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Math @ Duke



Curriculum Vitae

Mark A. Stern

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Box 90320, Durham, NC 27708-0320

Ph.D.Princeton University1984
B.S.Texas A&M University1980
Areas of Research

Geometric Analysis, Yang-Mills theory, Hodge theory, string theory

Professional Experience / Employment History

Duke University
Professor, Department of Mathematics, 1992 - present
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, 1988 - 1992
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, 1985 - 1988
Institute for Advanced Study
Member, Mathematics, 1988 - 1990
Member, Mathematics, 1984 - 1985
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions

Sloan Fellowship 1990-92
Presidential Young Investigator Award 1989-94
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, 0 2013
Sloan Research Fellowship-Mathematics, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 0 1990
Presidential Young Investigator, National Science Foundation, 0 1989

Major Grant Support


Recent Grant Support

  • The Geometry and Analysis of Yang-Mills Instantons., Simons Foundation, 2023/09-2028/08.      
  • Instanton Decay and Nonlinear Harmonic Forms, Simons Foundation, 3553857, 2015/09-2022/08.      
  • Bound states, singularities, and supersymmetry, NSF, 2002/07.      
Selected Recent Invited Talks

Monotonicity, Betti numbers, and small eigenvalues, U. Georgia, Atlanta, 19 March 2023  
Nahm transform for ALF spaces, U Florida, 25 October 2022  
Nahm Transform Yoga, AIM, 29 July 2022  
Bubbling threshholds for Yang Mills and harmonic maps in fat negatively curved spaces , Banff, Alberta, Canada , 5 February 2021  
A Coarse Cheeger Inequality for one Forms, Duke, 18 March 2019  
Monotonicity and Betti Number Bounds, Harvard, 23 October 2018  
Nahm Transform for ALF spaces, SUNY Stonybrook, 6 March 2018  
Monotonicity and Betti Number Bounds, CUNY Graduate Seminar, 15 February 2018  
Monotonicity and Betti number bounds, BIRS, 29 August 2017  
Spectral geometry of the 1 form Laplacian on hyperbolic manifolds., Hunter College, NYC, 6 May 2017  
Instantons on ALF spaces, CUNY , 6 December 2016  
Instantons on ALF spaces, University of Waterloo, 2 December 2016  
Instantons on ALF spaces, Trieste, Italy, 24 October 2016  
Instantons on ALF spaces, Harvard University, 11 October 2016  
Decay and Moduli of Yang Mills Instantons, Newton Institute, July 21, 2015 [20150721153016302]  
Introduction to nonlinear harmonic forms, U. Maryland, March 30, 2015  
Introduction to nonlinear harmonic forms, University of Houston, February 28, 2015  
Introduction to nonlinear harmonic forms, Chinese University, Hong Kong, December 09, 2014  
Introduction to nonlinear harmonic forms, Johns Hopkins, November 22, 2014  
Instanton Decay, Texas A&M, April, 2014  
Symmetry, singularity, and decay of Yang Mills fields, Texas A&M, March 20, 2014  
Stability, Hodge theory, and Grassmann embeddings, Irvine, May 21, 2013  
Hodge theory, Yang Mills, and Stability, U. of Arizona, Tucson, January 28, 2013  
Asymptotic Hodge Theory of Vector Bundles, Sanya, Hainan, China, December 18, 2011  
Stability, dynamics, and the quantum Hodge theory of vector bundles, Duke Mathematics, November 30, 2010  
The Quantum Hodge Theory of Vector Bundles, CUNY Geometric Analysis 2010 Bubbling Phenomena and Non-Compactness, March 12, 2010  
Geometry of Stable Yang-Mills connections, Graduate Center CUNY, October 20, 2009  
Geometry of Minimal Yang-Mills connections, Warsaw, April 06, 2009  
Geometry of Stable Yang-Mills connections, Texas A&M University, April 05, 2009  
Minimal Energy Yang-Mills Connections and Interpolating Instantons, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, October 28, 2008  
Self-dual connections interpolating between components of the moduli space of flat connections on $T^3$, Montreal, CRM, August 27, 2007  
Index Theory from a de Rham Perspective, South East Geometry Conference, Charleston, March 04, 2006  
Positive mass conjecture for nonspin manifolds, Uniuversity of Chicago, May 2005  
The positive mass conjecture for nonspin manifolds, Atlanta AMS meeting, January 2005  
B fields from a Luddite perspective, QTS3 conference in Cincinnati, 11 September 2003  
Doctoral Theses Directed

Janice McCarthy, L2 index theory and D-particle binding, (2009)  
Jeffrey Streets, Ricci Yang-Mills Flow, (December 15, 2003 - 2007)  
Editor IMRN 1991-1997
Publications (listed separately)

Last modified: 2024/09/17
ph: 919.660.2800
fax: 919.660.2821

Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320