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Lawrence C. Moore, Associate Professor Emeritus

Lawrence C. Moore

Currently, Professor Moore's major scholary activity is the development of web-based learning materials.

He is Executive Editor of the Mathematical Sciences Digital Library (MathDL), an NSF-sponsored project of the Mathematical Association of America.

He maintains an interest in the application of nonstandard analysis to the theory of Banach spaces. In particular, he has studied those Banach spaces which behave in a model-theoretic way like finite-dimensional spaces.

Please note: Lawrence has left the Mathematics department at Duke University; some info here might not be up to date.

Contact Info:
Office Location:  22 Physics Building, Durham, NC 27708
Office Phone:  (919) 660-2822
Email Address: send me a message
Web Page:


Ph.D.California Institute of Technology1966
B.S.North Carolina State University1961
Research Interests: Mathematics Education and Functional Analysis

Currently, Professor Moore's major scholary activity is the development of web-based learning materials.

He is Executive Editor of the Mathematical Sciences Digital Library (MathDL), an NSF-sponsored project of the Mathematical Association of America.

He maintains an interest in the application of nonstandard analysis to the theory of Banach spaces. In particular, he has studied those Banach spaces which behave in a model-theoretic way like finite-dimensional spaces.

Current Ph.D. Students   (Former Students)

    Postdocs Mentored

    • none (1999/09-present)  
    Recent Publications   (More Publications)

    1. Lawrence C. Moore, Jr. and David A. Smith, The Connected Curriculum Project, The journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, December 2001 [org]  [abs]
    2. Lawrence C. Moore, Jr. and David A. Smith, The SIR Model for Spread of Disease, The Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, December 2001 [org]  [abs]
    3. Lawrence C. Moore, Jr. and David A. Smith, World Population Growth,, The Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, December, 2001 [org]  [abs]
    4. Lawrence C. Moore, Jr. and David A. Smith, The Equiangular Spiral, The Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, December, 2001 [org]  [abs]
    5. Lawrence C. Moore, Jr. and David A. Smith, Changing Technology Implies Changing Pedagogy, MAA Notes Series (Preprint, 0)  [abs]

    ph: 919.660.2800
    fax: 919.660.2821

    Mathematics Department
    Duke University, Box 90320
    Durham, NC 27708-0320