SC (Conference : Supercomputing), vol. 2023 (November, 2023), pp. 41, ACM, ISBN 9798400701092 [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/11/20)

    Simulations of cancer cell transport require accurately modeling mm-scale and longer trajectories through a circulatory system containing trillions of deformable red blood cells, whose intercellular interactions require submicron fidelity. Using a hybrid CPU-GPU approach, we extend the advanced physics refinement (APR) method to couple a finely-resolved region of explicitly-modeled red blood cells to a coarsely-resolved bulk fluid domain. We further develop algorithms that: capture the dynamics at the interface of differing viscosities, maintain hematocrit within the cell-filled volume, and move the finely-resolved region and encapsulated cells while tracking an individual cancer cell. Comparison to a fully-resolved fluid-structure interaction model is presented for verification. Finally, we use the advanced APR method to simulate cancer cell transport over a mm-scale distance while maintaining a local region of RBCs, using a fraction of the computational power required to run a fully-resolved model.
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Mathematics Department
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Durham, NC 27708-0320