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Publications [#382564] of Amanda Randles

Papers Published

  1. Martin, A; Liu, G; Joo, B; Wu, R; Kabir, MS; Draeger, EW; Randles, A, Designing a GPU-Accelerated Communication Layer for Efficient Fluid-Structure Interaction Computations on Heterogeneous Systems, International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC (January, 2024) [doi]
    (last updated on 2025/03/13)

    As biological research demands simulations with increasingly larger cell counts, optimizing these models for largescale deployment on heterogeneous supercomputing resources becomes crucial. This requires the redesign of fluid-structure interaction tasks written around distributed data structures built for CPU-based systems, where design flexibility and overall memory footprint are key considerations, to instead be performant on CPU-GPU machines. This paper describes the trade-offs of offloading communication tasks to the GPUs and the corresponding changes to the underlying data structures required, along with new algorithms that significantly reduce time-to-solution. At scale performance of our GPU implementation is evaluated on the Polaris and Frontier leadership systems. Real-world workloads involving millions of deformable cells are evaluated. We analyze the competing factors that come into play when designing a communication layer for a fluid-structure interaction code, including code efficiency, complexity, and GPU memory demands, and offer advice to other high performance computing applications facing similar decisions.
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Mathematics Department
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Durham, NC 27708-0320