Marcy K. Uyenoyama, Professor

Marcy Uyenoyama studies mechanisms of evolutionary change at the molecular and population levels. Among the questions under study include the prediction and detection of the effects of natural selection on genomic structure. A major area of research addresses the development of maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methods for inferring evolutionary processes from the pattern of molecular variation. Evolutionary processes currently under study include characterization of population structure across genomes.
Ph.D., Stanford University, 1978
National Science Foundation National Needs Fellow, Harvard University, 1978
Biological Sciences, PhD,, Stanford University, 1978
Mathematics, BS, Stanford University, 1974
B.S., Stanford University, 1974
Office Location: 130 Science Drive, Room 137, Duke Box 90338, Durham, NC 27708
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Ecology and Population Biology
Organismal Biology and Behavior
Research Categories: Population genetics, molecular evolution
Research Description:
Marcy Uyenoyama studies mechanisms of evolutionary change at the molecular and population levels. Among the questions under study include the prediction and detection of the effects of natural selection on genomic structure. A major area of research addresses the development of maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methods for inferring evolutionary processes from the pattern of molecular variation. Evolutionary processes currently under study include characterization of population structure across genomes.
Areas of Interest:
molecular evolution
gene genealogy
theoretical population genetics
molecular population genetics
Representative Publications (More Publications) (search)
- Fusco, D; Uyenoyama, MK, Sex-specific incompatibility generates locus-specific rates of introgression between species., Genetics, vol. 189 no. 1 (September, 2011), pp. 267-288 [21705749], [doi] [abs].
- Fusco, D; Uyenoyama, MK, Effects of polymorphism for locally adapted genes on rates of neutral introgression in structured populations., Theoretical population biology, vol. 80 no. 2 (September, 2011), pp. 121-131 [21718712], [doi] [abs].
- Kumagai, S; Uyenoyama, MK, Heterogeneity in neutral divergence across genomic regions induced by sex-specific hybrid incompatibility, in RAPIDLY EVOLVING GENES AND GENETIC SYSTEMS, edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal (2012), pp. 31-39, Oxford University Press .
- Dutheil, JY; Ganapathy, G; Hobolth, A; Mailund, T; Uyenoyama, MK; Schierup, MH, Ancestral population genomics: the coalescent hidden Markov model approach., Genetics, vol. 183 no. 1 (September, 2009), pp. 259-274 (doi: 10.1534/genetics.109.103010.) [19581452], [doi] [abs].
- Ganapathy, G; Uyenoyama, MK, Site frequency spectra from genomic SNP surveys., Theoretical population biology, vol. 75 no. 4 (June, 2009), pp. 346-354 [19371756], [doi] [abs].
- A Hobolth, MK Uyenoyama, C Wiuf, Importance sampling for the infinite sites model., Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology, vol. 7 no. 1 (2008), pp. Article32 [doi] [abs].
- Leman, SC; Chen, Y; Stajich, JE; Noor, MAF; Uyenoyama, MK, Likelihoods from summary statistics: recent divergence between species., Genetics, vol. 171 no. 3 (November, 2005), pp. 1419-1436 [16143628], [doi] [abs].
- Takebayashi, N; Newbigin, E; Uyenoyama, MK, Maximum-likelihood estimation of rates of recombination within mating-type regions., Genetics, vol. 167 no. 4 (August, 2004), pp. 2097-2109 [15342543], [doi] [abs].
- Vallejo-Marín, M; Uyenoyama, MK, On the evolutionary costs of self-incompatibility: incomplete reproductive compensation due to pollen limitation., Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, vol. 58 no. 9 (September, 2004), pp. 1924-1935 [15521452], [doi] [abs].
- Uyenoyama, MK; Takebayashi, N, A simple method for computing exact probabilities of mutation numbers., Theoretical population biology, vol. 65 no. 3 (May, 2004), pp. 271-284 [15066423], [doi] [abs].
- Uyenoyama, MK, Genealogy-dependent variation in viability among self-incompatibility genotypes., Theoretical population biology, vol. 63 no. 4 (June, 2003), pp. 281-293 [12742174], [doi] [abs].
- Vallejo-Marín, M; Uyenoyama, MK, On the evolutionary modification of self-incompatibility: Implications of partial clonality for allelic diversity and genealogical structure, in Self-Incompatibility in Flowering Plants: Evolution, Diversity, and Mechanisms, edited by Vernonica Franklin-Tong (January, 2008), pp. 53-71, Springer Berlin Heidelberg [doi] [abs].