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Publications [#382337] of Xiuyuan Cheng

Papers Published

  1. Cheng, X; Xie, Y, Kernel two-sample tests for manifold data, Bernoulli, vol. 30 no. 4 (November, 2024), pp. 2572-2597 [doi]
    (last updated on 2025/03/13)

    We present a study of a kernel-based two-sample test statistic related to the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) in the manifold data setting, assuming that high-dimensional observations are close to a low-dimensional manifold. We characterize the test level and power in relation to the kernel bandwidth, the number of samples, and the intrinsic dimensionality of the manifold. Specifically, when data densities p and q are supported on a d-dimensional sub-manifold M embedded in an m-dimensional space and are Hölder with order β (up to 2) on M, we prove a guarantee of the test power for finite sample size n that exceeds a threshold depending on d, β, and Δ2 the squared L2-divergence between p and q on the manifold, and with a properly chosen kernel bandwidth γ. For small density departures, we show that with large n they can be detected by the kernel test when Δ2 is greater than n−2β/(d+4β) up to a certain constant and γ scales as n−1/(d+4β). The analysis extends to cases where the manifold has a boundary and the data samples contain high-dimensional additive noise. Our results indicate that the kernel two-sample test has no curse-of-dimensionality when the data lie on or near a low-dimensional manifold. We validate our theory and the properties of the kernel test for manifold data through a series of numerical experiments.
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