Publications [#228740] of Daniel A. Livingstone

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Papers Published

  1. DA Livingstone, Age of deglaciation in the Ruwenzori Range, Uganda, Nature, vol. 194 no. 4831 (1962), pp. 859-860 [doi] .
    (last updated on 2016/04/09)

    THE massive fault-block of the Ruwenzori Mountains, which lies on the axis of the Western Rift between Uganda and the Congo, is the wettest of the high mountain areas in East Africa. For that reason it has more glaciers at present and has been more extensively glaciated in the past than any of the other tropical African mountains. Although relative ages have been estimated1,2, no absolute dates have been published for prehistoric glacial events in this or any other tropical African mountain area. © 1962 Nature Publishing Group.