Publications [#230305] of Allen G Rodrigo
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- Ho, C; Wu, S; Amos, JD; Colvin, L; Smith, SD; Wilks, AB; Demarco, CT; Brinkley, C; Denny, TN; Schmitz, JE; Rodrigo, AG; Permar, SR, Transient compartmentalization of simian immunodeficiency virus variants in the breast milk of african green monkeys.,
J Virol, vol. 87 no. 20
(October, 2013),
pp. 11292-11299 [23926337], [doi] .
(last updated on 2020/05/17)Abstract:
Natural hosts of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), African green monkeys (AGMs), rarely transmit SIV via breast-feeding. In order to examine the genetic diversity of breast milk SIV variants in this limited-transmission setting, we performed phylogenetic analysis on envelope sequences of milk and plasma SIV variants of AGMs. Low-diversity milk virus populations were compartmentalized from that in plasma. However, this compartmentalization was transient, as the milk virus lineages did not persist longitudinally.