Publications [#374513] of Marcy K. Uyenoyama

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Papers Submitted

  1. M.K. Uyenoyama, Multilocus likelihoods in populations undergoing regular inbreeding (2023) .
    (last updated on 2023/12/20)

    Shared genealogical history can generate associations between neutral variants at distinct loci. This study introduces a compact method for deriving likelihoods based on samples of two-locus haplotypes. Interactions among genetic drift, mutation, crossing-over, and regular inbreeding (partial self-fertilization) determine levels of genetic diversity within each locus and the nature of associations between loci. Analogues of classical measures of disequilibrium are obtained from these likelihood distributions. Such associations derive from genealogical histories that include simultaneous coalescence events at the pair of loci. Scaled indices of disequilibrium that show monotonic dependence on rates of crossing-over, inbreeding, and mutation may prove useful for interpreting patterns of genome-scale variation.