Publications [#230940] of Marcy K. Uyenoyama
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- Uyenoyama, MK; Waller, DM, Coevolution of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression. III. Homozygous lethal mutations at multiple loci.,
Theoretical population biology, vol. 40 no. 2
(October, 1991),
pp. 173-210 [1788823], [doi] .
(last updated on 2025/01/27)Abstract:
We study the evolution of the rate of self-fertilization in response to deleterious mutations at multiple loci. Although partial selfing induces associations among loci even in the absence of linkage, associations among mutations at different loci are of a smaller order of magnitude than the mutation rate. Genotypes that carry homozygous lethal mutations in heterozygous form at i loci occur in frequencies of the order (Ti) mu i, in which T denotes the number of viability loci and mu the mutation rate. While associations between mutations at different loci remain small even under inbreeding, each viability locus develops an association with the modifier of the rate of self-fertilization that substantially affects the evolution of the breeding system. Positive associations between enhancers of selfing and haplotypes carrying multiple wild-type alleles and positive associations in heterozygosity between the modifier locus and the viability loci promote evolutionary increases in the rate of self-fertilization.