Math @ Duke
- David A. Smith, My Life in Essays
(March 11, 2021) [Life%20in%20Essays%203-10-21.pdf] [abs]
- David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, Calculus: Modeling and Application, 2nd Ed.
(August, 2010), Mathematical Association of America (an online, interactive textbook.) [calculus-modeling-and-application-2nd-edition]
- David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, Calculus: Modeling and Application,
Houghton Mifflin Co., Single-Variable Chapters, 1996; Multivariable Chapters, 1997
- David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, Mathcad for Windows Laboratory Manual to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application,
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1997
- David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, Project CALC Instructor's Guide,
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996
- W. H. Barker, David A. Smith, and L. C. Moore, Mathematica Laboratory Manual to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application,
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996
- R. D. Schori, W. H. Barker, David A. Smith, and L. C. Moore, Maple V Laboratory Manual to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application,
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996
- L. D. Blake, David A. Smith, and L. C. Moore, HP-48 Graphing Calculator Laboratory Manual to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application,
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996
- David A. Smith, L. D. Blake, L. C. Moore, and S. Morris, TI-82/85 Graphing Calculator Laboratory Manual to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application,
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996
- P. Lestmann, David A. Smith, and L. C. Moore, Derive Laboratory Manual to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application,
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996
- David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, The Calculus Reader, Parts I, II, and III, Revised Preliminary Edition,
D. C. Heath and Co., 1993
[author's comments]
- David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, MathCAD/Derive Laboratory Manual to accompany The Calculus Reader, Parts I, II, and III, Revised Preliminary Edition,
D. C. Heath and Co., 1993
- David A. Smith, G. J. Porter, L. C. Leinbach, and R. H. Wenger (eds.), Computing and Mathematics: The Use of Computers in Undergraduate Mathematics Instruction,
MAA Notes No. 9, Mathematical Association of America, 1988
- David A. Smith, Logical Problem Solving: Logo Microworlds and Student Guide,
Self-published, 1986
- David A. Smith, Descriptive Models for Perception of Optical Illusions, I and II,
UMAP Units 534 and 535, Undergraduate Mathematics and its Applications Project, 1981
- David A. Smith, Interface: Calculus and the Computer,
Houghton Mifflin Co.,1976; second edition, Saunders College Publishing, 1984
- Roy Myers and David A. Smith, SURFACE for the Apple,
- F. J. Murray, R. E. Hodel, M. J. Hodel, T. M. Gallie, R.C. Barr, David A. Smith, and D. A. Smith II, MATHPROGRAM: A Computer Supplement for Calculus,
- David A. Smith, SURFACE: A Graphics Module for Multivariable Calculus,
Papers Published
- Smith, DA; Fey, JT, Algebra as Part of an Integrated High School Curriculum,
in And the Rest is Just Algebra, edited by Stewart, S
(October, 2016),
pp. 119-129, Springer, ISBN 9783319450537 [doi] [abs]
- Smith, DA; Tall, D; Piez, C, Technology and Calculus,
in Research on Technology and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics, Volume 1, Research Syntheses, edited by Heid, MK; Blume, GW
(Summer, 2008),
pp. 207-258, Information Age Publishing, Inc., Charlotte, NC, ISBN 978-1-931576-19-2
- Moore, LC; Smith, DA, Changing technology implies changing pedagogy,
in A Fresh Start for Collegiate Mathematics: Rethinking the Courses below Calculus, MAA Notes, edited by Nancy Baxter Hastings et al., vol. 69
(January, 2006),
pp. 229-234, The Mathematical Association of America, ISBN 9780883851791 [doi] [abs]
- Smith, DA, Editor's notes, July 2004,
Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 4
(July, 2004)
- Smith, DA; Moore, LC, Journal of online mathematics and its applications: Raindrops,
Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 4
(June, 2004)
- Smith, D; Moore, L, The Connected Curriculum Project,
Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3
(December, 2001) [html] [abs]
- Smith, D; Moore, L; Chuang, JC; Michel, J, The SIR model for spread of disease,
Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3
(December, 2001)
- Lipkin, L; Smith, D; Chuang, JC; Michel, J, Logistic growth model,
Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3
(December, 2001)
- Smith, D; Chuang, JC; Michel, J, World class sprints,
Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3
(December, 2001)
- Smith, DA; Moore, LC; Barker, WH; Schori, RM; Chuang, JC; Michel, J, World population growth,
Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3
(December, 2001)
- Moore, L; Smith, D; Mueller, B; Mayfield, B; Chuang, JC; Michel, J, The equiangular spiral,
Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3
(December, 2001)
- Smith, DA, Editor's notes,
Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3
(December, 2001)
- Smith, DA, Editor's Notes,
Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 2
(August, 2001)
- Moore, L; Smith, D, Project CALC: Calculus as a laboratory course,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 602 LNCS
(January, 1992),
pp. 16-20, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 9783540555780 [doi] [abs]
SIAM Review, vol. 29 no. 2
(January, 1987),
pp. 199-233, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM) [doi] [abs]
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 23 no. 1
(January, 1986),
pp. 178-196, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM) [doi] [abs]
- Fessler, T; Smith, DA; Ford, F, Algorithm 602: HURRY: An Acceleration Algorithm for Scalar Sequences and Series,
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), vol. 9 no. 3
(September, 1983),
pp. 355-357, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) [doi]
- Fessler, T; Ford, WF; Smith, DA, HURRY: An Acceleration Algorithm for Scalar Sequences and Series,
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), vol. 9 no. 3
(September, 1983),
pp. 346-354, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) [doi]
NASA Technical Paper
(January, 1983) [abs]
- Smith, DA; Ford, WF, Numerical comparisons of nonlinear convergence accelerators,
Mathematics of Computation, vol. 38 no. 158
(January, 1982),
pp. 481-499, JSTOR [doi] [abs]
- Smith, DA, A descriptive model for perception of optical illusions,
Journal of Mathematical Psychology, vol. 17 no. 1
(January, 1978),
pp. 64-85, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
- Smith, DA, Further Comments on “On the Evaluation of [formula omitted] with Applications to 2 Transforms”,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 22 no. 6
(January, 1977),
pp. 993 [doi]
- Smith, DA, Bivariate function algebras on Posets,
Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, vol. 1971 no. 251
(January, 1971),
pp. 100-109, WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH [doi]
- Smith, DA, A calculus-with-computer experiment,
Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol. 3 no. 1
(September, 1970),
pp. 1-11 [doi]
- Smith, DA, Incidence functions as generalized arithmetic functions, iii,
Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 36 no. 2
(January, 1969),
pp. 353-367 [doi]
- Smith, DA, Incidence functions as generalized arithmetic functions, II,
Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 36 no. 1
(January, 1969),
pp. 15-30 [doi]
- Smith, DA, Incidence function as generalized arithmetic functions I,
Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 34 no. 4
(January, 1967),
pp. 617-633 [doi]
- Smith, DA, On semigroups, semirings, and rings of quotients,
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, vol. 30 no. 2
(January, 1966),
pp. 123-130 [doi]
- Smith, DA, Chevalleyb ases for lie modules,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 115 no. 3
(January, 1965),
pp. 283-299 [doi]
pp. 283-&
- Smith, DA, On fixed points of automorphisms of classical lie algebras,
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, vol. 14 no. 3
(January, 1964),
pp. 1079-1089 [doi]
- Jack Bookman, David Malone, Lawrence C. Moore, and David A. Smith, Learning about Online Learning: How Do Students Use Interactive Web-Based Materials?,
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Gail Goodell, ed., Addison-Wesley, 2002, pp. 31-34
- David A. Smith, Welcome to JOMA,
Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1, no. 1, January, 2001
- David A. Smith, The Active/Interactive Classroom,
The Teaching and Learning of Mathematics at University Level: An ICMI Study (Derek Holton, et al., eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp. 167-178.
[available here]
- David A. Smith, Renewal in Collegiate Mathematics Education: Learning from Research,
Calculus Renewal: Issues for Undergraduate Mathematics Education in the Next Decade (S. Ganter, ed.), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2000, pp. 23-40.
- David A. Smith, Renewal in Collegiate Mathematics Education,
Documenta Mathematica, Extra Volume ICM 1998 III, 777-786
[available here]
- David A. Smith, Learning: The Web: Science Magazine Sites,
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 18 (1999), 89-93
- David A. Smith, What's significant about a digit?,
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (G. Goodell, ed.), November 7-10, 1996, Addison-Wesley, 1998
- M.R. Colvin, L. C. Moore, W. J. Mueller, David A. Smith, and F. A. Wattenberg, Design, development, and use of web-based interactive instructional materials,
Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (G. Goodell, ed.), November 7-9, 1997, Addison-Wesley, 1999
- David A. Smith, Learning: The Web: Learning from Original Texts,
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 17 (1998), 285-288
- David A. Smith, Learning: The Web: Learning from a .com Site,
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 17 (1998), 291-293
- Lester Coyle, Lang Moore, William Mueller, David A. Smith, et al., Web-Based Learning Materials: Design, Usage, and Resources,
Proceedings of the International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics, 71-73, Wiley, 1998
- David A. Smith, Assessment of student learning with an interactive text,
Proceedings of the Eighth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (G. Goodell, ed), November 16-19, 1995, Addison-Wesley, 1997
- Jack Bookman and David A. Smith, Assessment in a technological age,
Proceedings of the Seventh Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Nov 17-20, 1994; pp 433-437, Addison-Wesley, 1996
- David A. Smith, Thinking aobut learning, learning about thinking,
Calculus: The Dynamics of Change (A.W. Roberts, ed.) MAA Notes No. 39, pp 31-37, 1996
[available here]
- David A. Smith, Learning Software: Retrospective,
UME Trends 7 (6) (Jan., 1996), 6-7
- David A. Smith, K. Stroyan, D. Mathews, J. Uhl, and L. Senechal, Learning Software: Computers in Calculus Reform,
UME Trends 6 (6) (Jan., 1995), 14-15, 31
- David A. Smith, Trends in calculus reform,
Preparing for a New Calculus (A. Solow et al., eds.), MAA Notes No. 36, pp. 3-13, 1994
[available here]
- David A. Smith, Opinion: What's better about reformed calculus?,
UME Trends 3 (2) (May, 1991), 5-6. Reprinted in You're the Professor, What Next? (B. A. Case, ed.), MAA Notes No. 35, 1994, pp. B-III-48 to B-III-50
- David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, Project CALC (Minicourse),
pp. 349-355 in Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (Lewis Lum, ed.), Addison-Wesley, 1994
- David A. Smith, Learning Software: Help from Abroad: Maths&Stats,
UME Trends 6 (2) (May, 1994), 4-5
- David A. Smith, Learning Software: MPP and MPP3D,
UME Trends 5 (4) (Sept., 1993), 6-7
- David A. Smith, Calculus and Computers,
UME Trends 4 (5) (Dec., 1992), 7
- David A. Smith, Question for the future: What about the horse?,
Proceedings of the St. Olaf College Conference on Symbolic Computer Systems, October, 1989; reprinted in Symbolic Computation in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Z. Karian, ed.), MAA Notes No. 24, 1992, pp. 1-5
- L. C. Moore and David A. Smith, Project CALC: An integrated laboratory course,
pp. 81-92 in The Laboratory Approach to Teaching Calculus (L. Carl Leinbach, et al., eds.), MAA Notes No. 20, 1991
- David A. Smith, Learning Software: Chaos in the Classroom,
UME Trends 3 (2) (May, 1991), 2
- David A. Smith, Learning Software: PSL Explorer,
UME Trends 2 (6) (Jan., 1991), 2
- David A. Smith, Learning Software: GyroGraphics 2.2,
UME Trends 2 (4) (Oct., 1990), 2
- D. Kraines, V. Kraines, and David A. Smith, Classroom computer capsules,
The College Mathematics Journal 20 (1989), 433-438; 21 (1990), 142-145; 21 (1990), 240-241; 21 (1990), 327-329; 21 (1990), 415-419
- David A. Smith, Programming in calculus,
Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, November 2-4, 1989, Addison-Wesley, 1990
- L. C. Moore and David A. Smith, Project CALC,
pp. 51-74 in Priming the Calculus Pump: Innovations and Resources (T. W. Tucker, ed.), MAA Notes No. 17, 1990
- G. D. Gopen and David A. Smith, What's an assignment like you doing in a course like this?: Writing to learn mathematics,
Chapter 17 in Writing to Learn Mathematics and Science (P. Connally and T. Vilardi, eds.), Teachers College Press, 1989; reprinted in The College Mathematics Journal 21 (1990), 2-19
- Warren Page and David A. Smith, Learning Software: Phaser,
UME Trends 1 (6) (Jan., 1990), 2
- David A. Smith, Learning Software: MicroCalc 4.0,
UME Trends 1 (4) (Nov., 1989), 2
- David A. Smith, What's significant about a digit?,
The College Mathematics Journal 20 (1989), 136-139
- David A. Smith, Learning Software: MathCAD 2.0,
UME Trends 1 (2) (May, 1989), 2
- David A. Smith, A minimalist approach to computer use in calculus,
Computing and Mathematics: The Use of Computers in Undergraduate Mathematics Instruction, MAA Notes No. 9, 1988
- D. P. Kraines and David A. Smith, A computer in the classroom: The time is right,
The College Mathematics Journal 19 (1988), 261-267
- R. S. Cunningham and David A. Smith, The compleat mathematics software database,
The College Mathematics Journal 19 (1988), 268-289
- David A. Smith, Newton's n-th root method without derivatives,
The College Mathematics Journal 18 (1987), 403-406
- David A. Smith, Logo serendipity in calculus lab,
Logo Exchange 5, no. 8 (April, 1987), 16-17
- R. S. Cunningham and David A. Smith, A mathematics software database update,
The College Mathematics Journal 18 (1987), 242-247
- David A. Smith, Students benefit from computer-based learning environments,
SIAM News, March, 1986, 4, 16-17
- R. S. Cunningham and David A. Smith, A mathematics software database,
The College Mathematics Journal 17 (1986), 255-266
- David A. Smith, It's Showtime!,
Collegiate Microcomputer 4 (1986), 261-268
- David A. Smith, Editorial note: Three observations on a theme,
Mathematics Magazine 58 (1985), 146
- David A. Smith and Jack Bookman, The Electronic Study Guide: Precalculus Algebra,
The College Mathematics Journal 16 (1985), 218-221
- David A. Smith, Apple II mathematics software,
CIMSE Newsletter, November 1984
- David A. Smith, Using computer graphics to teach mathematics,
Pipeline 7, no. 1, Spring, 1982. pp. 14-17
[author's comments]
- David A. Smith and W. F. Ford, Numerical comparisons of nonlinear accelerators,
Mathematics of Computation 38 (1982), 481-499
- David A. Smith, CONDUIT announces new packages in mathematics,
CIMSE Newsletter 1, no. 4, February 1982, pp. 5-6
- T. M. Gallie, C. H. Lochmuller, S. S. Poss, M. D. Ray, J. O. Rousseau, and David A. Smith, The Duke personal computer project: A strategy for computing literacy,
Perspectives in Computing 1 (February, 1981), 4-8
[author's comments]
- David A. Smith, A seminar in mathematical model building,
American Mathematical Monthly 86 (1979), 777-783
- David A. Smith and W. F. Ford, Acceleration of linear and logarithmic convergence,
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 16 (1979), 223-240
- H. L. Dershem and David A. Smith, Mathematics and statistics,
Computers in Teaching: 1979 State of the Art Report of Instructional Computing, CONDUIT, 1980
- R. C. Barr, T. M. Gallie, Jr., M. J. Hodel, R. E. Hodel, F. J. Murray, and David A. Smith, A general problem solver for mathematics courses,
Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Computers in the Undergraduate Curricula, Denver, 1978, pp. 23-35
- David A. Smith, A descriptive model for perception of optical illusions,
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 17 (1978), 64-85
- David A. Smith, The homicide problem revisited,
The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal 9 (1978), 141-145
- David A. Smith, An explicit formula for future tenure ratios,
AAUP Bulletin 64 (1978), 126-127
- David A. Smith, Inexpensive computer graphing of surfaces,
Mathematics Magazine 50 (1977), 143-147
- G.-C. Rota and David A. Smith, Enumeration under group action,
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, Serie IV, 4 (1977), 637-646
[author's comments]
- David A. Smith, Human population growth: Stability or explosion?,
Mathematics Magazine 50 (1977), 186-197
[author's comments]
- David A. Smith, Computer correction of optical illusions,
Creative Computing 3, No. 5 (Sep.-Oct., 1977), 123-125
- David A. Smith, Further comments on "On the evaluation of the sum of naxn with applications to Z transforms",
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control AC22 (1977), 993
- David A. Smith, CONDUIT: An information pipeline,
Mathematics News, Houghton Mifflin, Jan., 1977
- David A. Smith, H. L. Dershem, D. McLaughlin, and A. Ziebur, Computers in teaching mathematics,
Computers in Undergraduate Teaching: 1977 CONDUIT State of the Art Reports in Selected Disciplines, CONDUIT, 1977, pp. 147-180
- David A. Smith, Numerical differentiation for calculus students,
American Mathematical Monthly 82 (1975), 284-287
- David A. Smith, Case study: Duke University,
pp. 7-8 in Calculus and Computing (S. J. Garland, ed.), American Mathematical Society, 1975
- G.-C. Rota and David A. Smith, Fluctuation theory and Baxter algebra,
Symposia Mathematica 9 (1972), 179-201
- David A. Smith, Generalized arithmetic function algebras,
The Theory of Arithmetic Functions, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 251, Springer-Verlag, 1972, 205-245
- David A. Smith, Multiplication operators on incidence algebras,
Indiana University Journal of Mathematics 20 (1970), 369-383
- David A. Smith, Incidence functions as generalized arithmetic functions II,
Duke Mathematical Journal 36 (1969), 15-30
- David A. Smith, Incidence functions as generalized arithmetic functions III,
Duke Mathematical Journal 36 (1969), 353-368
- David A. Smith and A. Giovannini, On algebraic structures associated with the 3-j and 6-j symbols,
Spectroscopic and Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (F. Bloch, et al., eds.), Racah Memorial Volume, North-Holland Publishing Co., 1968, pp. 87-97
- David A. Smith, Circularly generated abelian groups,
Fibonacci Quarterly 6 (1968), 36-45
- David A. Smith, On the construction of a distributive lattice from a partially ordered set with DCC,
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 9 (l968), 515-525
- David A. Smith, Incidence functions as generalized arithmetic functions I,
Duke Mathematical Journal 34 (1967), 617-634
- David A. Smith, The real roots of the equation (x - 1)k = xk-1,
American Mathematical Monthly 73 (1966), 754-757
- David A. Smith, A basis algorithm for finitely generated abelian groups,
Mathematical Algorithms 1 (1966), 13-26
- David A. Smith, Technology transitions in college calculus,
Proceedings of the Technology Transitions Calculus Conference (J. Harvey, ed) October 9-12, 1997, MAA Notes series
, preprint 1998
- David A. Smith, L. C. Moore, and J. Goebel, A computer lab for calculus
, preprint 1989
- David A. Smith, D. Kraines, and V. Kraines, Software in the classroom: The time is right
, preprint 1989
- David A. Smith, Symbolic computation without a computer algebra system
, preprint 1988
- David A. Smith, The role of the computer in calculus reform
, preprint 1988
- David A. Smith, Alternate solutions to educational problems
, preprint 1986
- David A. Smith, A modest experiment in mathematics education
, preprint 1985
- David A. Smith, A geometric proof of the sum-of-cubes formula
, preprint 1980
- David A. Smith and W. F. Ford, On the Cabay-Jackson-Mešina algorithm
, preprint 1979
- David A. Smith and W. F. Ford, Nonlinear acceleration of linear convergence
, preprint 1978
- David A. Smith and W. F. Ford, Transformation of divergent series by convergence accelerators
, preprint 1978
- David A. Smith, Computer calculus without programming
, preprint 1975
- David A. Smith, The number of 4 by 4 magic squares
, preprint 1970
- David A. Smith, Baxter algebras, partition lattices, and Polya theory
, preprint 1969
Book Reviews
- David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, Review of Toward a Lean and Lively Calculus (R. G. Douglas, ed.),
The College Mathematics Journal 18 (1987), 439-442
- David A. Smith, Apple Logo: The Book,
Collegiate Microcomputer 4 (1986) 345-351, 381
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Mathematics Department
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