Associates Directory Listing

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Refereed Publications

  1. Davis, L. L. and Chestnutt, D. and Molloy, M. and Deshefy-Longhi, T. and Shim, B. and Gilliss, C. L., Adapters, strugglers, and case managers: a typology of spouse caregivers., Qualitative health research, vol. 24 no. 11 (November, 2014), pp. 1492-500, ISSN 1049-7323 [doi]  [abs]
  2. Granger, B. B. and Zhao, Y. and Rogers, J. and Miller, C. and Gilliss, C. L. and Champagne, M., The language of data: tools to translate evidence for nurses in clinical practice., Journal for nurses in professional development, vol. 29 no. 6 (Nov-Dec, 2013), pp. 294-300, ISSN 2169-981X [The-Language-of-Data-Tools-to-Translate-Evidence-f], [doi]  [abs]
  3. Shim, B. and Barroso, J. and Gilliss, C. L. and Davis, L. L., Finding meaning in caring for a spouse with dementia., Applied nursing research : ANR, vol. 26 no. 3 (August, 2013), pp. 121-6, ISSN 1532-8201 [doi]  [abs]
  4. Granger, B. B. and Prvu-Bettger, J. and Aucoin, J. and Fuchs, M. A. and Mitchell, P. H. and Holditch-Davis, D. and Roth, D. and Califf, R. M. and Gilliss, C. L., An academic-health service partnership in nursing: lessons from the field., Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing / Sigma Theta Tau, vol. 44 no. 1 (March, 2012), pp. 71-9, ISSN 1547-5069 [doi]  [abs]
  5. Choi, J. and Guiterrez, Y. and Gilliss, C. and Lee, K. A., Physical activity, weight, and waist circumference in midlife women., Health care for women international, vol. 33 no. 12 (2012), pp. 1086-95, ISSN 1096-4665 [doi]  [abs]
  6. Choi, J. and Guiterrez, Y. and Gilliss, C. and Lee, K. A., Body mass index in multiethnic midlife women: influence of demographic characteristics and physical activity., Health care for women international, vol. 32 no. 12 (December, 2011), pp. 1079-87, ISSN 1096-4665 [doi]  [abs]
  7. Lekan, D. A. and Corazzini, K. N. and Gilliss, C. L. and Bailey, D. E. Jr., Clinical leadership development in accelerated baccalaureate nursing students: an education innovation., Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, vol. 27 no. 4 (Jul-Aug, 2011), pp. 202-14, ISSN 1532-8481 [doi]  [abs]
  8. Davis, L. L. and Gilliss, C. L. and Deshefy-Longhi, T. and Chestnutt, D. H. and Molloy, M., The nature and scope of stressful spousal caregiving relationships., Journal of family nursing, vol. 17 no. 2 (May, 2011), pp. 224-40, ISSN 1552-549X [doi]  [abs]
  9. Gilliss, C. L. and Powell, D. L. and Carter, B., Recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce in nursing: from evidence to best practices to policy., Policy, politics & nursing practice, vol. 11 no. 4 (November, 2010), pp. 294-301, ISSN 1552-7468 [doi]  [abs]
  10. Nosek, M. and Kennedy, H. P. and Beyene, Y. and Taylor, D. and Gilliss, C. and Lee, K., The effects of perceived stress and attitudes toward menopause and aging on symptoms of menopause., Journal of midwifery & women's health, vol. 55 no. 4 (July, 2010), pp. 328-34, ISSN 1542-2011 [doi]  [abs]
  11. Powell, D. L. and Gilliss, C. L. and Hewitt, H. H. and Flint, E. P., Application of a partnership model for transformative and sustainable international development., Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.), vol. 27 no. 1 (Jan-Feb, 2010), pp. 54-70, ISSN 1525-1446 [doi]  [abs]
  12. Goldschmidt-Clermont, P. J. and Dong, C. and Rhodes, N. M. and McNeill, D. B. and Adams, M. B. and Gilliss, C. L. and Cuffe, M. S. and Califf, R. M. and Peterson, E. D. and Lubarsky, D. A., Perspective: Autonomic care systems for hospitalized patients., Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, vol. 84 no. 12 (December, 2009), pp. 1727-31, ISSN 1938-808X [doi]  [abs]
  13. Schneider, S. M. and Turner, B. S. and Califf, R. M. and Burks, W. and McHutchinson, J. G. and Gilliss, C. L., Issues in clinical trials management. Academic research units: opportunities and challenges for nursing practice., Research Practitioner, vol. 9 no. 5 (Sep-Oct, 2008), pp. 175-84, ISSN 1528-0330  [abs]
  14. Michener, J. L. and Yaggy, S. and Lyn, M. and Warburton, S. and Champagne, M. and Black, M. and Cuffe, M. and Califf, R. and Gilliss, C. and Williams, R. S. and Dzau, V. J., Improving the health of the community: Duke's experience with community engagement., Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, vol. 83 no. 4 (April, 2008), pp. 408-13, ISSN 1040-2446 [doi]  [abs]
  15. Beyene, Y. and Gilliss, C. and Lee, K., "I take the good with the bad, and I moisturize": defying middle age in the new millennium., Menopause (New York, N.Y.), vol. 14 no. 4 (August, 2007), pp. 734-41, ISSN 1072-3714 [doi]  [abs]
  16. Juarbe, T. C. and Gutiérrez, Y. and Gilliss, C. and Lee, K. A., Depressive symptoms, physical activity, and weight gain in premenopausal Latina and White women., Maturitas, vol. 55 no. 2 (September, 2006), pp. 116-25, ISSN 0378-5122 [doi]  [abs]
  17. Hudson, A. L. and Taylor, D. and Lee, K. A. and Gilliss, C. L., Symptom experience and self-care strategies among healthy, midlife African-American women., Journal of National Black Nurses' Association : JNBNA, vol. 16 no. 2 (December, 2005), pp. 6-14, ISSN 0885-6028 [doi]  [abs]
  18. Sullivan-Bolyai, S. and Knafl, K. A. and Sadler, L. and Gilliss, C. L., Great expectations: a position description for parents as caregivers: Part II., Pediatric nursing, vol. 30 no. 1 (Jan-Feb, 2004), pp. 52-6, ISSN 0097-9805  [abs]
  19. Powell, D. L. and Gilliss, C. L., Partnering in the cultivation of the next generation of ethnic minority nurse scientists: responding to a compelling national agenda., Journal of National Black Nurses' Association : JNBNA, vol. 14 no. 2 (December, 2003), pp. 34-43, ISSN 0885-6028  [abs]
  20. Sullivan-Bolyai, S. and Sadler, L. and Knafl, K. A. and Gilliss, C. L., Great expectations: a position description for parents as caregivers: Part I., Pediatric nursing, vol. 29 no. 6 (Nov-Dec, 2003), pp. 457-61, ISSN 0097-9805  [abs]
  21. Chesla, C. A. and Fisher, L. and Skaff, M. M. and Mullan, J. T. and Gilliss, C. L. and Kanter, R., Family predictors of disease management over one year in Latino and European American patients with type 2 diabetes., Family process, vol. 42 no. 3 (Fall, 2003), pp. 375-90, ISSN 0014-7370  [abs]
  22. Allan, J. and Gilliss, C., American Academy of Nursing: Interim report of the Task Force on Health Disparities. July 2003., Nursing outlook, vol. 51 no. 5 (Sep-Oct, 2003), pp. 246-8, ISSN 0029-6554 [doi]  [abs]
  23. Knafl, K. A. and Gilliss, C. L., Families and chronic illness: a synthesis of the literature, Journal of Family Nursing, vol. 8 no. 3 (August, 2002), pp. 178-198 [doi]  [abs]
  24. Kools, S. and Tong, E. M. and Hughes, R. and Jayne, R. and Scheibly, K. and Laughlin, J. and Gilliss, C. L., Hospital experiences of young adults with congenital heart disease: divergence in expectations and dissonance in care., American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, vol. 11 no. 2 (March, 2002), pp. 115-25; quiz 126-7, ISSN 1062-3264  [abs]
  25. Rungreangkulkij, S. and Chafetz, L. and Chesla, C. and Gilliss, C., Psychological morbidity of Thai families of a person with schizophrenia., International journal of nursing studies, vol. 39 no. 1 (January, 2002), pp. 35-50, ISSN 0020-7489  [abs]
  26. Gilliss, C. L. and Lee, K. A. and Gutierrez, Y. and Taylor, D. and Beyene, Y. and Neuhaus, J. and Murrell, N., Recruitment and retention of healthy minority women into community-based longitudinal research., Journal of women's health & gender-based medicine, vol. 10 no. 1 (Jan-Feb, 2001), pp. 77-85, ISSN 1524-6094 [doi]  [abs]
  27. Fisher, L. and Gudmundsdottir, M. and Gilliss, C. and Skaff, M. and Mullan, J. and Kanter, R. and Chesla, C., Resolving disease management problems in European-American and Latino couples with type 2 diabetes: the effects of ethnicity and patient gender., Family process, vol. 39 no. 4 (Winter, 2000), pp. 403-16, ISSN 0014-7370  [abs]
  28. Sawyer, M. J. and Alexander, I. M. and Gordon, L. and Juszczak, L. J. and Gilliss, C., A critical review of current nursing faculty practice., Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, vol. 12 no. 12 (December, 2000), pp. 511-6, ISSN 1041-2972  [abs]
  29. Rungreangkulkij, S. and Gilliss, C. L., Conceptual approaches to studying family care giving for persons with severe mental illness, Journal of Family Nursing, vol. 6 no. 4 (November, 2000), pp. 341-366 [doi]  [abs]
  30. Kools, S. and Gilliss, C. L. and Tong, E. M., Family transitions in congenital heart disease management:  The impact of hospitalization in early adulthood, Journal of Family Nursing, vol. 5 no. 4 (November, 2000), pp. 404-425. [doi]  [abs]
  31. Fisher, L. and Chesla, C. A. and Skaff, M. A. and Gilliss, C. and Kanter, R. A. and Lutz, C. P. and Bartz, R. J., Disease management status: a typology of Latino and Euro-American patients with type 2 diabetes., Behavioral medicine (Washington, D.C.), vol. 26 no. 2 (Summer, 2000), pp. 53-66, ISSN 0896-4289 [doi]  [abs]
  32. Fisher, L. and Weihs, K. L. and National Working Group (C. Gilliss, member), Can addressing family relationships improve outcomes in chronic disease? Report of the National Working Group on Family-Based Interventions in Chronic Disease., The Journal of family practice, vol. 49 no. 6 (June, 2000), pp. 561-6, ISSN 0094-3509  [abs]
  33. Fisher, L. and Chesla, C. A. and Skaff, M. M. and Gilliss, C. and Mullan, J. T. and Bartz, R. J. and Kanter, R. A. and Lutz, C. P., The family and disease management in Hispanic and European-American patients with type 2 diabetes., Diabetes care, vol. 23 no. 3 (March, 2000), pp. 267-72, ISSN 0149-5992  [abs]
  34. Wong, S. T. and Stewart, A. L. and Gilliss, C. L., Evaluating advanced practice nursing care through use of a heuristic framework., Journal of nursing care quality, vol. 14 no. 2 (January, 2000), pp. 21-32, ISSN 1057-3631  [abs]
  35. Wong, S. T. and Bernick, L. A. and Portillo, C. and Stewart, A. and Taylor, D. and Duderrstadt, K. and Gilliss, C. L., Implementing a nurse information system in a nurse-managed primary care practice: a process in progress., Clinical excellence for nurse practitioners : the international journal of NPACE, vol. 3 no. 2 (March, 1999), pp. 123-7, ISSN 1085-2360  [abs]
  36. Fisher, L. and Chesla, C. A. and Bartz, R. J. and Gilliss, C. and Skaff, M. A. and Sabogal, F. and Kanter, R. A. and Lutz, C. P., The family and type 2 diabetes: a framework for intervention., The Diabetes educator, vol. 24 no. 5 (December, 1998), pp. 599-607, ISSN 0145-7217  [abs]
  37. Tong, E. M. and Sparacino, P. S. and Messias, D. K. and Foote, D. and Chesla, C. A. and Gilliss, C. L., Growing up with congenital heart disease: the dilemmas of adolescents and young adults, Cardiology in the young, vol. 8 no. 3 (July, 1998), pp. 303-9, ISSN 1047-9511  [abs]
  38. Anderson, A. L. and Gilliss, C. L., Nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, and physician assistants in California., The Western journal of medicine, vol. 168 no. 5 (May, 1998), pp. 437-44, ISSN 0093-0415  [abs]
  39. Sparacino, P. S. and Tong, E. M. and Messias, D. K. and Foote, D. and Chesla, C. A. and Gilliss, C. L., The dilemmas of parents of adolescents and young adults with congenital heart disease., Heart & lung : the journal of critical care, vol. 26 no. 3 (August, 1997), pp. 187-95, ISSN 0147-9563  [abs]
  40. Gilliss, C. L. and Moore, I. M. and Martinson, I. M., Measuring parental grief after childhood cancer: potential use of the SCL-90R., Death studies, vol. 21 no. 3 (August, 1997), pp. 277-87, ISSN 0748-1187 [doi]  [abs]
  41. Anderson, A. L. and Gilliss, C. L. and Yoder, L., Practice environment for nurse practitioners in California. Identifying barriers., The Western journal of medicine, vol. 165 no. 4 (October, 1996), pp. 209-14, ISSN 0093-0415  [abs]
  42. Gudmundsdottir, M. and Gilliss, C. L. and Sparacino, P. S. A. and Tong, E. M. and, Messias, D. K. H. and Foote, D., Congenital heart defects and parent–adolescent coping, Families, Systems and Health, vol. 14 no. 2 (Summer, 1996), pp. 245-255 [doi]  [abs]
  43. Messias, D. K. H. and Gilliss, C. L. and Sparacino, P. S. A. and Tong, E. M. and Foote, D., Stories of transition:  parents recall the diagnosis of congenital heart defect, Family Systems Medicine, vol. 13 no. 3-4 (Fall-Winter, 1995), pp. 367-377 [doi]  [abs]
  44. Martinson, I. M. and Muwaswes, M. and Gilliss, C. L. and Doyle, G. C. and Zimmerman, S., The frequency and troublesomeness of symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease., Journal of community health nursing, vol. 12 no. 1 (1995), pp. 47-57, ISSN 0737-0016 [doi]  [abs]
  45. Kirschling, J. M. and Gilliss, C. L. and Krentz, L. and Camburn, C. D. and Clough, R. S. and Duncan, M. T. and Hendricks, J. and Howard, J. K. and Roberts, C. and Smith-Young, J., "Success" in family nursing: experts describe phenomena., Nursing & health care : official publication of the National League for Nursing, vol. 15 no. 4 (April, 1994), pp. 186-9, ISSN 0276-5284  [abs]
  46. Pestronk, R. M. and Oxman, G. L. and Gilliss, C. L. and Dempster, J. S. and Badgett, J. T. and Garrett, E. A. and Parham, D. and Toro-Alphonso, J., Managed outcomes: a strategy to improve the nation's health., Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, vol. 6 no. 3 (March, 1994), pp. 121-4, ISSN 1041-2972  [abs]
  47. Gilliss, C. L. and Gortner, S. R. and Hauck, W. W. and Shinn, J. A. and Sparacino, P. A. and Tompkins, C., A randomized clinical trial of nursing care for recovery from cardiac surgery., Heart & lung : the journal of critical care, vol. 22 no. 2 (April, 1993), pp. 125-33, ISSN 0147-9563  [abs]
  48. Belza, B. L. and Henke, C. J. and Yelin, E. H. and Epstein, W. V. and Gilliss, C. L., Correlates of fatigue in older adults with rheumatoid arthritis., Nursing research, vol. 42 no. 2 (Mar-Apr, 1993), pp. 93-9, ISSN 0029-6562  [abs]
  49. Gilliss, C. L. and Belza, B. L., A framework for understanding family caregivers' recovery work after cardiac surgery., Family and Community Health, vol. 15 no. 2 (July, 1992), pp. 41-48, ISSN 0160-6379 (Print); 1550-5057 (Electronic) [aspx]  [abs]
  50. Ruiz, B. A. and Dibble, S. L. and Gilliss, C. L. and Gortner, S. R., Predictors of general activity 8 weeks after cardiac surgery., Applied nursing research : ANR, vol. 5 no. 2 (May, 1992), pp. 59-65, ISSN 0897-1897  [abs]
  51. Gilliss, C. L. and Davis, L. L., Family nursing research: precepts from paragons and peccadilloes., Journal of advanced nursing, vol. 17 no. 1 (January, 1992), pp. 28-33, ISSN 0309-2402  [abs]
  52. Hauck, W. W. and Gilliss, C. L. and Donner, A. and Gortner, S., Randomization by cluster., Nursing research, vol. 40 no. 6 (Nov-Dec, 1991), pp. 356-8, ISSN 0029-6562  [abs]
  53. Gilliss, C. L. and Kulkin, I. L., Monitoring nursing interventions and data collection in a randomized clinical trial., Western journal of nursing research, vol. 13 no. 3 (June, 1991), pp. 416-22, ISSN 0193-9459  [abs]
  54. Gilliss, C. L., The family dimension of cardiovascular care., Canadian journal of cardiovascular nursing = Journal canadien en soins infirmiers cardio-vasculaires, vol. 2 no. 1 (April, 1991), pp. 3-7, ISSN 0843-6096  [abs]
  55. Gilliss, C. L., Family nursing research, theory and practice., Image--the journal of nursing scholarship, vol. 23 no. 1 (Spring, 1991), pp. 19-22, ISSN 0743-5150 [doi]  [abs]
  56. Holaday, B. and Pantell, R. and Lewis, C. and Gilliss, C. L., Patterns of fecal coliform contamination in day-care centers., Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.), vol. 7 no. 4 (December, 1990), pp. 224-8, ISSN 0737-1209  [abs]
  57. Gilliss, C. L. and Neuhaus, J. M. and Hauck, W. W., Improving family functioning after cardiac surgery: a randomized trial., Heart & lung : the journal of critical care, vol. 19 no. 6 (November, 1990), pp. 648-54, ISSN 0147-9563  [abs]
  58. Tack, B. B. and Gilliss, C. L., Nurse-monitored cardiac recovery: a description of the first 8 weeks., Heart & lung : the journal of critical care, vol. 19 no. 5 Pt 1 (September, 1990), pp. 491-9, ISSN 0147-9563  [abs]
  59. Martinson, I. M. and Gilliss, C. and Colaizzo, D. C. and Freeman, M. and Bossert, E., Impact of childhood cancer on healthy school-age siblings., Cancer nursing, vol. 13 no. 3 (June, 1990), pp. 183-90, ISSN 0162-220X  [abs]
  60. Gilliss, C. L. and Doherty, W. J. and Needle, R. and Campbell, T., Health policy and the family:  Agenda for the year 2000, Family Systems Medicine, vol. 7 no. 2 (Summer, 1989), pp. 229-239 [doi]  [abs]
  61. Gortner, S. R. and Rankin, S. and Gilliss, C. L. and Sparacino, P. A. and Paul, S. M. and Shinn, J. A. and Leavitt, M. B., Expected and realized benefits from cardiac surgery: an update., Cardio-vascular nursing, vol. 25 no. 4 (Jul-Aug, 1989), pp. 19-24, ISSN 0008-6355  [abs]
  62. Gilliss, C. L. and Doordan, A. M., Data gathering by telephone. An application in a study of clinical nursing., Progress in cardiovascular nursing, vol. 4 no. 3 (Jul-Sep 1989), pp. 107-10, ISSN 0889-7204  [abs]
  63. Gilliss, C. L. and Holaday, B. and Lewis, C. C. and Pantell, R. H., A health-education program for day-care centers., MCN. The American journal of maternal child nursing, vol. 14 no. 4 (Jul-Aug, 1989), pp. 266-8, ISSN 0361-929X  [abs]
  64. Gortner, S. R. and Gilliss, C. L. and Shinn, J. A. and Sparacino, P. A. and Rankin, S. and Leavitt, M. and Price, M. and Hudes, M., Improving recovery following cardiac surgery: a randomized clinical trial., Journal of advanced nursing, vol. 13 no. 5 (September, 1988), pp. 649-61, ISSN 0309-2402  [abs]
  65. Gilliss, C. L. and Rankin, S. H., Social and sexual activity after cardiac surgery. A report of the first 6 months., Progress in cardiovascular nursing, vol. 3 no. 3 (Jul-Sep., 1988), pp. 93-7, ISSN 0889-7204  [abs]
  66. Rudin, M. M. and Martinson, I. M. and Gilliss, C. L., Measurement of psychosocial concerns of adolescents with cancer., Cancer nursing, vol. 11 no. 3 (June, 1988), pp. 144-9, ISSN 0162-220X  [abs]
  67. Moore, I. M. and Gilliss, C. L. and Martinson, I., Psychosomatic symptoms in parents 2 years after the death of a child with cancer., Nursing research, vol. 37 no. 2 (April, 1988), pp. 104-7, ISSN 0029-6562  [abs]
  68. O'Keeffe, B. and Gilliss, C. L., Family care in the coronary care unit: an analysis of clinical nurse specialist intervention., Heart & lung : the journal of critical care, vol. 17 no. 2 (March, 1988), pp. 191-8, ISSN 0147-9563  [abs]
  69. Gilliss, C. L., Thoughts on the whats, hows and whys of faculty practice, Journal of Professional Nursing, vol. 1 no. 5 (Sep-Oct, 1985), pp. 236, ISSN 8755-7223
  70. Gilliss, C. L. and Sparacino, P. S. and Gortner, S. R. and Kenneth, H. Y., Events leading to the treatment of coronary artery disease: implications for nursing care., Heart & lung : the journal of critical care, vol. 14 no. 4 (July, 1985), pp. 350-6, ISSN 0147-9563  [abs]
  71. Gortner, S. R. and Gilliss, C. L. and Moran, J. A. and Sparacino, P. and Kenneth, H., Expected and realized benefits from coronary bypass surgery in relation to severity of illness., Cardio-vascular nursing, vol. 21 no. 3 (May-June, 1985), pp. 13-8, ISSN 0008-6355  [abs]
  72. Gilliss, C. L., Reducing family stress during and after coronary artery bypass surgery., The Nursing clinics of North America, vol. 19 no. 1 (March, 1984), pp. 103-11, ISSN 0029-6465 [doi]  [abs]
  73. Gilliss, C. L., Collaborative practice in the hospital: what's in it for nursing?, Nursing administration quarterly, vol. 7 no. 4 (Summer, 1983), pp. 37-44, ISSN 0363-9568 [doi]  [abs]
  74. Gilliss, C. L., The family as a unit of analysis: strategies for the nurse researcher., ANS. Advances in nursing science, vol. 5 no. 3 (April, 1983), pp. 50-9, ISSN 0161-9268 [doi]  [abs]
  75. Ossler, C. C. and Goodwin, M. E. and Mariani, M. and Gilliss, C. L., Establishment of a nursing clinic for faculty and student clinical practice., Nursing outlook, vol. 30 no. 7 (Jul-Aug, 1982), pp. 402-5, ISSN 0029-6554
  76. Gilliss, C. L., Teaching group skills to nurse managers., Journal of continuing education in nursing, vol. 10 no. 3 (May-Jun, 1979), pp. 19-30, ISSN 0022-0124  [abs]

Non-refereed Publications

  1. Gilliss, C. L., AAN works to move health care using nurses' expertise. Interview by Susan Trossman., The American nurse, vol. 42 no. 3 (May-Jun, 2010), pp. 12, ISSN 0098-1486 [doi]  [abs]
  2. Gilliss, C. L., Remembering Florence Schorske Wald, friend and mentor., Illness, Crisis & Loss, vol. 17 no. 4 (2009), pp. 3430347, ISSN 1054-1373  [abs]
  3. Anderson, R. and McConnell, E. and Gilliss, C., Elizabeth C. Clipp, PhD, RN, FAAN., Journal of gerontological nursing, vol. 34 no. 3 (March, 2008), pp. 7-9, ISSN 0098-9134
  4. Gilliss, C. L. and Powell, D. L., Perspectives in leadership: Support the next research generation, Nursing Spectrum, vol. 7 no. (7NE) (2003), pp. 18


  1. Feetham, S. L. and Meister, S. B. and Bell, J. M. and Gilliss, C. L. [Eds.], The nursing of families: theory, research, education, practice, 1st Ed. (1993), Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA, ISBN ISBN:080394716X; ISBN-13:9780803947160
  2. Pantell, R. and Lewis, C. C. and Soifer, J. M. and Gilliss, C. L. and Holaday, B., Healthy child care: An action guide for child care providers (1990), Child Care Health Project, University of CA, SF Schools of Nursing and Medicine, San Francisco, CA
  3. Gilliss, C. L. and Highley, B. L. and Roberts, B. M. and Martinson, I. M. (Eds.), Toward a science of family nursing. (1989), Addison-Wesley Publishing, Menlo Park, CA, ISBN 978-0-201-14238-9

Book Chapters

  1. Davis, L. L. and Gilliss, C. L. and Harper, M. S., Family caregiving: Implications for rural practice, policy, education and research., in Rural caregiving in the United States: Research, practice, policy, edited by Talley, R. C, Chwalisz, K., & Buckwalter, K. C. (September, 2011), pp. 19-32, Springer Publishing Company, New York, NY, ISBN 978-1-4614-0301-2
  2. Bowers, M. T. and Gilliss, C. L. and Davis, L. L., Acute and primary care advanced practice nursing: Past, present and future., in Advanced practice nursing: Emphasizing common roles, 3rd Ed., edited by Stanley, J. M. (2011), pp. 114-145, F. A. Davis, Philadelphia, ISBN 978-0-8036-2207-4
  3. Gilliss, C. L., Nursing education: leading into the future., in The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health, edited by Cronenwett, L. (2011), pp. 526-535, National Academies Press, Washington, DC (Prepared at the request of the Institute of Medicine’s Initiative on the Future of Nursing.) [openbook.php]
  4. Gilliss, C. L., Foreword., in Family Nursing in Action, edited by Svavarsdóttir, E. K. & Jónsdóttir, H. (2011), University of Iceland Press, Reykjavík, ISBN 978-9979-54-881-2
  5. Gilliss, C. L. and Davis, L. L., Primary care and advanced practice nursing: Past, present and future, in Advanced practice nursing: Emphasizing common roles, 2nd Ed., edited by Stanley, J. M. (2005), pp. 122-145, F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia, PA  [abs]
  6. Wald, F. and Gilliss, C. L., Nursing – One field, many arenas, in The Yale guide to careers in medicine and the health profession, edited by Donaldson, R., Lundgren, K., & Spiro, H. (2003), pp. 283-292, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT
  7. Gilliss, C., Planning your career path, in Opportunities to Care: The Pfizer guide to careers in nursing (2001), pp. 13-15, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Group, Pfizer Inc., New York, NY
  8. Gilliss, C. L., Education for advanced practice nursing, in Advanced practice nursing: Changing roles and clinical applications, 2nd Ed., edited by Hickey, J. V., Ouimette, R. M., & Venegoni, S. L. (2001), pp. 22-32, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA
  9. Gilliss, C. L. and Knafl, K. A., Nursing care of families in non-normative transitions: The state of science and practice, in Handbook of clinical nursing research, edited by Hinshaw, A. S., Feetham, S. L., & Shaver, J. L. F. (1999), pp. 231-249, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA, ISBN ISBN: 9780803957848
  10. Gilliss, C. L., and Mundinger, M. O., How is the role of the advanced practice nurse changing?, in Strategies for the Future of Nursing: Changing Roles, Responsibilities, and Employment Patterns of Registered Nurses, edited by O’Neil, E. H. & Coffman, J. (April, 1998), pp. 171-191, Jossey-Bass Inc. Pub., San Francisco, CA, ISBN 0-7879-4028-3  [abs]
  11. Davis, L. L. and Gilliss, C. L., Primary care and advanced practice nursing: Past, present and future., in Advanced practice nursing: Emphasizing common roles, 1st ed., edited by Sheehy, C. M. & McCarthy, M. (January, 1998), pp. 114-136, F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia, PA, ISBN 0-8036-0234-0  [abs]
  12. Gilliss, C. L., Family nursing research, theory and practice, in Readings in Family Nursing, 1st ed., edited by Wegner, G. D. & Alexander, R. J. (February, 1993), pp. 34-42, J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA, ISBN ISBN: 9780397550333
  13. Gilliss, C. L. and Davis, L. L., Does family intervention make a difference: An integrative review and meta-analysis, in The Nursing of Families: Theory/Research/Education/Practice, 1st ed., edited by Feetham, S. L., Meister, S. B., Bell, J. M., & Gilliss, C. L. (1993), pp. 259-267, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA, ISBN ISBN:080394716X; ISBN-13:9780803947160
  14. Chesla, C. A. and Gilliss, C. L. and Leavitt, M. B., Preparing specialists in family nursing: The benefits of live supervision, in The Nursing of Families: Theory/Research/Education/Practice, edited by Feetham, S. L. and Meister, S. B. and Bell, J. M. and Gilliss, C. L. (1993), pp. 165-75, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA, ISBN ISBN:080394716X; ISBN-13:978080394716
  15. Gilliss, C. L., The family as a unit of analysis: Strategies for the nurse researcher, in Family theory development in nursing: State of the science and art, edited by Whall, A. L. and Fawcett, J. (April, 1991), pp. 197-208, F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia, PA, ISBN 0-8036-9252-8
  16. Gilliss, C. L., Health care and the family, in 2001: Preparing families for the future (1990), pp. 32-33, NCFR, Minneapolis, MN
  17. Gilliss, C. L., Why family health care?, in Toward a science of family nursing, edited by Gilliss, C. L. and Highley, B. L. and Roberts, B. M. and Martinson, I. M. (1989), pp. 3-8, Addison-Wesley Publishing, Menlo Park, CA, ISBN 978-0-201-14238-9
  18. Gilliss, C. L., Family research in nursing, in Toward a science of family nursing, edited by Gilliss, C. L. and Highley, B. L. and Roberts, B. M. and Martinson, I. M. (1989), pp. 37-63, Addison-Wesley Publishing, Menlo Park, CA, ISBN 978-0-201-14238-9
  19. Gilliss, C. L., The family and cardiac illness, in Toward a science of family nursing, edited by Gilliss, C. L. and Highley, B. L. and Roberts, B. M. and Martinson, I. M. (1989), pp. 344-356, Addison-Wesley Publishing, Menlo Park, CA, ISBN 978-0-201-14238-9
  20. Muwaswes, M. and Gilliss, C .L., and Martinson, I., and Doyle, G. C. and Chesla, C. and King J., Alzheimer's disease and the family, in Toward a science of family nursing, edited by Gilliss, C. L. and Highley, B. L. and Roberts, B. M. and Martinson, I. M. (1989), pp. 418-436, Addison-Wesley Publishing, Menlo Park, CA, ISBN 978-0-201-14238-9
  21. McClowry, S. and Gilliss, C .L., and Martinson, I. M., The process of grief in the bereaved family, in Toward a science of family nursing, edited by Gilliss, C. L. and Highley, B. L. and Roberts, B. M. and Martinson, I. M. (1989), pp. 216-225, Addison-Wesley Publishing, Menlo Park, CA, ISBN 978-0-201-14238-9
  22. Gilliss, C .L., and Rose, D. and Hallburg, J. C. and Martinson, I. M., The family and chronic illness., in Toward a science of family nursing, edited by Gilliss, C. L. and Highley, B. L. and Roberts, B. M. and Martinson, I. M. (1989), pp. 287-299, Addison-Wesley Publishing, Menlo Park, CA, ISBN 978-0-201-14238-9
  23. Gilliss, C. L., Family focused care in cardiac rehabilitation, in Cardiac rehabilitation nursing, edited by Jillings, C. R. (October 1, 1988), pp. 21-37, Aspen Publishers, Rockville, MD, ISBN 9780871897855
  24. Rankin, S. H. and Gilliss, C. L., Intervening with middle-aged families recovering from cardiac surgery, in Families and Chronic Illness, Family Nursing Series, edited by Wright, L. M. and Leahey, M. (1987), pp. 367-380, Springhouse Press, Springhouse, PA, ISBN ISBN-13: 9780874340914; ISBN-10: 0874340918
  25. Shortridge, L. and McLain, B. and Gilliss, C., Graduate education for family primary care, in Nurses, nurse practitioners: The evolution of primary care, edited by Mezey, M. D. and McGivern, D. O. (January, 1986), pp. 120-134, Little, Brown & Co., Boston, MA, ISBN ISBN: 0316559008

Editorials and Commentaries

  1. Katsanis, S. H. and Dungan, J. R. and Gilliss, C. L. and Ginsburg, G. A., Educating future providers of personalized medicine., North Carolina medical journal, vol. 74 no. 6 (Nov.-Dec., 2013), pp. 491-2, ISSN 0029-2559 [available here]
  2. Woods, N. F. and Gilliss, C. L., Commentary on: New rules for the game: interdisciplinary education for health professionals., Nursing outlook, vol. 60 no. 5 (September-October, 2012), pp. 270-1, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]  [abs]
  3. Gilliss, C. L. and Woods, N. F., Commentary on: Nursing research and graduate education., Nursing outlook, vol. 60 no. 5 (September-October, 2012), pp. 263, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]  [abs]
  4. Gilliss, C. and Hill, M., Commentary: The Doctor of Nursing Practice: a national workforce perspective., Nursing outlook, vol. 59 no. 3 (November, 2011), pp. 119-20, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]
  5. Gilliss, C. L., Leading change, advancing health, and getting closer to the health needs of the public., National Black Nurses Association Newsletter, vol. 2011 (Fall, 2011), pp. 24-25
  6. Gilliss, C. L., Presidential Editorial: The nurse as social entrepreneur: Revisiting our roots and raising our voices., Nursing outlook, vol. 59 no. 5 (September, 2011), pp. 256-7, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]
  7. Gilliss, C. L., Invited commentary on: Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity: Results after the first 10 years and implications for the future., Nursing outlook, vol. 59 no. 4 (Jul-Aug, 2011), pp. 205-6, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]  [abs]
  8. Gilliss, C. L., Presidential editorial: Developing policy leadership in nursing: Three wishes., Nursing outlook, vol. 59 no. 4 (Jul-Aug, 2011), pp. 179-81, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]  [abs]
  9. Gilliss, C. L., Commentary: The doctor of nursing practice: A national workforce perspective., Nursing outlook, vol. 59 no. 3 (May-Jun, 2011), pp. 119-120, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]  [abs]
  10. Gilliss, C. L., Presidential editorial: The future of nursing and campaign for action: an update on the work at AAN and beyond., Nursing outlook, vol. 59 no. 3 (May-Jun, 2011), pp. 111-3, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]  [abs]
  11. Gilliss, C. L., Presidential editorial: The health of our nation and the importance of nursing., Nursing outlook, vol. 59 no. 2 (Mar-Apr, 2011), pp. 61-2, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]  [abs]
  12. Gilliss, C. L., Presidential editorial: Making a difference in the health care of veterans: 9 things you should know., Nursing outlook, vol. 58 no. 6 (Nov-Dec, 2010), pp. 276-8, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]  [abs]
  13. Gilliss, C. L., Presidential editorial: Making the case for nursing workforce diversity., Nursing outlook, vol. 58 no. 5 (Sep-Oct, 2010), pp. 223-4, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]  [abs]
  14. Gilliss, C. L., Presidential editorial: Setting priorities for health reform., Nursing outlook, vol. 58 no. 4 (Jul-Aug, 2010), pp. 171-3, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]  [abs]
  15. Gilliss, C. L., Presidential editorial: On interdisciplinarity and why it matters ... A lesson from primary care., Nursing outlook, vol. 58 no. 3 (May-Jun, 2010), pp. 119-21, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]  [abs]
  16. Gilliss, C. L., Presidential editorial: The Grand Challenges and nursing., Nursing outlook, vol. 58 no. 2 (Mar-Apr, 2010), pp. 66-7, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]  [abs]
  17. Gilliss, C. L., Presidential editorial: On the importance of being policy-ready., Nursing outlook, vol. 58 no. 1 (Jan-Feb, 2010), pp. 3-4, ISSN 1528-3968 [doi]  [abs]
  18. Gilliss, C. L., Distinguished contribution to family nursing research award (2007): Catherine "Kit" Chesla, DNSc, RN, FAAN., Journal of family nursing, vol. 14 no. 1 (February, 2008), pp. 11-5, ISSN 1074-8407 [doi]  [abs]
  19. Gilliss, C. L. and Fuchs, M. A., Guest editorial: Reconnecting education and service: partnering for success., Nursing Outlook, vol. 55 no. 2 (Mar-Apr, 2007), pp. 61-2, ISSN 0029-6554
  20. Powell, D. L. and Gilliss, C. L., Guest editorial: Building capacity and competency in conducting health disparities research., Nursing outlook, vol. 53 no. 3 (May-Jun, 2005), pp. 107-8, ISSN 0029-6554 [doi]  [abs]
  21. Gilliss, C. L., Guest editorial: Faculty practice comes of age: standing on the shoulders of giants., Nursing outlook, vol. 52 no. 4 (Jul-Aug 2004), pp. 161, ISSN 0029-6554 [doi]  [abs]
  22. Gilliss, C. L., There is science, and there is life (Commentary)., Families, Systems, and Health, vol. 20 no. 1 (Spring, 2002), pp. 47-49


  1. Schwartz, A. (Discussion: D. Vlahov, S. Hassmiller, and C. Gilliss), Gazing into the future of advanced practice nursing, Science of Caring (UCSF School of Nursing) (March, 2013) [gazing-future-advanced-practice-nursing]  [abs]