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Research Interests for David A. Smith

Research Interests: Mathematics Education

Professor Smith used to be Co-Director (with Professor Lawrence Moore) of Project CALC, which developed an award-winning curriculum for calculus instruction, based on laboratory experiments, discovery learning, real-world applications, writing and revision of writing, and high expectations of students. Professors Smith and Moore also direct the Connected Curriculum Project, funded by the National Science Foundation. This project has developed a library of Web-based interactive learning materials for the first two years of college-level mathematics.

Education, Mathematics
Recent Publications
  1. David A. Smith, My Life in Essays (March 11, 2021) [Life%20in%20Essays%203-10-21.pdf[abs]
  2. Smith, DA; Fey, JT, Algebra as Part of an Integrated High School Curriculum, in And the Rest is Just Algebra, edited by Stewart, S (October, 2016), pp. 119-129, Springer, ISBN 9783319450537 [doi[abs]
  3. David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, Calculus: Modeling and Application, 2nd Ed. (August, 2010), Mathematical Association of America (an online, interactive textbook.) [calculus-modeling-and-application-2nd-edition]
  4. Smith, DA; Tall, D; Piez, C, Technology and Calculus, in Research on Technology and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics, Volume 1, Research Syntheses, edited by Heid, MK; Blume, GW (Summer, 2008), pp. 207-258, Information Age Publishing, Inc., Charlotte, NC, ISBN 978-1-931576-19-2
  5. Moore, LC; Smith, DA, Changing technology implies changing pedagogy, in A Fresh Start for Collegiate Mathematics: Rethinking the Courses below Calculus, MAA Notes, edited by Nancy Baxter Hastings et al., vol. 69 (January, 2006), pp. 229-234, The Mathematical Association of America, ISBN 9780883851791 [doi[abs]
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Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320