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Publications of Lawrence C. Moore    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

Papers Published

  1. Lawrence C. Moore, Jr. and David A. Smith, The Connected Curriculum Project, The journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, December 2001 [org]  [abs]
  2. Lawrence C. Moore, Jr. and David A. Smith, The SIR Model for Spread of Disease, The Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, December 2001 [org]  [abs]
  3. Lawrence C. Moore, Jr. and David A. Smith, World Population Growth,, The Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, December, 2001 [org]  [abs]
  4. Lawrence C. Moore, Jr. and David A. Smith, The Equiangular Spiral, The Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, December, 2001 [org]  [abs]
  5. Lawrence C. Moore, David A. Smith, Calculus: Modeling and Application, Multivariable Chapters, final prepublication edition, Houghton Mifflin, 1997
  6. Lawrence C. Moore(with eight others), Student Assesment in Calculus, A Report of the NSF Working Group on Assessment in Calculus, Alan Schoenfeld ed., MAA Notes 43, 1997
  7. William Barker, Lawrence C. Moore, David A. Smith, laboratory manual for Mathematica, D.C. Heath and Co, 1996
  8. Lewis Blake, Lawrence C. Moore, David A. Smith, laboratory manual for HP-48 calculators, D.C. Heath and Co., 1996
  9. Lewis Blake, Lawrence C. Moore, Sam Morris, David Smith, laboratory manual for TI-82 calculators, D.C. Heath and Co., 1996
  10. Phillip Lestman, Lawrence C. Moore, David Smith, laboratory manual for Derive, D.C. Heath and Co., 1996
  11. William Barker, Lawrence C. Moore, Richard Schori, David Smith, laboratory manual for Maple, D.C. Heath and Co., 1996
  12. Lawrence C. Moore, David A. Smith, laboratory manual for Mathcad for Windows, Houghton and Mifflin, 1996
  13. Lawrence C. Moore, Project CALC: Calculus as a Laboratory Course, in Syllabus, October 1996, 50-52
  14. David A. Smith and Lawrence C. Moore, Calculus: Modeling and Application  [abs]
  15. William Barker, Lawrence C. Moore, David A. Smith, The Calculus Reader, Volume III, D.C. Heath and Co, 1993, 1994


  1. Lawrence C. Moore, Jr. and David A. Smith, Changing Technology Implies Changing Pedagogy, MAA Notes Series , preprint 2002  [abs]
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