Publications [#229695] of Mohamed A. Noor


Papers Published

  1. Noor, MA; Smith, KR, Recombination, statistical power, and genetic studies of sexual isolation in Drosophila., The Journal of heredity, vol. 91 no. 2 (March, 2000), pp. 99-103 [doi] .
    (last updated on 2024/10/02)

    Genetic studies of sexual isolation in Drosophila have generally failed to fully evaluate the effects of their sample size and recombination between markers on their conclusions. In this study we evaluate recombinational distances between markers in Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis, a species pair in which numerous genetic mapping studies have been performed. We conclude that, contrary to assertions, the inversions that distinguish these two species still allow for much recombination within most of their chromosome arms in F1 hybrid females. Such recombination may have caused previous mapping studies in these species to miss (or grossly underestimate) the effects of several genomic regions. We also evaluate the effects of sample size and recombination on genetic studies of sexual isolation in other Drosophila species groups. We conclude that some of these studies may have been heavily biased toward detecting only genes of large effect. Future studies of sexual isolation should be preceded by detailed statistical power analyses that determine the effects of recombination and sample size in the species pair being studied to avoid these complications.