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Eve S. Puffer, Pamela and Jack Egan Associate Professor

Eve S. Puffer
Contact Info:
Office Location:  417 Chapel Drive, 250, Reuben-Cooke Building, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address:   send me a message
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Teaching (Fall 2024):

  • Glhlth 363.01, Fund. of global mental health Synopsis
    Reuben-coo 126, MW 10:05 AM-11:20 AM

Ph.D.University of South Carolina, Columbia2008
M.A.University of South Carolina, Columbia2005
B.S.Furman University2002

Clinical Psychology
Research Interests:

Dr. Puffer is a global mental health researcher and a licensed clinical psychologist. Her research focuses on developing and evaluating integrated community-based interventions to promote child mental health, improve family functioning, and prevent HIV risk behavior. Her work includes studies with families with young children through those with adolescents, as well as with couples. She has conducted much of this work in rural Kenya and is an investigator on multiple studies of child mental health, family well-being, and parenting interventions in Thailand, Ethiopia, Liberia, South Sudan, and Iraq. Among Dr. Puffer's primary collaborators are the International Rescue Committee, a humanitarian organization, the Women's Institute for Secondary Education and Research in Kenya, and AMPATH, a consortium between North American medical schools and Moi University in Kenya.

Areas of Interest:

Global mental health
Child and family well-being
Community- and family-based interventions
HIV prevention

Curriculum Vitae
Recent Publications   (More Publications)   (search)

  1. Johnson, SL; Rieder, AD; Rasmussen, JM; Mansoor, M; Quick, KN; Proeschold-Bell, RJ; Coping Together Team; Boone, WJ; Puffer, ES (2024). A Pilot Study of the Coping Together Virtual Family Intervention: Exploring Changes in Family Functioning and Individual Well-Being.. Research on child and adolescent psychopathology, 52(7), 1-16. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Satinsky, EN; Kakuhikire, B; Baguma, C; Cooper-Vince, CE; Rasmussen, JD; Ashaba, S; Perkins, JM; Ahereza, P; Ayebare, P; Kim, AW; Puffer, ES; Tsai, AC (2024). Caregiver preferences for physically harsh discipline of children in rural Uganda.. Journal of family violence, 39(5), 861-874. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Bosqui, T; Abdulrahim, S; Afifi, RA; Ager, A; Betancourt, TS; Carr, A; Hadfield, K; Ismail, G; Jordans, MJD; Jabbour, S; Khazendar, Z; Marshoud, B; Puffer, E (2024). Psychological and Social Suffering of Another Generation of Palestinian Children Living under Occupation: An Urgent Call to Advocate.. Health and human rights, 26(1), 147-150.
  4. Johnson, SL; Rasmussen, JM; Mansoor, M; Ibrahim, H; Rono, W; Goel, P; Vissoci, JRN; Von Isenburg, M; Puffer, ES (2024). Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Perpetration in Adolescents and Young Adults in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review.. Trauma, violence & abuse, 25(2), 1168-1183. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Giusto, A; Jack, HE; Magidson, JF; Ayuku, D; Johnson, S; Lovero, K; Hankerson, SH; Sweetland, AC; Myers, B; Fortunato Dos Santos, P; Puffer, ES; Wainberg, ML (2024). Global Is Local: Leveraging Global Mental-Health Methods to Promote Equity and Address Disparities in the United States.. Clinical psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, 12(2), 270-289. [doi]  [abs]

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