search PubMed. Journal Articles
- Cunha, PP; Zhuang, J; Wright, JP; Madden, DJ; Potter, GG; Allen, K; Lad, E; Cousins, SW; Whitson, H (2018). Discrepancy between self-reported vision and visual acuity in patients with age-related macular degeneration.. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY, 66, S315-S315.
- Bucur, B; Madden, DJ; Spaniol, J; Provenzale, JM; White, LE; Cabeza, R; Huettel, SA (2005). Age-related decreases in cerebral white matter integrity: Implications for episodic and semantic retrieval processes. JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE, 234-234. [Gateway.cgi]
- Madden DJ, Langley LK, Denny LL, Turkington TG, Provenzale JM, Hawk TC & Coleman RE (August, 2002).
Adult age differences in visual word identification: functional neuroanatomy by positron emission tomography. Brain Cogn., 49(3), 297-321.
- Madden, DJ (2001).
Speed and timing of behavioral processes. Handbook of the psychology of aging, 288-312.
Papers Published
- Madden, DJ (2025). Editorial: Guide for authors at Neurobiology of Aging.. Neurobiol Aging, 147, 223-224. [doi]
- Merenstein, JL; Zhao, J; Madden, DJ (2025). Depthwise cortical iron relates to functional connectivity and fluid cognition in healthy aging.. Neurobiol Aging, 148, 27-40. [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Merenstein, JL; Mullin, HA; Jain, S; Rudolph, MD; Cohen, JR (2025). Correction: Age-related differences in resting-state, task-related, and structural brain connectivity: graph theoretical analyses and visual search performance.. Brain Struct Funct, 230(1), 23. [doi]
- Madden, DJ; Merenstein, JL; Harshbarger, TB; Cendales, LC (2024). Changes in functional and structural brain connectivity following bilateral hand transplantation. NeuroImage: Reports, 4(4), 100222-100222. [doi] [abs]
- Rudolph, MD; Cohen, JR; Madden, DJ (2024). Distributed associations among white matter hyperintensities and structural brain networks with fluid cognition in healthy aging.. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci, 24(6), 1121-1140. [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Merenstein, JL; Mullin, HA; Jain, S; Rudolph, MD; Cohen, JR (2024). Age-related differences in resting-state, task-related, and structural brain connectivity: graph theoretical analyses and visual search performance.. Brain Struct Funct, 229(7), 1533-1559. [doi] [abs]
- Merenstein, JL; Zhao, J; Overson, DK; Truong, T-K; Johnson, KG; Song, AW; Madden, DJ (2024). Depth- and curvature-based quantitative susceptibility mapping analyses of cortical iron in Alzheimer's disease.. Cereb Cortex, 34(2). [doi] [abs]
- Stout, JA; Mahzarnia, A; Dai, R; Anderson, RJ; Cousins, S; Zhuang, J; Lad, EM; Whitaker, DB; Madden, DJ; Potter, GG; Whitson, HE; Badea, A (2024). Accelerated Brain Atrophy, Microstructural Decline and Connectopathy in Age-Related Macular Degeneration.. Biomedicines, 12(1). [doi] [abs]
- Faul, L; Bellaiche, L; Madden, DJ; Smoski, MJ; LaBar, KS (2024). Depression and emotion regulation strategy use moderate age-related attentional positivity bias.. Front Psychol, 15, 1427480. [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Merenstein, JL (2023). Quantitative susceptibility mapping of brain iron in healthy aging and cognition.. Neuroimage, 282, 120401. [doi] [abs]
- Merenstein, JL; Zhao, J; Mullin, HA; Rudolph, MD; Song, AW; Madden, DJ (2023). High-resolution multi-shot diffusion imaging of structural networks in healthy neurocognitive aging.. Neuroimage, 275, 120191. [doi] [abs]
- Rapp, PR; Madden, DJ (2023). Editor transition at Neurobiology of Aging.. Neurobiol Aging, 124, 51. [doi]
- Merenstein, JL; Mullin, HA; Madden, DJ (2023). Age-related differences in frontoparietal activation for target and distractor singletons during visual search.. Atten Percept Psychophys, 85(3), 749-768. [doi] [abs]
- Troutman, SBW; Madden, DJ; Diaz, MT (2022). Cerebral White Matter Mediation of Age-Related Differences in Picture Naming Across Adulthood.. Neurobiol Lang (Camb), 3(2), 272-286. [doi] [abs]
- Howard, CM; Jain, S; Cook, AD; Packard, LE; Mullin, HA; Chen, N-K; Liu, C; Song, AW; Madden, DJ (2022). Cortical iron mediates age-related decline in fluid cognition.. Hum Brain Mapp, 43(3), 1047-1060. [doi] [abs]
- Zhuang, J; Madden, DJ; Cunha, P; Badea, A; Davis, SW; Potter, GG; Lad, EM; Cousins, SW; Chen, N-K; Allen, K; Maciejewski, AJ; Fernandez, XD; Diaz, MT; Whitson, HE (2021). Cerebral white matter connectivity, cognition, and age-related macular degeneration.. Neuroimage Clin, 30, 102594. [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Jain, S; Monge, ZA; Cook, AD; Lee, A; Huang, H; Howard, CM; Cohen, JR (2020). Influence of structural and functional brain connectivity on age-related differences in fluid cognition.. Neurobiol Aging, 96, 205-222. [doi] [abs]
- Zuo, X; Zhuang, J; Chen, N-K; Cousins, S; Cunha, P; Lad, EM; Madden, DJ; Potter, G; Whitson, HE (2020). Relationship between neural functional connectivity and memory performance in age-related macular degeneration.. Neurobiol Aging, 95, 176-185. [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Siciliano, RE; Tallman, CW; Monge, ZA; Voss, A; Cohen, JR (2020). Response-level processing during visual feature search: Effects of frontoparietal activation and adult age.. Atten Percept Psychophys, 82(1), 330-349. [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Melton, MS; Jain, S; Cook, AD; Browndyke, JN; Harshbarger, TB; Cendales, LC (2019). Neural activation for actual and imagined movement following unilateral hand transplantation: a case study.. Neurocase, 25(6), 225-234. [doi] [abs]
- Diaz, MT; Johnson, MA; Burke, DM; Truong, T-K; Madden, DJ (2019). Age-related differences in the neural bases of phonological and semantic processes in the context of task-irrelevant information.. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci, 19(4), 829-844. [doi] [abs]
- Zhuang, J; Madden, DJ; Duong-Fernandez, X; Chen, N-K; Cousins, SW; Potter, GG; Diaz, MT; Whitson, HE (2018). Language processing in age-related macular degeneration associated with unique functional connectivity signatures in the right hemisphere.. Neurobiol Aging, 63, 65-74. [doi] [abs]
- Monge, ZA; Geib, BR; Siciliano, RE; Packard, LE; Tallman, CW; Madden, DJ (2017). Functional modular architecture underlying attentional control in aging.. Neuroimage, 155, 257-270. [doi] [abs]
- Cordero, DM; Towe, SL; Chen, N-K; Robertson, KR; Madden, DJ; Huettel, SA; Meade, CS (2017). Cocaine dependence does not contribute substantially to white matter abnormalities in HIV infection.. J Neurovirol, 23(3), 441-450. [doi] [abs]
- Siciliano, RE; Madden, DJ; Tallman, CW; Boylan, MA; Kirste, I; Monge, ZA; Packard, LE; Potter, GG; Wang, L (2017). Task difficulty modulates brain activation in the emotional oddball task.. Brain Res, 1664, 74-86. [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Parks, EL; Tallman, CW; Boylan, MA; Hoagey, DA; Cocjin, SB; Packard, LE; Johnson, MA; Chou, Y-H; Potter, GG; Chen, N-K; Siciliano, RE; Monge, ZA; Honig, JA; Diaz, MT (2017). Sources of disconnection in neurocognitive aging: cerebral white-matter integrity, resting-state functional connectivity, and white-matter hyperintensity volume.. Neurobiol Aging, 54, 199-213. [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Parks, EL; Tallman, CW; Boylan, MA; Hoagey, DA; Cocjin, SB; Johnson, MA; Chou, Y-H; Potter, GG; Chen, N-K; Packard, LE; Siciliano, RE; Monge, ZA; Diaz, MT (2017). Frontoparietal activation during visual conjunction search: Effects of bottom-up guidance and adult age.. Hum Brain Mapp, 38(4), 2128-2149. [doi] [abs]
- Chou, Y-H; Sundman, M; Whitson, HE; Gaur, P; Chu, M-L; Weingarten, CP; Madden, DJ; Wang, L; Kirste, I; Joliot, M; Diaz, MT; Li, Y-J; Song, AW; Chen, N-K (2017). Maintenance and Representation of Mind Wandering during Resting-State fMRI.. Sci Rep, 7, 40722. [doi] [abs]
- Zhuang, J; Johnson, MA; Madden, DJ; Burke, DM; Diaz, MT (2016). Age-related differences in resolving semantic and phonological competition during receptive language tasks.. Neuropsychologia, 93(Pt A), 189-199. [doi] [abs]
- Monge, ZA; Madden, DJ (2016). Linking cognitive and visual perceptual decline in healthy aging: The information degradation hypothesis.. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 69, 166-173. [doi] [abs]
- Melton, MS; Browndyke, JN; Harshbarger, TB; Madden, DJ; Nielsen, KC; Klein, SM (2016). Changes in Brain Resting-state Functional Connectivity Associated with Peripheral Nerve Block: A Pilot Study.. Anesthesiology, 125(2), 368-377. [doi] [abs]
- Houston, JR; Bennett, IJ; Allen, PA; Madden, DJ (2016). Visual Acuity does not Moderate Effect Sizes of Higher-Level Cognitive Tasks.. Exp Aging Res, 42(3), 221-263. [doi] [abs]
- Johnson, MA; Diaz, MT; Madden, DJ (2015). Global versus tract-specific components of cerebral white matter integrity: relation to adult age and perceptual-motor speed.. Brain Struct Funct, 220(5), 2705-2720. [doi] [abs]
- Whitson, HE; Chou, Y-H; Potter, GG; Diaz, MT; Chen, N-K; Lad, EM; Johnson, MA; Cousins, SW; Zhuang, J; Madden, DJ (2015). Phonemic fluency and brain connectivity in age-related macular degeneration: a pilot study.. Brain Connect, 5(2), 126-135. [doi] [abs]
- Li, W; Langkammer, C; Chou, Y-H; Petrovic, K; Schmidt, R; Song, AW; Madden, DJ; Ropele, S; Liu, C (2015). Association between increased magnetic susceptibility of deep gray matter nuclei and decreased motor function in healthy adults.. Neuroimage, 105, 45-52. [doi] [abs]
- Diaz, MT; Johnson, MA; Burke, DM; Madden, DJ (2014). Age-related differences in the neural bases of phonological and semantic processes.. J Cogn Neurosci, 26(12), 2798-2811. [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Parks, EL; Davis, SW; Diaz, MT; Potter, GG; Chou, Y-H; Chen, N-K; Cabeza, R (2014). Age mediation of frontoparietal activation during visual feature search.. Neuroimage, 102 Pt 2(0 2), 262-274. [doi] [abs]
- Bennett, IJ; Madden, DJ (2014). Disconnected aging: cerebral white matter integrity and age-related differences in cognition.. Neuroscience, 276, 187-205. [24280637], [doi] [abs]
- Chou, Y-H; Chen, N-K; Madden, DJ (2013). Functional brain connectivity and cognition: effects of adult age and task demands.. Neurobiol Aging, 34(8), 1925-1934. [23523269], [doi] [abs]
- Potter, GG; Madden, DJ; Costello, MC; Steffens, DC (2013). Reduced comparison speed during visual search in late life depression.. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 35(10), 1060-1070. [24219302], [doi] [abs]
- Parks, EL; Madden, DJ (2013). Brain connectivity and visual attention.. Brain Connect, 3(4), 317-338. [23597177], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Bennett, IJ; Burzynska, A; Potter, GG; Chen, N-K; Song, AW (2012). Diffusion tensor imaging of cerebral white matter integrity in cognitive aging.. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1822(3), 386-400. [21871957], [doi] [abs]
- Davis, SW; Kragel, JE; Madden, DJ; Cabeza, R (2012). The architecture of cross-hemispheric communication in the aging brain: linking behavior to functional and structural connectivity.. Cereb Cortex, 22(1), 232-242. [21653286], [doi] [abs]
- Bennett, IJ; Madden, DJ; Vaidya, CJ; Howard, JH; Howard, DV (2011). White matter integrity correlates of implicit sequence learning in healthy aging.. Neurobiol Aging, 32(12), 2317.e1-2317.12. [20452099], [doi] [abs]
- Allen, PA; Bucur, B; Grabbe, J; Work, T; Madden, DJ (2011). Influence of encoding difficulty, word frequency, and phonological regularity on age differences in word naming.. Exp Aging Res, 37(3), 261-292. [21534029], [doi] [abs]
- Winecoff, A; Labar, KS; Madden, DJ; Cabeza, R; Huettel, SA (2011). Cognitive and neural contributors to emotion regulation in aging.. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 6(2), 165-176. [20385663], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Costello, MC; Dennis, NA; Davis, SW; Shepler, AM; Spaniol, J; Bucur, B; Cabeza, R (2010). Adult age differences in functional connectivity during executive control.. Neuroimage, 52(2), 643-657. [20434565], [doi] [abs]
- Costello, MC; Madden, DJ; Shepler, AM; Mitroff, SR; Leber, AB (2010). Age-related preservation of top-down control over distraction in visual search.. Exp Aging Res, 36(3), 249-272. [20544447], [doi] [abs]
- Henninger, DE; Madden, DJ; Huettel, SA (2010). Processing speed and memory mediate age-related differences in decision making.. Psychol Aging, 25(2), 262-270. [20545412], [doi] [abs]
- Costello, MC; Madden, DJ; Mitroff, SR; Whiting, WL (2010). Age-related decline of visual processing components in change detection.. Psychol Aging, 25(2), 356-368. [20545420], [doi] [abs]
- Bucur, B; Madden, DJ (2010). Effects of adult age and blood pressure on executive function and speed of processing.. Exp Aging Res, 36(2), 153-168. [20209419], [doi] [abs]
- Biswal, BB; Mennes, M; Zuo, X-N; Gohel, S; Kelly, C; Smith, SM; Beckmann, CF; Adelstein, JS; Buckner, RL; Colcombe, S; Dogonowski, A-M; Ernst, M; Fair, D; Hampson, M; Hoptman, MJ; Hyde, JS; Kiviniemi, VJ; Kötter, R; Li, S-J; Lin, C-P; Lowe, MJ; Mackay, C; Madden, DJ; Madsen, KH; Margulies, DS; Mayberg, HS; McMahon, K; Monk, CS; Mostofsky, SH; Nagel, BJ; Pekar, JJ; Peltier, SJ; Petersen, SE; Riedl, V; Rombouts, SARB; Rypma, B; Schlaggar, BL; Schmidt, S; Seidler, RD; Siegle, GJ; Sorg, C; Teng, G-J; Veijola, J; Villringer, A; Walter, M; Wang, L; Weng, X-C; Whitfield-Gabrieli, S; Williamson, P; Windischberger, C; Zang, Y-F; Zhang, H-Y; Castellanos, FX; Milham, MP (2010). Toward discovery science of human brain function.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 107(10), 4734-4739. [20176931], [doi] [abs]
- Bennett, IJ; Madden, DJ; Vaidya, CJ; Howard, DV; Howard, JH (2010). Age-related differences in multiple measures of white matter integrity: A diffusion tensor imaging study of healthy aging.. Hum Brain Mapp, 31(3), 378-390. [19662658], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Bennett, IJ; Song, AW (2009). Cerebral white matter integrity and cognitive aging: contributions from diffusion tensor imaging.. Neuropsychol Rev, 19(4), 415-435. [19705281], [doi] [abs]
- Chen, N-K; Chou, Y-H; Song, AW; Madden, DJ (2009). Measurement of spontaneous signal fluctuations in fMRI: adult age differences in intrinsic functional connectivity.. Brain Struct Funct, 213(6), 571-585. [19727810], [doi] [abs]
- Davis, SW; Dennis, NA; Buchler, NG; White, LE; Madden, DJ; Cabeza, R (2009). Assessing the effects of age on long white matter tracts using diffusion tensor tractography.. Neuroimage, 46(2), 530-541. [19385018], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Spaniol, J; Costello, MC; Bucur, B; White, LE; Cabeza, R; Davis, SW; Dennis, NA; Provenzale, JM; Huettel, SA (2009). Cerebral white matter integrity mediates adult age differences in cognitive performance.. J Cogn Neurosci, 21(2), 289-302. [18564054], [doi] [abs]
- Chen, N-K; Chou, Y-H; Song, AW; Madden, DJ (2009). Measurement of spontaneous signal fluctuations in fMRI: adult age differences in intrinsic functional connectivity. Brain Structure and Function, 1-15. [doi] [abs]
- Bucur, B; Madden, DJ; Spaniol, J; Provenzale, JM; Cabeza, R; White, LE; Huettel, SA (2008). Age-related slowing of memory retrieval: contributions of perceptual speed and cerebral white matter integrity.. Neurobiol Aging, 29(7), 1070-1079. [17383774], [doi] [abs]
- Dennis, NA; Hayes, SM; Prince, SE; Madden, DJ; Huettel, SA; Cabeza, R (2008). Effects of aging on the neural correlates of successful item and source memory encoding.. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn, 34(4), 791-808. [18605869], [doi] [abs]
- Kramer, A. F., & Madden, D. J. (2008). Attention. In: F. I. M. Craik & T. A. Salthouse (Eds.), The handbook of aging and cognition (3rd ed., 189-249). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. .
- Whiting, WL; Madden, DJ; Babcock, KJ (2007). Overriding age differences in attentional capture with top-down processing.. Psychol Aging, 22(2), 223-232. [17563178], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Spaniol, J; Bucur, B; Whiting, WL (2007). Age-related increase in top-down activation of visual features.. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove), 60(5), 644-651. [17455072], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ (2007). Aging and Visual Attention.. Curr Dir Psychol Sci, 16(2), 70-74. [18080001], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Spaniol, J; Whiting, WL; Bucur, B; Provenzale, JM; Cabeza, R; White, LE; Huettel, SA (2007). Adult age differences in the functional neuroanatomy of visual attention: a combined fMRI and DTI study.. Neurobiol Aging, 28(3), 459-476. [16500004], [doi] [abs]
- Marks, BL; Madden, DJ; Bucur, B; Provenzale, JM; White, LE; Cabeza, R; Huettel, SA (2007). Role of aerobic fitness and aging on cerebral white matter integrity.. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1097, 171-174. [17413020], [doi] [abs]
- Bucur, B; Madden, DJ (2007). Information Processing/Cognition. Encyclopedia of Gerontology, V1-749-V1-758. [doi]
- Salthouse, T. A., & Madden, D. J. (2007). Information processing speed and aging. In J. Deluca & J. Kalmar (Eds.), Information processing speed in clinical populations (pp. 221-241). New York: Psychology Press..
- Daselaar, SM; Fleck, MS; Dobbins, IG; Madden, DJ; Cabeza, R (2006). Effects of healthy aging on hippocampal and rhinal memory functions: an event-related fMRI study.. Cereb Cortex, 16(12), 1771-1782. [16421332], [doi] [abs]
- Spaniol, J; Madden, DJ; Voss, A (2006). A diffusion model analysis of adult age differences in episodic and semantic long-term memory retrieval.. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn, 32(1), 101-117. [16478344], [doi] [abs]
- Bucur, B; Madden, DJ; Allen, PA (2005). Age-related differences in the processing of redundant visual dimensions.. Psychol Aging, 20(3), 435-446. [16248703], [doi] [abs]
- Kealey, SM; Kim, Y; Whiting, WL; Madden, DJ; Provenzale, JM (2005). Determination of multiple sclerosis plaque size with diffusion-tensor MR Imaging: comparison study with healthy volunteers.. Radiology, 236(2), 615-620. [16040917], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Whiting, WL; Spaniol, J; Bucur, B (2005). Adult age differences in the implicit and explicit components of top-down attentional guidance during visual search.. Psychol Aging, 20(2), 317-329. [16029095], [doi] [abs]
- Whiting, WL; Madden, DJ; Pierce, TW; Allen, PA (2005). Searching from the top down: ageing and attentional guidance during singleton detection.. Q J Exp Psychol A, 58(1), 72-97. [15881292], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, D. J., Whiting, W. L., & Huettel, S. A. (2005). Age-related changes in neural activity during visual perception and attention. In R. Cabeza, L. Nyberg, & D. C. Park (Eds.), Cognitive neuroscience of aging: Linking cognitive and cerebral aging (pp. 155-183). New York: Oxford University Press. .
- Madden, DJ; Whiting, WL; Cabeza, R; Huettel, SA (2004). Age-related preservation of top-down attentional guidance during visual search.. Psychol Aging, 19(2), 304-309. [15222823], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Whiting, WL; Huettel, SA; White, LE; MacFall, JR; Provenzale, JM (2004). Diffusion tensor imaging of adult age differences in cerebral white matter: relation to response time.. Neuroimage, 21(3), 1174-1181. [15006684], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Whiting, WL; Provenzale, JM; Huettel, SA (2004). Age-related changes in neural activity during visual target detection measured by fMRI.. Cereb Cortex, 14(2), 143-155. [14704211], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, D. J., & Whiting, W. L. (2004). Age-related changes in visual attention. In P. T. Costa & I. C. Siegler (Eds.), Recent advances in psychology and aging (pp. 41-88). Amsterdam: Elsevier..
- Madden, DJ; Langley, LK; Thurston, RC; Whiting, WL; Blumenthal, JA (2003). Interaction of Blood Pressure and Adult Age in Memory Search and Visual Search Performance. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 10(4), 241-254. [doi] [abs]
- WL Whiting, DJ Madden, LK Langley, LL Denny, TG Turkington, JM Provenzale, TC Hawk, RE Coleman (2003). Lexical and sublexical components of age-related changes in neural activation during visual word identification.. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, United States, 15(3), 475-87. [abs]
- Whiting, WL; Madden, DJ; Langley, LK; Denny, LL; Turkington, TG; Provenzale, JM; Hawk, TC; Coleman, RE (2003). Lexical and sublexical components of age-related changes in neural activation during visual word identification.. J Cogn Neurosci, 15(3), 475-487. [12729497], [doi] [abs]
- DJ Madden, LK Langley (2003). Age-related changes in selective attention and perceptual load during visual search.. Psychology and aging, United States, 18(1), 54-67. [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Langley, LK (2003). Age-related changes in selective attention and perceptual load during visual search.. Psychol Aging, 18(1), 54-67. [12641312], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Whiting, WL (2003). Age-related changes in visual attention. Advances in Cell Aging and Gerontology, 15, 41-88. [doi]
- Madden, DJ; Langley, LK; Denny, LL; Turkington, TG; Provenzale, JM; Hawk, TC; Coleman, RE (2002). Adult age differences in visual word identification: functional neuroanatomy by positron emission tomography.. Brain Cogn, 49(3), 297-321. [12139956], [doi] [abs]
- Allen, PA; Sliwinski, M; Bowie, T; Madden, DJ (2002). Differential age effects in semantic and episodic memory.. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 57(2), P173-P186. [11867665], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Turkington, TG; Provenzale, JM; Denny, LL; Langley, LK; Hawk, TC; Coleman, RE (2002). Aging and attentional guidance during visual search: functional neuroanatomy by positron emission tomography.. Psychol Aging, 17(1), 24-43. [11931285], [doi] [abs]
- Welsh-Bohmer, K. A., & Madden, D. J. (2002). Benign senescent forgetfulness, age-associated memory impairment, and age-related cognitive decline. In J. Copeland, M. Abou-Saleh, & D. G. Blazer (Eds.), Principles and practice of geriatric psychiatry (2nd ed., pp. 303-304). Sussex, England: Wiley..
- Allen, PA; Smith, AF; Groth, KE; Pickle, JL; Grabbe, JW; Madden, DJ (2002). Differential age effects for case and hue mixing in visual word recognition.. Psychology and Aging, 17(4), 622-635. [12507359], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Turkington, TG; Provenzale, JM; Denny, LL; Langley, LK; Hawk, TC; Coleman, RE (2002). Aging and attentional guidance during visual search: Functional neuroanatomy by positron emission tomography.. Psychology and Aging, 17(1), 24-43. [doi] [abs]
- Khatri, P; Blumenthal, JA; Babyak, MA; Craighead, WE; Herman, S; Baldewicz, T; Madden, DJ; Doraiswamy, M; Waugh, R; Krishnan, KR (2001). Effects of exercise training on cognitive functioning among depressed older men and women. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 9(1), 43-57. [doi] [abs]
- Madden, D. J. (2001). Speed and timing of behavioral processes. In J. E. Birren & K. W. Schaie (Eds.), Handbook of the psychology of aging (5th ed., pp. 288-312). San Diego: Academic Press..
- Jonas, D. L., Blumenthal, J. A., Madden, D. J., & Serra, M. (2001). Cognitive consequences of antihypertensive medications. In S. R. Waldstein & M. F. Elias (Eds.), Neuropsychology of cardiovascular disease (pp. 167-188). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum..
- Khatri, P., Blumenthal, J. A., Babyak, M. A., Craighead, W. E., Herman, S., Baldewicz, T., Madden, D. J., Doraiswamy, M., Waugh, R., & Krishnan, K. R. (2001). Effects of exercise training on cognitive functioning among depressed older men and women. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 9, 43-57..
- Madden, DJ (2000). Neuroimaging of memory. Introduction.. Microsc Res Tech, 51(1), 1-5. [11002348], [doi]
- Langley, LK; Madden, DJ (2000). Functional neuroimaging of memory: implications for cognitive aging.. Microsc Res Tech, 51(1), 75-84. [11002355], [doi] [abs]
- Allen, PA; Stadtlander, LM; Groth, KE; Pickle, JL; Madden, DJ (2000). Adult age invariance in sentence unitization. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 7(1), 54-67. [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Gottlob, LR; Denny, LL; Turkington, TG; Provenzale, JM; Hawk, TC; Coleman, RE (1999). Aging and recognition memory: changes in regional cerebral blood flow associated with components of reaction time distributions.. J Cogn Neurosci, 11(5), 511-520. [10511640], [doi] [abs]
- Gottlob, LR; Madden, DJ (1999). Age similarities in the inertial properties of attention.. Percept Psychophys, 61(4), 740-755. [10370340], [doi] [abs]
- Gottlob, LR; Madden, DJ (1999). Age differences in the strategic allocation of visual attention.. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 54(3), P165-P172. [10363038], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Welsh-Bohmer, KA; Tupler, LA (1999). Task complexity and signal detection analyses of lexical decision performance in Alzheimer's disease. Developmental Neuropsychology, 16(1), 1-18. [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Gottlob, LR; Allen, PA (1999). Adult age differences in visual search accuracy: Attentional guidance and target detectability.. Psychology and Aging, 14(4), 683-694. [10632154], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Turkington, TG; Provenzale, JM; Denny, LL; Hawk, TC; Gottlob, LR; Coleman, RE (1999). Adult age differences in the functional neuroanatomy of verbal recognition memory.. Hum Brain Mapp, 7(2), 115-135. [9950069], [doi] [abs]
- Madden, DJ; Turkington, TG; Provenzale, JM; Denny, LL; Hawk, TC; Gottlob, LR; Coleman, RE (1998). Age-related changes in regional cerebral blood flow during verbal recognition memory: Evidence from H215O PET. NeuroImage, 7(4 PART II), S525. [doi]
- Madden, DJ; Blumenthal, JA (1998). Interaction of hypertension and age in visual selective attention performance.. Health Psychol, 17(1), 76-83. [9459074], [doi] [abs]
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- Madden DJ, Hoffman JM: Application of positron emission tomography to age-related cognitive changes. In (eds. Krishnan KRR, Doraiswamy PM), Brain Imaging and Clinical Psychiatry. New York: Marcel Dekker, pp. 575-613, 1997..
- Madden DJ, Turkington TG, Provenzale JM, Hawk TC, Hoffman JM, Coleman RE: Selective and divided visual attention: Age-related changes in regional cerebral blood flow measured by H215O PET. Human Brain Mapping 5: 389-409, 1997..
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- Allen, PA; Smith, AF; Lien, M-C; Weber, TA; Madden, DJ (1997). Word frequency effects at brief exposure durations: Comment on Paap and Johansen (1994).. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 23(6), 1792-1797. [9425681], [doi] [abs]
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Chapters in Books
- Madden, DJ; Parks, EL "Age differences in structural connectivity: Diffusion tensor imaging and white matter hyperintensities." Cognitive neuroscience of aging: Linking cognitive and cerebral aging (2nd Ed.). May, 2016 translated by Cabeza, R; Nyberg, L; Park, DC
- Chou, Y-H; P., C; J., D; W., A; Che, N-K "Applications of Virtual Reality Technology in Brain Imaging Studies." Virtual Reality in Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Applications. InTech, September, 2012 [doi]
- Kramer, AF; Madden, DJ "Attention." The Handbook of Aging and Cognition: Third Edition. January, 2011: 189-249. [doi] [abs]
- Salthouse, TA; Madden, DJ "Information processing speed and aging." Information Processing Speed in Clinical Populations. PSYCHOLOGY PRESS, January, 2007: 221-241. [doi]
- Madden, DJ; Whiting, WL; Huettel, SA "Age-related changes in neural activity during visual perception and attention." Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging: Linking cognitive and cerebral aging. Oxford University Press, May, 2005: 157-185. [doi] [abs]