Publications [#230194] of Mark D. Rausher

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Papers Published

  1. Rausher, MD; Odendaal, FJ, Switching and the pattern of host use by Battus philenor butterflies., Ecology, vol. 68 no. 4 (January, 1987), pp. 869-877, WILEY [doi] .
    (last updated on 2024/11/03)

    A model is presented that accounts mechanisticaly for the seasonal change in host-searching behavior exhibited by pipevine swallowtail butterflies in E Texas. The model assumes that the proportion of females searching for broad- (or narrow-) leaved hosts represents an equilibrium determined by the rates at which females switch search modes. Females switched search modes every 1-3h. Results were consistent with the assumption that switching occurs primarily when females alight on and oviposit on the host species for which they are not currently searching. The seasonal change in proportions of broad- and narrow-leaf searchers seems to be a consequence of a seasonal change in the rate at which females alight on hosts for which they were not currently searching. The latter change is possibly due to seasonal changes in the relative abundances of the 3 hosts and to changes in the degree to which surrounding vegetation interferes with a butterfly's ability to detect host plants. -from Authors