Publications [#285175] of Juliet Noor

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Papers Published

  1. Heil, CSS; Manzano Winkler, B; Hunter, MJ; Noor, JKF; Noor, MAF, Witnessing Evolution First-hand: A K-12 Laboratory Exercise in Genetics and Evolution Using Drosophila, American Biology Teacher, vol. 75 no. 2 (2013), pp. 116-119 [doi] .
    (last updated on 2019/05/29)

    We present a laboratory exercise that leverages student interest in genetics to observe and understand evolution by natural selection. Students begin with white-eyed fruit fly populations, to which they introduce a single advantageous variant (one male with red eyes). The superior health and vision associated with having the red-eye-color allele confers a fitness advantage, and the students can watch the spread of the allele within the population. The increasing numbers of red-eyed flies they observe over generations demonstrate evolution by natural selection. The students concurrently learn genetic principles, including basic inheritance and X-linkage.