Publications of Larry B. Crowder    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

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Papers Published

  1. Bjorndal, K.A., B.W. Bowen, M. Chaloupka, L.B Crowder, S.S. Heppell, C.M. Jones, M.E. Lutcavage, D. Policansky, A.R. Solow, and B.E. Witherington., Better science needed for restoration in the Gulf of Mexico., Science (2011) .
  2. Smith, M.D., C.A. Roheim, L.B. Crowder, B.S. Halpern, M. Turnipseed, J.L. Anderson, F. Asche, L. Bourillón, A.G. Guttormsen, A. Khan, L.A. Liguori, A. McNevin, M.I O’Connor, D. Squires, P. Tyedmers, C. Brownstein, K. Carden, D.H. Klinger, R. Sagarin, and K.A. Selkoe., Sustainability and global seafood., Science, vol. 327 (2010), pp. 784-786 .
  3. Moore, J.E., T.M. Cox, R.L. Lewison, A.J. Read, R. Bjorkland, S.L. McDonald, L.B. Crowder, E. Aruna, I. Ayissi, P. Espeut, C. Joynson-Hicks, N. Pilcher, C. Poonian, B. Solarin, and J. Kiszka., An interview-based approach to assess marine mammal and sea turtle captures in artisanal fisheries., Biological Conservation, vol. 143 (2010), pp. 795-805 .
  4. Foley, M.M., B.S. Halpern, F. Micheli, M.H. Armsby, M.R. Caldwell, C.M. Crain, E. Prahler, N. Rohr, D. Sivas, M.W. Beck, M.H. Carr, L.B. Crowder, J.E. Duffy, S.D. Hacker, K.L. McLeod, S.R. Palumbi, C.H. Peterson, H.M. Regan, M.H. Ruckelshaus, P.A. Sandifer, R.S. Steneck., Guiding ecological principles for marine spatial planning., Marine Policy, vol. 34 no. 955-966 (2010) .
  5. Wallace, B.P., R.L. Lewison, S.L. McDonald, R.K. McDonald, C.Y. Kot, S. Kelez, R.K. Bjorkland, E.M. Finkbeiner, S. Helmbrecht, and L.B. Crowder, Global patterns of marine turtle bycatch., Conservation Letters, vol. 3 no. 131-142 (2010) .
  6. Donlan, C.J., D.K. Wingfield, L.B. Crowder and C. Wilcox., Using expert opinion surveys to rank threats to endangered species: A case study with sea turtles., Conservation Biol, vol. 24 no. 1586-1595 (2010) .
  7. Bolten, A.B., L.B. Crowder, M.G. Dodd, S.L. MacPherson, J.A. Musick, B.A. Schroeder, B.E. Witherington, K.J. Long, and M.L. Snover., Quantifying multiple threats to endangered species: An example from loggerhead sea turtles., Frontiers in Ecology and Environment (2010) [090126] .
  8. Snover, M.L., A.A. Hohn, L.B. Crowder and S.A. Macko., Combining stable isotopes and skeletal growth marks to detect habitat shifts in juvenile loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta., Endangered Species Research, vol. 13 no. 25-31 (2010) .
  9. Stewart, K.R., R.L. Lewison, D.C. Dunn, R.H. Bjorkland, S. Kelez, P.N. Halpin and L.B. Crowder., Characterizing fishing effort and spatial extend of coastal fisheries., PLoS ONE (2010) [journal.pone.0014451.] .
  10. Sagarin, R.D., and L.B. Crowder., Breaking through the crisis in marine conservation and management: Insights from the philosophies of Ed Ricketts., Conservation Biol (2009) (23:24-30.) .
  11. Hazen, E.L., J.K. Craig, C.P. Good and L.B. Crowder., Fine scale vertical distribution of acoustically detected biomass in hypoxic waters., Marine Ecology Progress Series (2009) (375:195-207..) .
  12. Avissar, N., K.M. Hart, L. B. Crowder, J. Gannon and J.C. Marsh., At loggerheads: Gear damage in the blue crab fishery attributed to loggerhead sea turtles., North American Journal of Fisheries Management (2009) .
  13. Avissar, N., E. Hazen, N. Young and L. Crowder., Will it float? Testing a new technique for reducing sea turtle damage to crab pots., North American Journal of Fisheries Management (2009) .
  14. Moore, J.E., B.P. Wallace, R.L. Lewison, R. Žydelis, T.M. Cox and L.B. Crowder., A review of marine mammal, sea turtle and seabird bycatch in USA fisheries and the role of policy in shaping management., Marine Policy (2009) .
  15. Turnipseed, M., L.B. Crowder, R.D. Sagarin, and S.E. Roady., Legal bedrock for rebuilding America’s ocean ecosystems, Science (2009) .
  16. Boesch, D.F., W.R. Boynton, L.B. Crowder, R.J. Diaz, R.W. Howarth, L.D. Mee, S.W. Nixon, N.N. Rabalais, R. Rosenberg, J.G. Sanders, D. Scavia, and R.E. Turner., Nutrient enrichment drives Gulf of Mexico hypoxia., EOS Transactions AGU (2009) .
  17. Turnipseed, M., S.E. Roady, R. Sagarin and L.B. Crowder., The silver anniversary of the U.S.’s Exclusive Economic Zone: Twenty-five years of ocean use and abuse, and the possibility of a blue water public trust doctrine., Ecology Law Quarterly (2009) .
  18. Halpin, P.N., A.J. Read, B.D. Best, E. Fujioka, B. Donnelly, C. Kot, L.J. Hazen, D. Hyrenbach, and L. Crowder., OBIS-SEAMAP 2.0: Developing a research data commons for the ecological studies of marine mammals, seabirds and sea turtles., Oceanography (2009) .
  19. Turnipseed, M., L.B. Crowder, R.D. Sagarin, and S.E. Roady., Public Trust Doctrine: Response., Science (2009) .
  20. Gruby, R.L. and L.B. Crowder., Still waters run deep., Environmental Forum (2009) .
  21. Shackeroff, J.S., E.L. Hazen and L.B. Crowder., The oceans as peopled seascapes., in K.L. McLeod and H. Leslie (eds.) pp.33-54, In:Ecosystem-based Management for the Oceans. Island Press, Washington, DC. (2009) .
  22. Bolton, A.B., L.B. Crowder, M.G. Dodd, S.L. McPherson, J.A. Musick, B.A. Schroeder, B.E. Witherington and K.J. Long., Recovery plan for the North Atlantic population of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta). Second Revision., National Marine Fisheries Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Silver Spring, MD. (2009) .
  23. Soykan, C.U., J.E. Moore, R. Žydelis, L.B. Crowder, C. Safina, R.L. Lewison., An Introduction to the ESR Special Issue on Fisheries Bycatch., Endangered Species Research (2008) .
  24. Poonian, C.N.S., M.D. Hauzer, A. Ben Allaoui, T.M. Cox, J.E. Moore, A.J. Read, R.L. Lewison, and L.B. Crowder., Rapid assessment of sea turtle and marine mammal bycatch in the Union of the Comoros., Western Indian Journal of Marine Science (2008) (7:207-216..) .
  25. Grober-Dunsmore, R., L. Wooninck, J. Field, C. Ainsworth, J. Beets, S. Berkeley, J. Bohnsack, R. Boulon, R. Brodeur, J. Brodziak, L. Crowder, D. Gleason, M. Hixon, L. Kaufman, B. Lindberg, M. Miller, L. Morgan and C. Wahle, Vertical zoning in marine protected areas: Ecological considerations for balancing pelagic fishing with conservation of benthic communities., Fisheries, vol. 33 (2008), pp. 598-610 .
  26. Figueira, W.F., S.J. Lyman, L.B. Crowder, and G. Rilov., Small-scale demographic variability of the bicolor damselfish, Stegastes partitus, in the Florida Keys USA., Environmental Biology of Fishes, vol. 81 (2008), pp. 297-311 .
  27. Halpern, B.S., K.L. McLeod, A.A. Rosenberg, and L.B. Crowder., Managing for cumulative impacts in ecosystem-based management through ocean zoning., Ocean and Coastal Management, vol. 51 (2008), pp. 203-211 .
  28. Wallace, B. P., S. S. Heppell, R.L. Lewison, S. Kelez and L.B. Crowder., Impacts of fisheries bycatch on loggerhead turtles worldwide inferred from reproductive value analyses., Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 45 (2008), pp. 1076-1085 .
  29. Crowder, L.B. and E.A. Norse., Essential ecological insights for marine ecosystem-based management., Marine Policy, vol. 32 (2008), pp. 772-778 .
  30. Crowder, L.B., E.L Hazen, N. Avissar, R, Bjorkland, K. Latanich, M.B. Ogburn., The impacts of fisheries on marine ecosystems and the transition to ecosystem-based management., . Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, vol. 39 (2008), pp. 259-278 .
  31. Sims, M., R. Bjorkland, P. Mason and L.B. Crowder, Statistical power and sea turtle nesting beach surveys. How long and when?, Biological Conservation, vol. 141 (2008), pp. 2921-2931 .
  32. Oran R. Young, Gail Osherenko, Julia Ekstrom, Larry B. Crowder, John Ogden, James A. Wilson, Jon C. Day, Fanny Douvere, Charles N. Ehler, Karen L. McLeod, Benjamin S. Halpern, and Robbin Peach, Solving the Crisis in Ocean Governance, Environment, vol. 49 no. 4 (May, 2007), pp. 20-32 [pdf] .
  33. Eby, L.A., L.B.Crowder, C. M. McClellan, C.H. Peterson and M.J. Powers, Habitat degradation from intermittent hypoxia: Impacts on demersal fishes, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 291 (2005), pp. 249-262 .
  34. Craig, J.K., L.B. Crowder and T.A. Henwood, Spatial distribution of brown shrimp (Farfantepeneaus aztecus) on the northwestern Gulf of Mexico shelf: Effects of abundance and hypoxia, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 62 (2005), pp. 1295-1308 .
  35. Craig, J.K. and L.B. Crowder, Hypoxia-induced habitat shifts and energetic consequences in Atlantic croaker and brown shrimp on the Gulf of Mexico shelf., Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 294 (2005), pp. 79-94 .
  36. Heppell, S., D. Crouse, L. Crowder, S. Epperly, W. Gabriel, T. Henwood, R. Marquez, and N. Thompson, A population model to estimate recovery time, population size, and management impacts on Kemp's ridleys, Chelonian Conservation and Biology, vol. 4 (2005), pp. 767-773 .
  37. Coleman, F.C, W.F. Figueira, J. S. Ueland, and L.B. Crowder, The recreational fisher's perspective, Science 307 (March 11, 2005), pp. 1560-61 .
  38. Coleman, F.C, W.F. Figueira, J. S. Ueland, and L.B. Crowder, Global impact of recreational fisheries, Science 307 (March 11, 2005), pp. 1561-62 .
  39. Lewison, R.L., L.B. Crowder, A.J. Read and S.A. Freeman, Understanding impacts of fisheries bycatch on marine megafauna, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 19 (2004), pp. 598-604 .
  40. Lewison, R, S. Freeman and L. Crowder, Quantifying the effects of fisheries on protected species: The impact of pelagic longlines on loggerhead and leatherback sea turtles, Ecology Letters, vol. 7 no. 3 (2004), pp. 221-231 .
  41. Eby, L.A. and L.B. Crowder, Effects of localized hypoxic disturbances on an estuarine fish and crustacean community: A multi-scale approach, Estuaries, vol. 27 no. 2 (2004), pp. 342-351 .
  42. Coleman, F.C., W.F. Figueira, J. Ueland and L.B. Crowder, The impact of United States recreational fisheries on marine fish populations, Science 305 (September 24, 2004), pp. 1958-1960 (Published online 26 August 2004(DOI:10.1126/science.1100397.) .

Papers Accepted

  1. Stewart, K., M. Sims, A. Meylan, B. Witherington, B. Brost, and L.B. Crowder., Leatherback nests increasing significantly in Florida, USA: Trends assessed over 30 years using multi-level modeling., Ecol Appl (2010) .
  2. Bjorndal, K.A., B.W. Bowen, M. Chaloupka, L.B Crowder, S.S. Heppell, C.M. Jones, M.E. Lutcavage, D. Policansky, A.R. Solow, and B.E. Witherington., Better science needed for restoration in the Gulf of Mexico., Science (2010) .
  3. Hamann, M., M.H. Godfrey, J.A. Seminoff, K. Arthur, P.C.R. Barata, K.A. Bjorndal, A.B. Bolten, A.C. Broderick, L.M. Campbell, C. Carreras, P. Casale, M. Chaloupka, S.K.F. Chan, M.S. Coyne, L.B. Crowder, C.E. Diez, P.H. Dutton, S.P. Epperly, N.N. FitzSimmons, A. Formia, M. Girondot, G.C. Hays, C. I-Jiunn, Y. Kaska, R. Lewison, J.A. Mortimer, W.J. Nichols, R.D. Reina, K. Shanker, J.R. Spotila, J. Tomás, B.P. Wallace, T.M. Work, J. Zbinden, B.J. Godley., Global research priorities for sea turtles: Informing management and conservation in the 21st century., Endangered Species Research (2010) .
  4. Shackeroff, J.S., L.M. Campbell and L.B. Crowder., Social-ecological guilds: Putting people into marine historical ecology., Ecology and Society (2010) .
  5. Crowder, L.B. and S.S. Heppell., The decline and recovery of Kemp’s ridley sea turtles., Solutions (2010) .
  6. Lewison, R.L., C.U. Soykan, T. Cox, H. Peckham, N. Pilcher, N. LeBoeuf, S. McDonald, J. Moore, C. Safina, and L.B. Crowder., Ingredients for addressing the challenges of fisheries bycatch., Bulletin of Marine Science (2010) .
  7. Bolten, A.B., L.B. Crowder, M.G. Dodd, S.L. MacPherson, J.A. Musick, B.A. Schroeder, B.E. Witherington, K.J. Long, and M.L. Snover, Quantifying multiple threats to endangered species: An example from loggerhead sea turtles., Frontiers in Ecology and Environment (2009) .
  8. Bolton, A.B., L.B. Crowder, M.G. Dodd, S.L. McPherson, J.A. Musick, B.A. Schroeder, B.E. Witherington and K.J. Long, Recovery plan for the North Atlantic population of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) Second Revision, in National Marine Fisheries Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Silver Spring, MD. (2008) .
  9. Snover, M.L., A.A. Hohn, L.B. Crowder and S.S. Heppell, ge and growth in Kemp’s ridley sea turtles: Evidence from mark recapture and skeletochronology, in The Biology and Conservation of Ridley Sea Turtles, edited by P. Plotkin and S. Morreale, Ch. 8 (in press), Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution .
  10. S. Hoyt Peckham, David Maldonado Diaz, Andreas Walli, Georgita Ruiz, L.B. Crowder, and Wallace J. Nichols, Small-scale fisheries bycatch jeopardizes endangered Pacific loggerhead turtles, PLoS ONE , accepted 2007 [pdf] .

Papers Submitted

  1. Peckham, S.H., L.B. Crowder, R. Cudney-Bueno, C.J. Donlan, and C. Wilcox., Reducing bycatch of marine megafauna through interfishery conservation resource transfers., Conservation Letters (2010) .
  2. Žydelis R., R.L. Lewison, S.A. Shaffer, J.E. Moore, A.M. Boustany, J.J. Roberts, M. Sims, D.C. Dunn, B.D. Best, Y. Tremblay, M.A. Kappes, P.N. Halpin, D.P. Costa and L.B. Crowder., Dynamic habitat models: Using telemetry data to project fisheries bycatch., Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2010) .
  3. Finkbeiner, E.M., B.P. Wallace, J.E. Moore, R.L. Lewison, L.B. Crowder, and A.J. Read., Cumulative estimates of sea turtle bycatch and mortality in U.S.A. fisheries between 1990-2007., Biological conservation (2010) .
  4. Foley, M.M., B.S. Halpern, F. Micheli, M.H. Armsby, M.R. Caldwell, E. Prahler, D. Sivas, C.M. Crain, N. Rohr, M.W. Beck, M.H. Carr, L.B. Crowder, J.E. Duffy, S.D. Hacker, K. McLeod, C.H. Peterson, H.M. Regan, P.A. Sandifer, R.S. Steneck., Guiding ecological principles for marine spatial planning., Marine Policy (2009) .
  5. Snover, M.L., A.A. Hohn, L.B. Crowder, S.A. Macko., Combining stable isotopes and skeletal growth marks to reconstruct ontogenetic feeding ecology and growth rate sifts in juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta)., Endangered Species Research (2009) .
  6. Moore, J.E., T.M. Cox, R.L. Lewison, A.J. Read, R. Bjorkland, S.L. McDonald, L.B. Crowder, E. Aruna, I. Ayissi, P. Espeut, C. Joynson-Hicks, N. Pilcher, C. Poonian, B. Solarin, and J. Kiszka., An interview-based approach for triaging marine mammal and sea turtle bycatch in artisanal fisheries., Biological Conservation (2009) .
  7. Wallace, B.P., R.L. Lewison, S. McDonald, T. McDonald, C.Y. Kot, S. Kelez, R.K. Bjorkland, E.M. Finkbeiner, S. Helmbrecht, and L.B. Crowder., Global patterns of marine turtle bycatch., Conservation Letters (2009) .
  8. Donlan, C.J., D.K. Wingfield, L.B. Crowder and C. Wilcox., Assessing anthropogenic hazards to endangered species using expert opinion surveys: A case study with sea turtles., Conservation Biology (2009) .
  9. Moore, J.E., R. Žydelis, C.U. Soykan, S.L. McDonald, R.L. Lewison, and L.B. Crowder., Quantitative evaluation of marine mammal and seabird risk to fisheries bycatch., Conservation Biology (2009) .
  10. Peckham, S.H., L.B. Crowder, R. Cudney-Bueno, C.J. Donlan, and C. Wilcox., Reducing bycatch of marine megafauna through interfishery conservation resource transfers., Conservation Letters (2009) .
  11. Shackeroff, J.S., L.M. Campbell and L.B. Crowder., Social-ecological guilds: Towards a “peopling” of marine historical ecology., Ecology and Society (2009) .
  12. Stewart, K., M. Sims, A. Meylan, B. Witherington, B. Brost, and L.B. Crowder., Exponential increase in leatherback nesting in Florida, USA: Trends assessed over 30 years using mutli-level modeling., Ecological applications (2009) .
  13. Žydelis R., Lewison R.L., Shaffer S.A., Moore J.E., Boustany A.M., Roberts J., Sims M., Dunn D.C., Best B.D., Tremblay Y., Kappes M.A., Costa D.P. and Crowder L.B., Dynamic habitat models: A new approach to analyzing fisheries bycatch., Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2009) .
  14. Lavers, J.L., C. Wilcox, C.J. Donlan, D.K. Wingfield, and L.B. Crowder., Solving the ‘Crowder Problem’: Incorporating economic costs to changes in demographic rates for long-lived marine megafauna., Journal of Applied Ecology (2009) .
  15. Hamann, M., M.H. Godfrey, J.A. Seminoff, K. Arthur, P.C.R. Barata, K.A. Bjorndal, A.B. Bolten, A.C. Broderick, L.M. Campbell, C. Carreras, P. Casale, M. Chaloupka, S.K.F. Chan, M.S. Coyne, L.B. Crowder, C.E. Diez, P.H. Dutton, S.P. Epperly, N.N. FitzSimmons, A. Formia, M. Girondot, G.C. Hays, C. I-Jiunn, Y. Kaska, R. Lewison, J.A. Mortimer, W.J. Nichols, R.D. Reina, K. Shanker, J.R. Spotila, J. Tomás, B.P. Wallace, T.M. Work, J. Zbinden, B.J. Godley., Global research priorities for sea turtles: Informing management and conservation in the 21st century., Endangered Species Research (2009) .
  16. Smith, M.D., C.A. Roheim, L.B. Crowder, B.S. Halpern, M. Turnipseed, J.L. Anderson, F. Asche, L. Bourillón, A.G. Guttormsen, A. Khan, L.A. Liguori, A. McNevin, M. O’Connor, D. Squires, P. Tyedmers, C. Brownstein, K. Carden, D.H. Klinger, R. Sagarin, and K.A. Selkoe., Food security and the global seafood trade., Science (2009) .
  17. Poonian, C.N.S., M.D. Hauzer, A. Ben Allaoui, T.M. Cox, J.E. Moore, A.J. Read, R.L. Lewison, and L.B. Crowder, Rapid assessment of sea turtle and marine mammal bycatch in the Union of the Comoros., Western Indian Journal of Marine Science (2008) .
  18. Donlan, C. J., D. K. Wingfield, L. B. Crowder and C. Wilcox, Assessing anthropogenic hazards to endangered species using expert opinion surveys: A case study with sea turtles, Conservation Biology (2008) .
  19. Turnipseed, M., L.B. Crowder, R.D. Sagarin, and S.E. Roady, Legal bedrock for rebuilding America’s ocean ecosystems., Science (2008) .
  20. Poonian, C.N.S., M.D. Hauzer, A. Ben Allaoui, T.M. Cox, J.E. Moore, A.J. Read, R.L. Lewison, and L.B. Crowder, Rapid assessment of sea turtle and marine mammal bycatch in the Union of the Comoros., Western Indian Journal of Marine Science (200-) .

Working Papers

  1. R.L. Lewison and L.B. Crowder, Assessing effort and bycatch in small-scale coastal fisheries: Results from Jamaica, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Cameroon, and Nigeria., in Gilman, E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Technical Workshop on Mitigating Sea Turtle Bycatch in Coastal Net Fisheries. (2009) .
  2. Cooke, J., M. Bode, C. Clark, L. Crowder, J. Green, L. Loseto, M. Mangel, W. Munns, J.J. Ramasco, R. Reeves, W.H. Satterthwaite, R. Suydam, B. taylor, L. Weilgart, and A.J. Wright., Modeling the population effects of cumulative impacts., in Report of the Workshop on Assessing Cumulative Impacts of Underwater Noise with other Anthropogenic Stressors on Marine Mammals: From Ideas to Action (2009) .
  3. L.B. Crowder, Project GloBAL Final Report to the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (2009) .

Book Chapters

  1. Hazen, E.L. and L.B. Crowder, Fisheries ecology., in Alan Hastings and Louis Gross (eds.). Sourcebook in Theoretical Ecology. University of California Press (2010) .
  2. Shackeroff, J.S., E.L. Hazen and L.B. Crowder, The oceans as peopled seascapes, in Ecosystem-based Management for the Oceans, edited by K.L. McLeod and H. Leslie (2008), Island Press .

Books Published

  1. Bjorndal, K,A., B.W. Bowen, M. Chaloupka, L.B. Crowder, S.S. Heppell, C.M. Jones, M.E. Lutcavage, A.R. Solow and B.E. Witherington, Assessment of Sea Turtle Status and Trends: Integrating Demography and Abundance, in National Research Council, Ocean Studies Board, Washington, DC (2010) .
  2. Marine Conservation Biology: The Science of Maintaining the Sea’s Biodiversity, edited by Norse, E.A. and L.B. Crowder (2005), pp. 470 pp., Island Press, Washington, DC. .