Publications [#228748] of Daniel A. Livingstone

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Papers Published

  1. J Maley and DA Livingstone, ( Late Pleistocene and early Holocene extension of a mountain element in southern Ghana, West Africa: preliminary pollen data, Olean hochstetteri)., Comptes Rendus des Seances - Academie des Sciences, Serie III, vol. 296 no. 16 (1983), pp. 761-766 .
    (last updated on 2016/04/09)

    In sediments from Lake Bosumtwi dated between 15 000-8500 yr BP, the presence of Olean hochstetteri pollen with percentages between 3-8% demonstrates the spread of this typical mountain species to low altitudes. This may have been caused by a heavy cloud cover lasting most of the year coinciding with a lowering of the mean temperature of at least 2-3oC. -from English summary