Publications [#347129] of Emily S. Bernhardt
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- Tully, K; Gedan, K; Epanchin-Niell, R; Strong, A; Bernhardt, ES; Bendor, T; Mitchell, M; Kominoski, J; Jordan, TE; Neubauer, SC; Weston, NB, Corrigendum: The invisible flood: The chemistry, ecology, and social implications of coastal saltwater intrusion (BioScience (2019) 69,5 (368–378) DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biz027),
Bioscience, vol. 69 no. 9
(September, 2019) [doi] .
(last updated on 2023/01/01)Abstract:
The correct citation for Anisfeld et al. 2016 should be Anisfeld SG, Cooper KR, Kemp AC. 2016. Upslope development of a tidal marsh as a function of upland land use. Global Change Biology gcb.13398. This has been corrected online. The authors regret the error.